荷蘭傳奇朋克樂隊Neuroot 2018中國巡演

荷兰传奇朋克乐队Neuroot 2018中国巡演


作為荷蘭傳奇朋克樂隊活躍於歐洲八十年代,他們已兇猛精悍的音樂風格在歐洲地下音樂世界得到了硬核朋克,以及噪音界受到廣泛關注。1983年樂隊在德國推出"Macht Kaput Was Euch Kaput Macht"專輯,1986年美國著名金屬樂隊METALLICA封套設計師的個人廠牌Pusmort唱片發行了樂隊首張專輯,得到了METALLICA成員的肯定,以及1988年推出世界級專輯"Plead Insanity",該專輯在歐美日已不同形式發行並被再版,並且好評不斷,被朋克樂迷奉為經典。2017年樂隊復出並且在荷蘭Westervoort錄製了全新專輯"Obuy And Die"並在德國發行,樂隊將以新的面貌給樂迷們呈現多年來時間的積澱,更加融合了硬核,金屬,老實搖滾樂等多種傳統音樂元素,帶來新的朋克搖滾樂的新高度。

荷兰传奇朋克乐队Neuroot 2018中国巡演

Neuroot is a very well-known Hardcore, Punk band from the Netherlands that was active in the years 1981 - 1987. They got really famous because of their fast and relentless sound, pissed off 80s Hardcore, Punk for the nerds and Noise freaks. Their first tape "Macht Kaput Was Euch Kaput Macht" (1983), the "Right Is Might" EP (1986) and the "Plead Insanity" LP (1988) are called classic now and should not miss in a well sorted Punk collection. This was the past but now we live in the present and Neuroot are back. In 2018 the band releases their new album "Obuy And Die", seven songs where recorded in November 2017 at the Rocketdog Studios in Westervoort, The Netherlands. Yes of course, the wild youth of the band is gone but that doesnt mean you have to expect modern Sell-Out Punk Rock. The new Neuroot material might be a little bit slower, more melodic as many of you might expect, but believe me you will get a full dose of political Punk, Hardcore with some hints of Metal. The band members might have aged a little bit, but they still know how to deliver a great Punk Rock tradition.

荷兰传奇朋克乐队Neuroot 2018中国巡演

2018 中國巡演

Fri 22/6 北京 Beijing@School Bar 學校酒吧

Wed 27/6 成都 Chengdu @Jah Bar 家吧

Thu 28/6 重慶 Chongqing@ Nuts 堅果俱樂部

Fri 29/6 武漢 Wuhan@Wuhan Prison Bar噪謠酒吧






荷兰传奇朋克乐队Neuroot 2018中国巡演


