stay out of trouble, “待在麻煩外面”是要表達什麼呢?

stay out of trouble, “待在麻煩外面”是要表達什麼呢?

security: the department of a company or organization that deals with the protection of its buildings and equipment〔公司或機構的〕保安部門

"A security firm admitting that their security is breached?" (安保公司會承認他們的安保措施不夠嚴密嗎?)----美劇《貓鼠遊戲》

stay out of trouble, “待在麻煩外面”是要表達什麼呢?

not sb’s concern/none of sb’s concern: if something is not your concern, you are not interested in it and you do not need to worry about it or become involved in it 某人不感興趣的事;與某人無關的事

His affairs were none of her concern. 他的私事與她無關

stay out of trouble, “待在麻煩外面”是要表達什麼呢?

lost: if you are lost, you do not know where you are and are unable to find your way somewhere 迷路的

完整的句子應該是 Are you guys lost? 你們迷路了嗎?語中可以直接說 you guys lost?

stay out of trouble, “待在麻煩外面”是要表達什麼呢?

stay out of: 不參與,不插手;置身於…之外;

I hope you'll stay out of the affair while I'm away. 我外出時,希望你不要插手這事。

stay out of trouble 字面直譯是離麻煩遠一點,那就是別惹麻煩,別惹亂子。

That's all for today

May 22, 2018. XOXO

stay out of trouble, “待在麻煩外面”是要表達什麼呢?

