




June 11 marks China Population Day, which is a month ahead of World Population Day on July 11 every year. The day seeks to raise awareness of population issues the country is facing.

According to data from the country's National Bureau of Statistics, by the end of 2017, the total population of China's mainland had reached 1.39 billion, with the “Day of 1.4 Billion” on the way.

1.新生兒 Newborn



Statistics also show that some 17.23 million newborns were recorded nationwide last year, down by 630,000 compared with a year ago.

Yet despite the overall decline, the country saw more than 8.83 million babies born to families that already had one child. The proportion of babies born as a second child in 2017 rose to 51.2 percent — the highest since the 1980s, according to the figures.

2.老齡化 Aging population



Statistics from China National Committee on Aging (CNCA) show that by the end of 2017, the number of elderly people aged 60 and above in China reached 241 million, accounting for 17.3 percent of the total population.

The number of senior citizens in China is expected to peak at 487 million by 2050, accounting for 34.9 percent of the population. China is currently the only country in the world with an elderly population of more than 200 million people.

3. 城市人口 Urban population



Statistics also show that by the end of 2017, the permanent urban population exceeded 800 million, and the proportion of the total population (urbanization rate) was 58.52 percent, an increase of 1.17 percentage points from the end of the previous year.

Experts believe that the urbanization rate of China’s permanent urban population is still far away from that in developed countries, which is 80 percent in average. But it means that there will be huge potential released from the process of urbanization, which is also beneficial to economic development.

4. 剩男剩女 Leftovers



According to the report released in 2015 by the former National Health and Family Planning Commission, most unmarried men in China live in rural areas, while unmarried women are in urban areas.

Considering the gaps between urban and rural areas in China, the report also points out in some impoverished areas, some men are even “forced” to remain unmarried for life. But as for the group of 30 years old and above, the proportion of unmarried women in urban areas is much higher than that their counterparts in rural areas. The main reason is that with higher levels of education and economic independence, women living in urban areas may postpone marriage to pursue career development.

5.離婚人口 Divorced population



According to statistics from Ministry of Civil Affairs, 11.428 million couples registered for marriage in 2016, a 6.7 percent decrease from the previous year, and the marriage rate was 8.3 per thousand.

In the same year, a total of 4.158 million couples filed for divorce, indicating a divorce rate of 3.0 per thousand. The number of divorces in China has increased for 15 consecutive years since 2002. The post-80s generation has the highest divorce rate.

6.抑鬱症 Depression



The World Health Organization estimates that 322 million people of all ages suffer from depression in the world. According to a WHO report released in 2017, more than 54 million people (4.2% of the population) in China suffer from depression.

The findings also suggest that major depressive disorders are positively associated with poor interpersonal relationship, stressful life, as well as physical and mental disease.

As the pressure from work and life keeps growing in China, the prevalence of depression in professionals are reportedly high.

7.近視眼 Myopia boom



More than 450 million Chinese suffer from myopia (shortsightedness), according to statistics made public this month.

The myopia rates are around 30 percent for primary school students, 60 percent for junior middle-school students, 80 percent for senior high middle-school students, and 90 percent for college students. Chinese are suffering myopia at an earlier age with higher diopters, and the population of myopia sufferers keeps growing.

8. 公務員 Civil servants




According to statistics from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the number of candidates taking the National Public Servant Exam in China reached a seven-year high in 2018.

More than 120 central authorities and their agencies plan to recruit 28,500 people, while a total of 1,659,700 people passed the qualification examination, meaning they can take the exam. The ratio of qualified candidates to hired candidates is about 58:1.

9. 歪果仁 Foreigners in China





According to the official figures released by the Ministry of Education, more than 489,200 international students furthered their studies in China in 2017, an increase of over 10 percent for the second consecutive year, making China the biggest Asian country for oversea students.

China's State Immigration Administration (SIA) formally began operation on April 2. Since then, 1,881 foreigners have received their Chinese green cards over the last two months thanks to the optimization of the application process. The number is equivalent to the total number issued in 2017.




