


Uzi hits 3 items and they start losing super quick lol


"There is no way FW can win now that uzi has 3 items"

—— “等Uzi三件套了FW就赢不了了”(这是比赛时解说说的,然后被疯狂打脸)

The casters continuously talking about late game uzi, hyper farmer uzi, god uzi gave me such a headache. Not once did they care to mention the destruction maples Vladimir can unleash.


My solo queue gp woulda left the game 3min in




That game literally summed up Scout as a player. He went from God, to useless, to God all in one game. Wow.


this was the Meiko show. Master of the "1 HP escapes".


Afreeca never fails to randomly dissapoint me :(


Holy shit Scout. That was a god like performance.



A rare reminder that Deft was bullying every LPL ADCs including Uzi when he was in China.


Literally spat my coffee when I saw that 21% winrate for KT.


Kt rolster and performing when it doesnt matter as much, name a more iconic duo.

——KT vs 在无关紧要的比赛表现的出类拔萃,还有比这更铁的搭档么?

A Chinese team getting destroyed by the J4-Galio combo! Kinda funny.


SKT VS Machi 17

Whenever I see FW play I get hope for the LMS again. Then I watch an LMS team that is not FW play...


That was the most SKT game I've ever seen.


most likely the only international tournament they will attend this year


Faker, Bang and Wolf might go to All stars but yeah I doubt they make worlds


Kt with the clean vision control victory, SKT with the bloodbath teamfight victory.

Truly the KT (KounTer Logic) timeline


(KT=Kounter logic=Counter logic,为什么这地方还要戳CLG一刀呢)

What a boring game. M17 does nothing, absolutely nothing.

Now I'm wondering how can FW be this good internationaly with such a trash competition in their region. Scrims certainly.


It's nice to see SKT occasionally win



Complete bloodbath, didn't expect both teams to be so aggresive.


This has to be the least bloody KT game I've ever seen


Is this where we cheer for ward kills?


Nah, this is where we cheer for csing.


So close to ending it 1-1 :(


would have gone to extra time too.


