用英語學數學|第四課《Every Buddy Counts》數數好朋友(上)

用英語學數學|第四課《Every Buddy Counts》數數好朋友(上)

用英語學數學|第四課《Every Buddy Counts》數數好朋友(上)

轉載自“常青藤爸爸” ID:ivydad_ivydad

今天我們為大家講解的是《Every Buddy Counts》 數數好朋友(上)。如果想看之前內容,請關注文末拓展閱讀鏈接。







count /kaunt/v.數數,計算

count up 統計

count on 依靠,指望

buddy /'bʌdi/n. 夥伴,密友,小男孩

crummy /'krʌmi/adj. 狀態不好的,糟糕的

yucky /jʌki/adj. 討人厭的,不愉快的

wake up 醒來

cheery /'tʃiəri/adj. 愉快的,活潑的

hamster /'hæmstə/ n. 倉鼠

hold /həuld/v. 託著,捧著

play trumpets /trʌmpits/ 演奏喇叭

next-door adj. 鄰居家的,隔壁的

penny/'peni/ n. 美分

bank /bæŋk/ n. 存錢罐,銀行

slinky /'sliŋki/ adj. 線條優美的

bubbly /'bʌbli/ adj. 多泡的,泡泡的

playmate /'pleimeit/ n. 玩伴

stare /stɛə/ at 注視,凝望

cuddly /'kʌdli / adj. 可愛的,令人想抱抱的

snuggle /'snʌgl/ vi. 依偎,舒適地蜷縮



用英語學數學|第四課《Every Buddy Counts》數數好朋友(上)

常媽: Wow, toys are everywhere. 小小常,到處都是玩具,你這是要來個Toy Parade玩具遊行麼?

小小常:媽媽你猜對了!I want to have a toyparade.玩具們都要參加。



常媽:我們把同一類的玩具,放一起,排成隊We put them together, sort them out and then line them up.

小小常:嗯,那我來給他們分類: trucks stay with trucks卡車和卡車在一起, planes and planes飛機和飛機在一起, cars and cars汽車們在一起, buses公共汽車分一隊,bears熊, soldiers小士兵, dinosaurs恐龍, supermen超人,a transformer變形金剛, 還有好多隻大老虎tigers!

常媽: Um, It looks better now. 現在看起來好多了。我們先按照每種玩具的數量來給他們排排隊。這裡有一個變形金剛one, one, one transformer.

小小常:One,one, one transformer. 一個變形金剛。One transformer feels lonely. 一個變形金剛可真孤獨。

常媽:這裡有超人陪它How many supermen do we have?One,two,two supermen. We have two supermen. 我們有兩個超人。Two, two. Two supermen.

小小常:One superman, two supermen. Two, two, two supermen. Two supermen stand in a line. 兩個超人排一起。

常媽:下面,整理泰迪熊吧:How many teddy bears do we have ? One , two , three , three teddy bears 三隻熊. Three, three, three. We have three teddy bears. 我們有三隻熊。

小小常:Three teddy bears. One teddy bear, two teddy bears, three teddy bears. One-two-three. Three teddy bears.

常媽: Three bears stand in a line. 三隻泰迪熊排一隊。下面是恐龍了dinosaurs. One, two, three, four, four dinosaurs 四隻恐龍. Four, four, four. We have four dinosaurs. 我們有四隻恐龍。

小小常: One dinosaur, two dinosaurs, three dinosaurs, four dinosaurs. We have four dinosaurs. I put them in a line. 我把它們放一排。

常媽:該整理公共汽車了 how many buses do we have? One - two - three - four - five, five buses 五輛公交車. Five ,five , five. You have five buses.

小小常:I have five buses: one bus, two buses, three buses, four buses, five buses. Five, five.


小小常:媽媽你看,我的一隻手上有5根手指頭。1-2-3-4-5 five fingers. One hand has five fingers.


小小常:媽媽,如果大拇指是1,食指是2,中指是3,無名指是4,小手指是 5,順著數就是:1-2-3-4-5,反過來從小手指開始數就是5-4-3-2-1.


小小常: Five-four-three-two-one.媽媽,這個並不難!


小小常:One two three four. Four-three-two-one.Four three two one!


Very good!好啦,我們還有好幾種玩具沒有整理呢。接下來整理汽車cars. One-two-three-four-five-six. Six, six, six cars 6輛汽車. Six, six. You have six cars.

小小常:One car, two cars, three cars, four cars, five cars, six cars. I have six cars. Six, six. Six - five - four - three - two - one. 好啦,我把汽車排好隊了。

常媽:Nice. 下面到大老虎了。 One - two -three- four - five - six - seven, seven tigers 7只老虎. Seven, seven, s-e-v-en, seven. Seven tigers. You have seven tigers. 你有七隻大老虎。

小小常:One tiger, two tigers, three tigers, four tigers, five tigers, six tigers, seven tigers. I have seven tigers. Seven, seven. Seven-six-five-four-three-two-one. I put my seven tigers in a line. 我給七隻老虎排排隊。

常媽:咦,這兒有這麼多飛機One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Eight planes. 8 架飛機。Eight, eight, ei-ght. eight planes. You have eight planes. 你有八架飛機。

小小常:我來給飛機排隊嘍。One plane, two planes, three planes, four planes, five planes, six planes, seven planes, eight planes. I have eight planes. Eight, eight. Eight- seven- six- five- four- three- two-one.

常媽: Perfect! Now let’s count the trucks. 現在我們數數卡車吧。One - two - three - four - five - six - seven - eight -nine. Nine trucks. 9 輛卡車。Nine, nine, ni-ne. Nine trucks. You have nine trucks. 你有九輛卡車。

小小常: One truck, two trucks, three trucks, four trucks, five trucks, six trucks, seven trucks, eight trucks, nine trucks. I have nine trucks. Nine-eight-seven-six- five- four- three- two - one. 我給他們排好隊咯。

常媽:只剩下最後這些士兵啦!One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Ten soldiers. 10名士兵。 Ten, ten, t-en, ten. Ten soldiers.十名士兵。You have ten soldiers. That’s a lot!

小小常:I have ten soldiers. One soldier, two soldiers, three soldiers, four soldiers, five soldiers, six soldiers, seven soldiers, eight soldiers, nine soldiers, ten soldiers.我要給他們排整齊!Ten- nine- eight- seven- six- five- four- three- two-one.

常媽: Wow,遊行隊伍全都排列好了。The parade is ready!

小小常:Yay! My toyparade is the best! 我的玩具遊行是最棒的!


用英語學數學丨第一課 《A Pair of Socks》(一雙襪子)

用英語學數學丨第二課 《The Best Bug Parade》(最棒的蟲子遊行)

用英語學數學丨第三課《 Circus Shapes》馬戲團裡的各種形狀(上)

用英語學數學 | 第三課《Circus Shapes》馬戲團裡的各種形狀(下)


