



“ Some people think the most important thing about being rich is that it gives an opportunity to help other people. To what extent do you agree or disagree?”








If being rich is being happy, can helping others be a super-happiness? The resounding answer is yes. The rich would feel even a higher degree of happiness, particularly when they are giving for causes that they are passionate about.




(2)resounding 響亮的

(3)giving 給予;捐獻;奉獻

(4)be passionate about... 對......充滿激情


Generally, those who are happiest are those who give the most to others, according to ancient wisdom and new research. It makes conventional sense that helping other people in need is a path to everlasting happiness. As the Chinese saying goes: “If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody.” Scientific experiments also show that altruism, or selfless concern for the well-being of others, is hard-wired in the brain, and it is pleasurable. In view of all this information, helping others may be just the secret to living a life that is both happy and meaningful.




(2)ancient wisdom 古老的智慧

(3)people in need 需要幫助的人

(4)everlasting 持久的

(5)as the Chinese saying goes,... 正如中國諺語所說......

(6)altruism 利他主義

(7)well-being 利益

(8)hard-wired 存在於內心深處的

(9)in view of 鑑於;考慮到



However, it is important to remember that helping others does not always make the rich feel the happiness they deserve. In some cases, giving can make the rich feel taken advantage of, even though it is the right thing to do. Therefore, to be really happy in helping others, the rich can choose the causes they love. Meanwhile, giving to a cause that specifies where their money is going can lead to a positive feeling of everlasting happiness rather than a negative feeling of resentment. Understandably, it is not only how much money they give, but also how much love they put into giving.




(2)deserve 應得到......

(3)take advantage of 利用;欺騙

(4)specify 清楚說明

(5)resentment 怨恨


In giving, rich people can choose the causes that fit them to achieve a high degree of happiness. The best thing the rich can do with their money, therefore, is not just being able to help others, or even how much they can help, but being able to help for the right causes.




(2)fit 適合

(3)achieve 達到,實現


If being rich is being happy, can helping others be a super-happiness? The resounding answer is yes. The rich would feel even a higher degree of happiness, particularly when they are giving for causes that they are passionate about.

Generally, those who are happiest are those who give the most to others, according to ancient wisdom and new research. It makes conventional sense that helping other people in need is a path to everlasting happiness. As the Chinese saying goes: “If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody.” Scientific experiments also show that altruism, or selfless concern for the well-being of others, is hard-wired in the brain, and it is pleasurable. In view of all this information, helping others may be just the secret to living a life that is both happy and meaningful.

However, it is important to remember that helping others does not always make the rich feel the happiness they deserve. In some cases, giving can make the rich feel taken advantage of, even though it is the right thing to do. Therefore, to be really happy in helping others, the rich can choose the causes they love. Meanwhile, giving to a cause that specifies where their money is going can lead to a positive feeling of everlasting happiness rather than a negative feeling of resentment. Understandably, it is not only how much money they give, but also how much love they put into giving.

In giving, rich people can choose the causes that fit them to achieve a high degree of happiness. The best thing the rich can do with their money, therefore, is not just being able to help others, or even how much they can help, but being able to help for the right causes.

(304 words)



