Quick access to E-commerce for overseas entrepreneurs

Quick access to E-commerce for overseas entrepreneurs

On Sep. 6th, an international e-commerce event on “START YOUR E-COMMERCE BUSINESS” was held inK-TECH Hongqiao International Entrepreneurship Service Center.

Quick access to E-commerce for overseas entrepreneurs

Regarding the China's e-commerce market unique model, we have reached the attention of many overseas entrepreneurs in Shanghai.

A very special attention for our two e-commerce experts, Julien Sicard and Yuanyuan. They have introduced us a pedagogic way to use Shopify and Wechat mini programs. That way, all new entrepreneurs in Shanghai will be able to overcome its visibility on the huge Chinese market.

Quick access to E-commerce for overseas entrepreneursQuick access to E-commerce for overseas entrepreneurs

The event was kickstarted by Julien, the co-founder of Genius Encel, to introduce Shopify —— a SaaS based online shopping cart tool that enables cross-border electronic business by creating their own online station. Users are able to use a variety of themes, templates, and apps to create their own online store after paying the fee required.

Julien has showed us how to use Shopify to create a fancy and practical online store after introducing the fantastic features of Shopify.

Quick access to E-commerce for overseas entrepreneursQuick access to E-commerce for overseas entrepreneurs

Yuanyuan, founder of TechXQueen, has introduced how to use the WeChat mini program to edit the e-commerce platform. WeChat mini program has developed rapidly and become one of the top apps for iOS and Android and one of the modern bellwethers of creativities industries. Yuan Yuan has also showed us how to easily edit a WeChat mini program.

Quick access to E-commerce for overseas entrepreneursQuick access to E-commerce for overseas entrepreneurs

Pizza, snacks, soft drinks and beerswere on us to assure a relaxed and friendly atmosphere that KTECH environment provides totheir entrepreneurs in order to reach the most opportunities in Shanghai.

Quick access to E-commerce for overseas entrepreneursQuick access to E-commerce for overseas entrepreneursQuick access to E-commerce for overseas entrepreneurs

Can’t wait to see you again at KTech international incubator !!

Quick access to E-commerce for overseas entrepreneurs

For more information, please follow us on Facebook and Linkedin.

Quick access to E-commerce for overseas entrepreneurs



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Quick access to E-commerce for overseas entrepreneurs


Quick access to E-commerce for overseas entrepreneursQuick access to E-commerce for overseas entrepreneursQuick access to E-commerce for overseas entrepreneursQuick access to E-commerce for overseas entrepreneurs

