
J.R Smith not allowed to show his "Supreme" tattoo on court


[Charania] Sources on @TheAthleticNBA @WatchStadium: NBA informed Cleveland's J.R. Smith he would be fined per game during season for "Supreme" tattoo on his leg, unless it is covered, and Smith plans to have conversations with league about situation.




[–]Knicksburninator3343 194 指標 4小時前

Can I pay to see this conversation?


[–]Lakersdarklord0530 194 指標 4小時前

Lmao. This would only happen to J.R.


[–]HornetsYizWasHere 81 指標 4小時前

Supreme better cover these fines for him smh


[–]CavaliersDorisBurkeSucks 282 指標 5小時前

Supreme gonna cover the fines like Nike covered MJ's fines.


[–][BOS] Jaylen BrownJaylenBrown7 1082 指標 5小時前

Supreme boutta pay the fine every game


[–][TOR] OG Anunobyjovijovi99 564 指標 4小時前

Supreme should pay it and call it an endorsement.


[–]KnicksRustedWheel 195 指標 4小時前

That's the point. NBA wants to be paid for the advertising.


[–][BOS] Eddie HouseWeAreBert 96 指標 1小時前

He'll get suspended eventually. NBA really can't allow this or dudes will be tattooing brands on their foreheads for endorsement money in no time


[–][TOR] Pops Mensah-BonsuSaprano44 44 指標 4小時前

He got the tattoo without talking to Supreme about it either, just something he decided to do by his own free will


[–]CelticsBacca18121 177 指標 5小時前

I feel for JR this is kinda rediculous; I think it's a corny tattoo but it has absolutely zero impact on how basketball is played during games


[–][TOR] Hakeem Olajuwonleft_earf 338 指標 5小時前

The real issue here is the fact that he has a Supreme tattoo in the first place


[–]Cavaliersowlthathurt 49 指標 3小時前

I mean he’s really into fashion and actually modeled supremes NBA collab they did. So it’s not tooo ridiculous. Not something I’d get tatted though.


[–]76ersTheHeliosNebula 189 指標 3小時前

Its absolutely ridiculous to get any company's logo tatted on you unless you own that company imo


[–][CLE] Kevin LoveYvonaukon 244 指標 5小時前

You can't even see his tattoo during broadcast and the dude is covered so it just blends in


[–]RaptorsSmurfBearPig 235 指標 3小時前

It's about setting a precedent. If the league tolerated this it would only be a matter of time until a rookie get's taco bell tattooed on his forehead.

猛龙球迷:就不能开这个先河。如果联盟放JR一马,那以后迟早会有哪个新秀在自己的脑门上纹一个 “塔可钟”[译注1]。


[–]NBArabbitcfh 147 指標 3小時前

God please let that happen.


[–]WestVerySadAllTheTime 115 指標 4小時前

What the fuck? Leave him alone


[–]MajorLeagueLactose 112 指標 4小時前

Probably a sponsorship issue. If they allow this, companies can pay players to get temporary tattoos of companies that are rivals to NBA sponsors.


[–]RaptorsFlameOfWar 92 指標 5小時前

NBA probably have advertising partners that don't want any focus to be on the Supreme tattoo. What they don't realize is that stupid rules and controversy like this just draws more attention to it.


[–]RaptorsKluey 64 指標 4小時前

Is it just a stupid rule or is it NBA literally abiding by their contract?

I don't think Adam Silver cares whether or not JR has a tattoo. I think NBA lawyers might care though if their paying sponsors have a problem with it.



[–]Buckssdmke1999 403 指標 4小時前

lmfao NBA turning into NFL


[–]mrilly 156 指標 4小時前

Supreme about to get a shit ton of free publicity now thanks to JR and the NBA. And JR isn't even being paid by Supreme lol


[–][SAS] Dominique Wilkinsbloomingzonda 90 指標 4小時前

Can we start fining everyone for really stupid tattoos?


[–]RaptorsMarkellNelson 219 指標 4小時前

That’s bullshit. Melo has a WB tattoo. You can’t start policing what people put in their bodies. It’s their skin. This is just ridiculous


[译注2]Warner Brothers的LOGO。即华纳兄弟娱乐公司。


[–]Trail BlazersKD_43 114 指標 4小時前

No mello's WB tattoo stands for Will Barton his favorite player


[–][SEA] Kevin DurantzhaireGOATsmith 10 指標 4小時前

Melo's tattoo stands for West Baltimore. Idk if it really makes any difference since they look identical but it's not like he got a Warner Bros tattoo.


[–]RaptorsMarkellNelson 48 指標 4小時前

It’s literally the Warner Bros logo lol. Doesn’t matter what he says it stands for... it’s clearly their logo


[–]Grizzliesdimaar 567 指標 4小時前

JR Smith the type of guy to cover his supreme tattoo with a supreme shooting sleeve


[–]Needtogetbigger 157 指標 4小時前

I hope he does, meme team for the win.


[–]BullsThing_n_Stuffs 287 指標 3小時前

He should tattoo it to his face. What's the league going to make him do? Make him wear a bag over his head? I guess it really wouldn't affect his game either way.


[–]orkun_2106 113 指標 3小時前

Make him wear the black mask


[–]Eastgoldspikes470 90 指標 2小時前

He should tattoo it to his face.

This comment made me realize how fucking stupid it is for the league to care about this



[–]Raja3003 95 指標 3小時前

It’s a streetwear brand that is primarily associated with “hypebeasts” aka people who are more concerned with brands than fashion.


[–][CLE] Kyrie IrvingWorldBFlat 59 指標 2小時前

most of their stuff is lazily slapping their logo on some hoodies and shit, little kids with rich parents eat it up. their more complicated stuff usually ends pretty tacky. they used to have a better reputation as one of the OG streetwear brands.


[–]RaptorsTrillination 1264 指標 5小時前

JR's life is just one continuous curb your enthusiasm theme song



[–]Buckstherightgayguy 90 指標 4小時前*

Ehh... except it's for real and the shit he's pulled off over the years even took someone's life. Stars really shouldn't be getting role-model attention levels outside their field, and even there JR lets down every now and then.

Besides, who the fuck tattoos a streetwear brand logo on their body?



[–]Wizardshappyflappypancakes 72 指標 3小時前

Who the fuck here is calling him a role model? Like, get what you are crusading for here, but JR is a walking joke on this sub.


