
Damian Lillard: “Jr Smith really gone get fined for showing his tat? They own his body ?”


[Weiss] I’ve talked to a bunch of players about this and there is a lot of concern about the league controlling freedom of cdth on players’ bodies. A few brought up the fact that other players in recent history have had tats of logos and this hasn’t been enforced on them.




[–][LAL] Magic JohnsonIAm-What-IAm[S] 2018 指標 1 天前

All NBA players who stand by JR must now get Supreme tats to show solidarity


[–][BOS] Rajon Rondo_MXVII 516 指標 1 天前*

On thei faces so everyone has to play in masks.


[–]Trail BlazersIsMiseOzz 496 指標 1 天前

Here's an interesting twitter thread on other players with branding on their bodies that they haven't had to cover up






[–]Trail BlazersJoeybits 245 指標 22小時前

I'm more interested in why multiple players have Johnny Bravo tattoos.

我更感兴趣的是为什么这么多球员都纹了Johnny Bravo。

[–]Wizardslivefreeordont 198 指標 21小時前

Cause he was a womanizer and wasn’t afraid to go after a woman with a boyfriend


[–]Trail Blazersingeniopolis 311 指標 14小時前

Why not just get a Tony Parker tattoo instead?


[–]Warriors__BlackSheep 236 指標 23小時前

how do 3 dudes have Mario tattood on them.

Also Iman Shumpert with Johnny Bravo. Makes me root for him more.


还有,香珀特身上纹了Johny Bravo哈哈。我更挺他了。

[–][POR] Shabazz Napiermccainjames11 105 指標 21小時前

Well one of them is Mario Chalmers


[–]Trail BlazersIsMiseOzz 261 指標 1 天前

Obviously ridiculous question, but what if a player has a birthmark that looks exactly like a brand logo?


[–]LakersWhat_Do_It 660 指標 1 天前

I believe that makes them the property of the company, legally speaking. Many people don't realize this is what happened to Ronald McDonald as a boy.


[–]jeeeegs 453 指標 23 小時前

Its in the CBA. This is a non issue.


[译注1]此处指Collective Bargaining Agreement集体谈判协议(劳资协议)。

[–]CelticsBobwhilehigh 130 指標 23小時前

this should be at the top. Everyone should be mad at the CBA, not the NBA lol


[–]Dank94 96 指標 22小時前

What's wrong with he Chinese Basketball Association?


[–]Trail BlazersStreetMailbox 134 指標 22小時前

It's not enforced consistently, so it certainly is an issue.

Melo has the Warner Bros. logo on his shoulder. Why hasn't he been told to cover it up?



[–]raccoonfarts 117 指標 22小時前

NBA has an official clothing sponsor and Supreme competes with them.


[–]SupersonicsHaejang-guk 355 指標 1 天前

No, they control which ads are shown during their games. This is no different than Team USA making certain players cover their shoe logos.


[–]RocketsSuperawesomecoolman 138 指標 1 天前

What would happen if JR got a tattoo of a penis on his face? Would they blur it or make him wear a mask?


[–][TOR] OG AnunobyDeMVP_DeMar 313 指標 1 天前

What type of dickhead would get a penis tattooed on their face


[–][MIA] Dion Waitersjbenson255 334 指標 1 天前


[–][GSW] Stephen CurryMEmpire25 333 指標 10小時前

I personally see some issues with brand tattoos because the line before it becomes an ad is a murky one and i understand how that could turn into a loophole for easy sponsorship... BUT the policy needs to be both clear and consistent and the league should address these concerns.


[–][TOR] Vince CarterWalterDwight 160 指標 10小時前

This is some crazy future shit youd see in a satirical movie. We made it boys


[–]NBAmopiwan 59 指標 9小時前

NBA can ask a high price for Nike (or any other advertising partner) to advertise because they enforce rules like this.

The players then get half of the money coming in.

Everything works out great as long as players don't undermine this relationship by getting a competing brand tatted on their leg.




If the players really want the freedom to wear whatever they want, Lebron could probably speak to some people at Nike and get it OK'd.


[–]chrisrodm 674 指標 1 天前*

welcome to the real world where you can't rock up to work looking any way you like...yes there are things employers can tell you to do with your appearance if you want to work for them. im sure the tens of millions you get paid will ease the pain of not being able to show off one of your dozens of tats.


[–]WarriorsPinheadXXXXXX 76 指標 22小時前

NBA isn't the real world though. It wouldn't exist without the players.


[–]HeatMiamiFootball 507 指標 22小時前

few businesses would exist without employees


[–]WarriorsPinheadXXXXXX 71 指標 22小時前

Yes but normal employees are thousands of times more disposable.


[–]CavaliersAMos050 163 指標 22小時前

This is situational and largely irrelevant. If the players don't want the league doing this, then they need to bring it up at the next CBA.


[–][DEN] Juan Hernangomezsyanide1 72 指標 10小時前

It's not all black and white and should be handled on case-by-case basis. With JR, it's clear as day it's a sponsorship move because the dude is doing business with Supreme and suddenly now he has an enormous fucking ad on his calf.


[–]RaptorsDeArmani_DeBooker 91 指標 10小時前

I believe Oubre was fined for wearing the supreme leg sleeve which also had the Nike and NBA logo on it. I have no idea how these rules are enforced and players probably feel the same way. Some consistency is required.


[–][GSW] Stephen CurryMEmpire25 103 指標 9小時前

It's not about that... You can do whatever you want with your body, but just like freedom of speech, you can say whatever you want but you're not entitled to a platform to it. The NBA is not a public space. The TV time of the NBA is expensive and every brand featured is paying heavily for it or at least cutting deals with the league.


This creates a loophole. And that money the league makes isn't going to some corporate black box, it's used to run the league and in part to pay the players. So it's an established arrangement between all parts.


The league has no right to say what you do to your body, but they are not obligated to show it to the world. The debate here is, when the players sign a contract they are choosing to abide to a set of rules. And the NBA must establish how this fits within their rules and then stick by that all the time. And maybe they are fine with letting everything being broadcasted, but it's their call to make.


My own opinion, JR and others in similar situations have the right to do those tattoos, and have the right to show it off on Instagram and social media. But NBA TV time is up to the league. Only caveat, as i said, it has to be established in the rules and consistent, not just a corporate whim.


