


1. 背景與申請

1.1 自己申請總結









還有一個悉尼科技大學,一開始老師給了一個csc邀請信,後來自己申學校全獎給了conditional offer。結構檢測。不過也應該不考慮去了。


1.2 擇校選擇



排名:比我的碩士母校高100名以上,QS THE ARWU USNEWS任何一個榜高HIT 100+即可。所以澳門大學被排除了。

學科專業:能不學土木就不學了。如果沒有地產金融 綠色建築這種offer,在幾個土木的offer中,無疑,悉尼大學最合適。可是既然來了地產金融,那就沒辦法了。悉尼大學遺憾出局。同理悉尼科技也是再見了。




1.3 獎學金金額


香港:政府獎學金HKPFS(還是HKFPS來著,忘了)20000港幣/月,普通獎學金16000港幣/月。普通獎學金具體根據學校會有不同,比如城大是16200,理工是16400,港大是16330,中文印象中是15800 。總之都是16000上下幾百塊浮動。



美帝:全獎聽說是cover學費+2400刀/月。但是我沒申過也不瞭解。CSC是學費免除+2000/1800/1700 刀 per month。分地區的。比如紐約應該是2000,而田納西,印第安納,麻省,應該是1700/月。

1.4 其他申請情況

1.4.1 自家學妹


拿到英國一些一二百名開外的大學的人力資源master offer,考上了本校的學碩,還有香港城市大學建造管理master offer. 最終選擇cityu建造管理。

1.4.2 外校熟人

LX:本科211碩士985,土木工程,本科專業第一92+,碩士82.3,託福105+GRE325,獎項不清楚,碩士有一篇中文EI. 南加大全獎被拒,目前有阿爾伯塔和西安大略的全獎,申了普度的CSC。

MG:本碩985(一個學校),均分都是85左右,土木工程,託福94+GRE317,UIUC沒消息,德州奧斯丁被拒,莫納什CSC offer,米蘭理工全獎。


KOP:本科非211碩士澳洲八大,人力資源行政管理類,本科績點3.67碩士3.35(她說是換算的我也不知道咋換算的),雅思7已經失效(在英語國家讀書可以不考英語考試),香港中文沒消息,香港城大全獎offer班(但是沒到16000),日本的一個大學的全獎offer,本校的CSC offer。

1.4.3 網絡論壇



本科國內985與國外大學合辦的學校,碩士UIUC,經濟類專業,本科績點3.2+碩士績點3.8,103+319,密歇根,匹茲堡,威斯康星被拒,南加大PhD 小獎,康涅狄格,渥太華PhD 無獎,阿爾伯塔全獎。

本科985 學分績3.77,碩士國科大,學分績3.65.本科信管碩士管科,104+325,羅格斯大學公共政策PhD 全獎 offer。


本科985,學分績89+,專業前4%,數理統計大數據類專業,申請master,拿到牛津offer,倫敦政經+蘇黎世聯邦理工+帝國理工+倫敦政經+UCL 無獎offer。

本科985,雅思7+gmat730,學分績3.8/4.0,金融系,申請新加坡國立金融PhD被拒,拿到新國立的量化金融和金融工程master offer.


2.1 撰寫依據



2.2 港校導師


Good evening Prof.~! I am a master student in Harbin institute of technology. You could call me Jun. I plan to apply for HKU, which is a dream for me since I went to college. My undergraduate study direction is civil engineering and master's project is structural engineering.

I know that the HKU has a strong background in business and management. I am interested in your studying area (such as mathematical modeling). During my undergraduate years, I have won many awards in national or provincial mathematical modeling completions, and I really like the idea of "solving practical problems by mathematical methods", especially solving financial engineering problems.

Attachment is my CV and certificates. I will graduate in 2019.1. If your team want to hire some PhD students, I hope to apply for your team in 2019.

Best regards


Good afternoon Dr~ ! I am a master student in Harbin institute of technology. You could call me Jun.I plan to apply for HKUST at this year,which is a dream for me since I went to college.My undergraduate study direction is structural engineering and master's project is earthquake engineering.

In July 2017, I attended the 8th National Graduate Summer School in Southeast University.At the summer school, I made an academic report entitled "the most unfavorable vibration selection and sorting".At the same time, I saw your lecture on the website of the college of civil engineering, southeast university.I'm very interested in your lecture "ZXXXXX",and I hope to learn about BIM, project management direction.

Attachment is my CV, transcripts and certificates.My recent TOEFL score is 90(Oct.2017)

Best wishes


Good afternoon Dr.~! I am a master student in Harbin institute of technology. You could call me Jun. My undergraduate study direction is civil engineering and master's project is structural engineering.

My father works in agricultural bank of China and I have studied civil engineering 6 years, we are interested in the relationship between housing boom and bank credit. My father thinks highly of your paper "~~~~" , so he encouraged me to send you an email to ask about the admissions.

Attachment is my CV and application form. I will graduate in 2019.1. If your team want to hire some PhD students, I hope to apply for your team in 2019.

Best regards

2.3 澳洲套詞


Hi,Dr. ~! I am a master of civil engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Xu Hejun. I will graduate next year ,and plan to apply for PhD. The research direction of my master's thesis is determined : SSSSSS(earthquake engineering). I think it has a certain relationship with your research direction.Therefore,I hope I can successfully applied to the SydneyU PhD.

PS: My TOEFL is 90 and Attachment is my CV, transcripts and certificates.

Best wishes


Good evening Prof.~!I am a master student in Harbin institute of technology. You could call me Jun. Last week, HIT sent documents about the CSC application of Australian, I know that the UTS has a strong background in civil engineering. I saw your message on the Internet and I am interested in your studying area (such as Structural Dynamic). I have studied some related courses such as earthquake engineering, structural dynamics etc. So I send this e-mail to you to express my wanting.

My undergraduate study direction is structural engineering and master's project is also structural engineering. I think my academic background has certain relation with your research direction.

Attachment is my CV and transcripts. I got my first TOEFL some days ago, it was 90 points(reach enrollment requirement) and I think it has some improvement in future. I would like to apply CSC and choose to enroll in 18Fall or 19spring.


Dear Dr.~

I am a master of civil engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, JUN. I will apply for PhD in 2017. I am engaged in seismic engineering research at Harbin Institute of Technology . The research direction of my master's thesis was determined : SSSSS. I think it has relationship with your research direction(structural resilience)and I have followed your ResearchGate Profile.So I send the mail to express my willingness to apply PhD.

Attachment is my CV, transcripts and certificates.And I have tested TOEFL 90 in Oct.2017

Looking forward to meeting you in Adelaide!

Best regards

2.4 美帝試水


Good morning Prof.~! I am a master student in Harbin institute of technology, China. You could call me Jun. Your studying area attracts me(such as resilience). My undergraduate study direction is civil engineering and master's project is earthquake engineering. Some students in our group are studying the resilience of building structures to earthquake, so I think my academic background has certain relation with your research direction.

Attachment is my CV . I got my first TOEFL some days ago, it was 105 points and GMAT is 720. I will graduate in Jan.2019. If your team want to hire some PhD students, I hope to apply for your team in 2019!

Best wishes


Good evening Prof.~! I am a master student in Harbin institute of technology. You could call me Jun. I plan to apply for UF, which is a dream for me since I went to college. My undergraduate study direction is structural engineering and master's project is earthquake engineering.

I know that the UF has a strong background in engineering management and see your message on the Internet. I am interested in your studying area (such as BIM and VR). So I send this e-mail to you.

Attachment is my CV and my current TOEFL is 90. I will graduate in December 2018. If your team want to hire some students, I hope to apply for your doctor's admission in 2019.

Best wishes and Happy Chinese New Year!

3. 總結


