
走進森林,發現了德軍的工事。七十五年或更長時間的東西在冬天被發現然後拿走。Enthusiasts went into the forest and found old Nazi dugout. Here are the list of things was in the ground for seventy five or more years and removed this winter

德軍刺刀。Nazi bayonet knife.

帳篷栓。Tent pegs.注意生鏽情況

還有德軍彈藥箱和白蘭地瓶。Also German flask and vintage DOM cognac bottle.

菸斗和士兵或軍官的打火機。Smoking pipe and a lighter of some German soldier or officer.

裝滿的彈藥包,皮革的部分成色相當不錯。Bag full of ammo.Leather parts of the bag in pretty nice condition.

盆子和叉子。German platas and forks

一個光學目鏡。An optical eyesight.

空盒子用於坑道。Empty meta boxes,used for mines.

防毒面具和過濾器。German gas mask and its filter.

德軍頭盔和炸藥 - 這三個綠色的磚是用來裝TNT,可能用來走的時候設陷阱。Nazi helmets and explosives - these three greens bricks are packs of German TNT was used to make booby traps when they left the dugout probably.

