

Get up! 起床了!

It's time to get up.該起床了。

Wake up!醒一醒!

Get up soon!快起床!

Hurry up!快點兒!

I will wake you up tomorrow morning.我明天早上會叫你起床。

My mom waked me up this morning.今天早上是我媽媽叫我起床的。

Could you please wake me up tomorrow morning?你明天早上能叫我起床嗎?

My father woke me up, but I didn't get up.我的爸爸叫我起床了,但是我沒起。

I didn't hear my alarm.我沒聽見鬧鐘響。

You should turn your alarm on.你應該把你的鬧鐘打開。

Don't forget to set the alarm.別忘了設鬧鐘。

Fold up your quilt.把被子疊好。

Can I sleep for five more minutes?我可以再睡五分鐘嗎?

I didn't get up on time today.我今天沒有按時起床。



Could you please bring my socks?請幫我把襪子拿來可以嗎?

Have you seen my red shirt?你看見我的紅襯衫了嗎?

I should take out the spring clothes.我應該把春裝拿出來。

I don't know what to wear.我不知道穿什麼。

My brother doesn't have much clothing.我的哥哥沒什麼衣服。

My sister can't find anything good to wear.我的妹妹一件適合穿的衣服都找不到。

It took me a lot of time to select my clothes for the day.挑選今天要穿的衣服花費了我好長時間。

It is difficult to choose what to wear in this kind of weather.在這樣的天氣裡選擇要穿什麼是很困難的。


It's time for breakfast.到吃早飯的時間了。

We should have breakfast before we go to work.我們上班之前應該要吃早飯。

Could you please prepare my breakfast?你能幫我準備早餐嗎?

I have some bread and milk for breakfast.我早餐吃了些麵包,喝了點牛奶。

I have a light breakfast.我早餐吃得很少。

I'm going to be late.我要遲到了。

I punched in on time today.我今天按時打上了卡。

It's time to go to work.上班時間到了。

I drive to work every day.我每天開車去上班。

How do you go to work?你怎麼上班?

I always go to work on foot.我經常步行去上班。

Let's call it a day.讓我們收工吧。

We can leave now.我們現在可以下班了。

Do you have time after work?你下班後有空嗎?



Which fast-food restaurant do you want to go?你想去哪家速食店?

What about going to the Pizza Hut?去必勝客怎麼樣?

Can you give me a recommendation?你能給我一個建議嗎?

Can you recommend me a delicious one?你能給我推薦一個可口的嗎

What flavor of food do you like best?你最喜歡吃什麼口味的食物?

Do you like to eat light food?你喜歡吃清淡的食物嗎?

Do you like spicy food?你喜歡辣的食物嗎?

A cup of coke and an order of French fries, please.我要一杯可樂,一份薯條。


Do I have to make a reservation in advance?我必須要提前預訂嗎?

I'd like to make a dinner reservation.我想預訂晚餐。

What time can we reserve a table?我們什麼時候可以預訂餐位?

Can I reserve a table/private dining room, please?請問我能預訂一張餐桌/一個包廂嗎?

How many people will you need the reservation for?你需要預訂幾個人的座位?


Do you think that I should lose weight?你覺得我應該減肥嗎?

How can I lose weight?我怎樣才能瘦下去?

How did you lose weight?你是怎麼減肥的?

Can playing football help me to lose weight?踢足球可以幫助我減肥嗎?

She is overweight recently.她最近超重了。

You need to get fit.你得減減肥了。

I have lost about ten kilos.我瘦了將近二十斤。

I am on a diet.我正在節食減肥。

You don't have to be on a diet.你不需要節食,

She lost weight.她減肥成功了。



What time do you open?你們幾點營業?

When does this store close?這家商店幾點關門?

Where are your fitting rooms?更衣室在哪兒?

Is there any stationery here?請問這裡賣文具嗎?

Do you have any of these in stock?這些還有貨嗎?

Do you have any other colors?有別的顏色嗎?

Please show me that one.請給我看看那個。

Do you provide gift-wrapping?提供包裝紙嗎?

I am just browsing.我只是隨便看一下。

What about this shirt?這件襯衫怎麼樣?

How does this lotion work?這種潤膚露能起到什麼效果?

Where is the cashier?收銀臺在哪裡?

How much do they cost?這些東西多少錢?

Can I pay it in cash?我可以付現金嗎?

May I pay by credit card?我可以刷卡嗎?

May I pay by installment?我可以分期付款嗎?

Is the price negotiable?價錢還能商量嗎?

Lower the price.And I'll consider it.便宜點我會考慮的。

I'd buy it right away if you give me a better price.便宜點的話我馬上買。

This is a little bit expensive, can you make it cheaper?有點貴,能便宜點嗎?

Is there any discount?可以打折嗎?

Can you pack them up for me?你可以幫我把它們包起來嗎?

Where can I change money?我在哪兒可以換錢?

Could you give me the invoice, please?請給我一張發票好嗎?


There is a drugstore nearby.這附近有一家藥店。

Do you know where the campus cafeteria is?你知道學校食堂在哪裡嗎?

This is a beautiful campus, isn't it?這是一個美麗的校園,不是嗎?

Where are you from?你來自哪裡?

May I ask what your major is?我可以問一下你的專業是什麼嗎?

Nice to meet you.很高興認識你。

May I have you name, please?請問你叫什麼名字?

Who are you rooming with?你和誰住同一個房間?

I'm a freshman.我是大一的學生。

What should I do if I lost my library card?如果我弄丟了我的圖書證該怎麼辦呢?

Is the library card free or not?圖書證是免費的嗎?

I will return it on time.我會按時歸還的。

We've got a midterm tomorrow.我們明天就要進行期中考試了。

This is a big exam.這是一場很重要的考試。

When is the final?期末考試是什麼時候?

I've got a final exam this Saturday.這週六我要進行期末考試。

I'm praying for a good mark.我在祈禱能考個好成績。

We all have to cram.我們都得臨時抱佛腳了。

It's time to hit the books.是時候該學習了。

What's on the test?考哪些內容呢?

The test will cover the whole chapter.考試的內容會覆蓋整章。


Are there any vacancies?有空缺的職位嗎?

May I ask what kind of vacancies you have?我想問一下你們有哪些職位空缺?

I'd like to know what kind of openings is available.我想知道你們有哪些職位空缺?

Do you have any openings?你們有空缺的職位嗎?

I'm calling about the public relations job.我打電話是想了解一下公關這個職位的情況。

I'm inquiring about the math teacher job.我想問一下有關數學老師這個職位的情況。

I'd like to apply for the position in English editor.我想申請應聘英語編輯的職務。

What are the requirements to apply for the accountant job?應聘會計這個職位的要求是什麼?

I'd like to know the requirements to apply for this position.我想知道應聘這個職務的要求是什麼。

To do this job, you must have a degree in English.從事這個工作你必須具有英語專業的大學學位。

We need people who can speak English.我們需要會說英語的人員。

We need people who do these things to love them.我們需要真正喜歡這些工作的人才。

I am not prepared for an interview.我對面試毫無準備。

I will go for an interview.我要去面試。

Where will the interview be?面試在哪裡進行?

The interview is tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock.面試在明天上午九點進行。

When is the interview?面試是什麼時候?

I wonder when I shall have an interview.我想知道什麼時候給我面試。

Can you come for an interview tomorrow?你明天可否來面試?

How long will the interview take?面試將持續多久?

I have the ability to stay focused in stressful situations.我有面對困境的能力。

Carelessness is my weakness.粗心大意是我的缺點。

Can you tell me what that salary band is?你能告訴我工資的範圍嗎?

Salary is not the most important thing.薪水並不是最重要的。

Regarding salary, I leave that to you關於薪金,留待您來決定,

I'm reporting for work today.我今天報到的。

I am just getting my feet wet.我剛來到這家公司。

I'd like to take tomorrow off.Is it all right with you?我明天想請假,可以嗎?

Can I have one day off?我可以請一天假嗎?

Please let me know your comments.請告訴我您能否批准。

Can I take my vacation next month?我下個月可以休假嗎?

How long will you ask?你要請多久的假?

When are you going to take your vacation?你準備什麼時候休假?

I want to ask for sick leave.我想要請病假。

I'm not feeling well.我現在不舒服。


Could I speak to Mr.Smith?我可以和史密斯先生通話嗎?

May I ask who is speaking, please?請問您是哪位?

Is that Jane speaking?是簡嗎?Speaking.我就是。

This is Linda speaking.我就是琳達。

Just a second, please.I'll see if he is in.請稍等片刻,我看他在不在。

Sorry, he isn't in. 對不起,他不在。

I'm sorry, Mr.Smith is out.對不起,史密斯先生出去了。

Hold on, please. 請等等。

I'm afraid I've got/dialed the wrong number.我恐怕撥錯號了。

I'm sorry, I must have dialed the wrong number.對不起,我一定是撥錯號碼了。

Is your number 6699882?你的電話號碼是6699882嗎?

Maybe he has changed his number.也許他已經換號了吧。

I'll check the number again.我再查一下這個號碼吧。

Are you sure there is no Lucy here?你確定這裡沒有露西這個人嗎?

I'm sorry that I bothered you.對不起,打擾你了。

I'm afraid that you have the wrong number.我恐怕你是撥錯號碼了。

Can I leave a message?我可以留個口信嗎?

Can you help me to give her a message?你能幫我把口信轉告給她嗎?


He is really a heart breaker.他真是一個萬人迷。

I was stricken by Cupid's arrow.我被丘比特的箭射中了。

I'm thinking of you every minute.我時時刻刻想著你。

You are the boy of my dreams.你是我夢寐以求的男孩。

What do you think of me?你覺得我怎麼樣?

I find I have lost my heart to you.我覺得我已經深深地愛上你了。

Would you like to be my girlfriend?你願意做我的女朋友嗎?

We are in love at first sight.我們是一見鍾情。

It was love in at first sight.一見鍾情。

Sorry, I don't want a boyfriend now.對不起,我現在還不想交男朋友。

I really have no feeling for you.我對你真的沒感覺。

think it's better for us to be just friends.我覺得我們還是做朋友吧。

I don't have passionate feelings for him.我對他不來電。

Are you free tonight?你今晚有空嗎?

Would you like to go to the cinema with me tonight?今晚你願意和我一起去看電影嗎?

It'll be fantastic to date you.和你約會一定很快樂。

I will love you forever.我會永遠愛你。

I'm happy to have known you.能認識你我很幸福。

Will you marry me?你願意嫁給我嗎?

Would you like to be my partner in life?你願意做我的人生伴侶嗎?

I want to spend the rest of my life with you.我想和你共度餘生。

Let's get married.我們結婚吧。

I can't wait to marry you.我等不及要娶你了。

Sorry, but I don't want to marry against my will.對不起,我不想違背自己的意願去結婚。

I don't want to rush into marriage.我不想倉促結婚。

