日常英語-時尚 5/10 做髮型 The Hairstyle Look Best On You

The Hairstyle Will Look Best On You.

The hair stylist: What do you think about this hairstyle?

Mary: It's cute. But I'd like to have my hair done in another new style

The hair stylist: I'd better show you some pictures so that you can choose the one you prefer

Mary: Okay.

The hair stylist: Look at this one, it is the most popular one this summer.

People with this hairstyle look quite confident and independent. It will look good on you

Mary: It is trendy, but I am worried that my hair is not thick enough.

The hair stylist: Don't worry. Your hair is black and thick enough for this style.

Mary: Really? Then I will try this one.

The hair stylist: Okay. Please sit on this chair and let me cut your hair short first and then get it straightened?

Mary: OK.

髮型設計師: 你覺得這個髮型怎麼樣?

瑪麗: 很可愛,但是我想做一個新發型。



髮型設計師: 看看這個髮型,它是今年夏天最流行的髮型。做這個髮型的人看起來比較有自信又很獨立。很適合你。


髮型設計師: 不用擔心。你的頭髮做這種髮型已經夠黑、夠多了。

瑪麗: 真的嗎?那我就選這個髮型吧。

髮型設計師: 好的,請坐到椅子上,讓我先幫你把頭髮剪短,染後再把它拉直。


日常英語-時尚 5/10 做髮型 The Hairstyle Look Best On You

日常英語-時尚 5/10 做髮型 The Hairstyle Look Best On You

日常英語-時尚 5/10 做髮型 The Hairstyle Look Best On You

