「冠詞的用法」a, an, the不要再用錯!

英語中的冠詞一共就只有三個:a, an和the。別小看它們,用起來還是蠻複雜的。什麼時候用哪一個?用在什麼位置?什麼時候又不能用冠詞?你都知道嗎?一起來看看吧!


英語中的冠詞一共就只有三個:a, an和the。其中,a和an屬於不定冠詞,表示泛指,具有“一個(……)”的意思。而the則屬於定冠詞,表示特指,具有“這”、“那”的意思。


1. 冠詞的選用

A. 不定冠詞a和an常用在單數可數名詞前,表示非特指的一個(……)。

There is an apple on the desk.

A square has four sides.

The mails come three times a day.

They are of an age.

There is a knife and fork on the table.

B. 某些不可數名詞表示具體的概念時,也可以使用不定冠詞。

It was a heavy rain yesterday.

He has a knowledge of chemistry.

It’s a great pleasure to meet you.

C. 定冠詞the可用於各類名詞前,表示特定的人或事物。

The lunch was well cooked.

Birds fly through the air.

I can play the piano.

All the rank and fashion came out to see the sight.

The public are the best judges.

This is the drink for hot weather.

D. 形容詞或者分詞前加the,表示某類人或者某種事物、活動。

The cry of the dying is terrifying.

The number of the dead is not clear.

The unexpected has happened.

The flying is pleasant.

E. 冠詞用在下面這些固定短語中。

a few/ a little/ a lot of/ a great many

the……the……: The more, the better.

2. 冠詞的位置

A. 一般來說,冠詞總是放在名詞前面,若這個名詞有形容詞修飾,冠詞通常放在形容詞前面,若形容詞前還有副詞,則冠詞需放在副詞前面,如:

This is a car—a good car—a very good car.

He can answer the question—the difficult question—the most difficult question.

B. 但若形容詞為 such,many 或 what,冠詞 a 應放在它後面,如:

I never met such a man.

He has lived here many a year.

What a beautiful park it is!

C. 如果所用副詞為 so,how,as,too,quite,rather 或 no less,冠詞 a 就放在副詞所修飾的形容詞後面及被修飾名詞的前面:

It is so(or too)big a dog.

How big a dog it is!

It is as big a dog as yours.

It is no less big a dog than yours.(=It is as big a dog as yours.)

It is quite(or rather) big a dog(或者 a quite big or a rather big dog也可以).

D. 如果形容詞為 all,both,half,double 或 twice,冠詞 the 必須放在它後面:

All the guests have come.

Both the brothers study Spanish.

I bought it at half the price (double the price).

(但是he has waited half an hour/ a half hour都可以。)

3. 冠詞的省略(零冠詞)

A. 球類運動、棋類遊戲等名稱前:playfootball/chess/bridge

B. 與by連用的交通工具之前:bybus/air (以及on foot)

C. 用於表示抽象或者一般意義的時間名詞之前:atnight/dawn/noon

D. 獨立結構中的名詞前:Teacher cameinto the classroom, book in hand.

E. 用於固定搭配中:be inbed/church/town/prison/hospital/class, go to school/college, be at home, handin hand, from head to foot/ day and night


A. 下面這類專有名詞不加 a 也不加 the,也不能用於複數形式:






county—Henrico County

harbour—Pearl Harbour

island—Rhode Island

hill—Bacon Hill

mount—Mount Everest

cape—Cape Comorin

lake—Lake Geneva

bridge—Westminster Bridge

park—Hyde Park

street—Fifth Avenue

square—Times Square

person—William Shakespeare

domestic animal—Bobo



festival—Labour Day


B. 下面各類專有名詞前需加 the:

republic—the French Republic

railway—the Trans-Siberian Railway

state—the Irish Free State

empire—the British Empire

river—the Mekong(River)

kingdom—the United Kingdom

peninsula—the Indian Peninsula

plateau—the Tibetan Plateau

ocean—the Pacific(Ocean)

basin—the Yangzi Basin

sea—the Japanese Sea

valley—the Rhine Valley

canal—the Suez(Canal)

desert—the Gobi Desert

pole—the North Pole

C. “普通名詞+of+專有名詞”這類詞組前均需加 the:

the Cape of Good Hope

the House of Representatives

the Strait of Gibraltar

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

the City of New York

the Society of Natural History

D. 複數專有名詞前都加 the:

the Himalayas

the Great Lakes

the Rocky Mountains

the Stuarts

the United States

the Philippines

E. 某些專有名詞前加a,表示某人或某家的一個成員,某一種人物或者某人的作品。

A Mrs. Green wants to see you.

He is a Shakespeare of China.

I saw a Rodin in the museum.


