"what's up"到底應該如何迴應?10個英語問侯句。

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還在用"how are you?"“hello”打招呼麼?那就太墮落了!在日常生活裡,老外的打招呼方式很多,how are you是最普通的一種say hello的用法。今天老徐分享10個不同的英語問候語。

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1. hi - this is the most common way of saying hello in English


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2. good morning/good afternoon/good evening - more formal ways of saying hello they

are said the first time you see someone at a certain time of the day

- 早上好/中午好/晚上好。這種打招呼方式相對正式些, 通常是用在一天裡相對應的時間段裡。

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3. hey - this greeting is used with people that you know well it is commonly used among friends, it is not rude to use with the strangers but they may misunderstand


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4. what's up - looks like a question but actually is not it does not require an answer it is a very informal and cool way of saying hello

-“你怎麼樣”,看起來這句話像是個問句,實際上它不需要任何答案,你可以說not much, nothing或者alright,這些回答意思就是沒什麼特別的,都挺好。

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5. how's it going - similar to what's up this greeting also looks like a question but it is not always used as a question sometimes it is used even when passing a stranger on the street and simply means hello

-“過的怎麼樣”,和what's up類似的意思,比較不走心的問侯,類似我們說的“飯吃了沒?”其實人家真沒吃,你也不會請人家吃啊...老外也有這種套路...

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6. well hello - when you are surprised to see someone it is also used when you haven't seen someone in a long time the feeling from this greeting is that you are excited to see the person


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7. yo,what's good - this is slang that started in the 80s and 90s because of hip-hop but is still used today it is a cool way of greeting someone

-“喲,你好麼”,和what's up差不多的意思,它源於80和90年代的hip-hop潮流

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8. look who it is - when you have not seen someone in a very long time you sound excited to see them

-“看呀,這是誰”,和well hello相似,也是偶遇久違的朋友的一種打招呼方式,一般語調都上上揚,表示見到這位朋友很興奮

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9. it's a pleasure to meet you - this is a very formal way of greeting someone for the first time it is most commonly used in business environments and at formal gatherings



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10. long time no see - when you haven't seen someone in a long time it is especially used when you meet that person unexpectedly

-“好久不見”,這句話原本是不存在的,因為它的語法是錯誤的,由於說的人多了也就成了一種習慣,而且確實比“haven't seen you for a long time"要簡短...

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