
Many Hollywood celebrities are famous not only for great performances but also for scandals, gossips and of course for diets they keep to. The more fit the star looks, the more efficient and popular her or his diet is believed to be. Sometimes these diets can be rather exotic or even extreme. Let’s have a look at some examples.


Chocolate Diet: Jennifer Lopez




Let’s start this list with the most pleasant diet – the chocolate one. This way of losing weight proves to be really effective as it is known to be prciced by one of the hottest stars ever – Jennifer Lopez. Eating only chocolate, nothing but chocolate – for any fan of sweets this diet is obviously the most attractive one. On the other hand it may happen to be not so pleasant. Eating unlimited quantity of chocolate during several days and drinking only sugar free coffee can turn it into the real torture. One should think twice before starting it.


Baby Food Diet: Jennifer Aniston and Madonna




One of the weirdest diets one has ever heard of is the Baby Food one. All these tiny portions of nutritious and healthy food will help to get rid of several extra kilos. The trick is to limit oneself up to 14 servings a day with small “adult” supper before going to bed. What are the downsides? It’s completely different from the taste of food one has got used to and it’s pretty costly. Not a big deal though for such superstars as Jennifer Aniston and Madonna who used to be on Baby Food Diet.


Whiskey Diet: Lady Gaga




Forget about positioning the Baby Food Diet as the weirdest one. Drinking whiskey – that is the basics of our champion among the crazy diets. Lady Gaga borrowed this strange way of losing weight from her boyfriend – a former rock-star. According to her words the way it works is as follows: you drink whiskey while you work, and you must do your exercises no matter how hard your hangover can be.

忘了把嬰兒食品定位為最怪異的飲食。喝威士忌-這是我們瘋狂節食中的飲食的冠軍。Lady Gaga從她的前搖滾明星男友那裡借鑑了這種奇怪的減肥方法。根據她說的工作方式如下:你一邊工作一邊喝威士忌,不管宿醉有多嚴重,你都必須鍛鍊身體。

Green Tea Diet: Katie Holmes




Next bullet in the list is the green tea diet. Green tea is the main part of the menu here. However one should note the main rule of this diet – no tea bags. Enjoy this antioxidant drink not less than 5 times and say goodbye to extra weight. Vegetables and fruit may also be included into the menu, as well as low fat fish or meat, but only once a day. This diet is well acclaimed among Hollywood stars with Katie Holmes who is told to be one of the biggest fans of it.


Detox Diet: Beyonce and Naomi Campbell




Detox Diet is the most popular among the fastest ways of losing extra weight. During 10 days one should have only lemon juice, maple sap and pepper water. Maple sap provides energy, lemon cleans body and Cayenne pepper boosts metabolism. However this diet is to be practiced carefully. First of all there’s a high risk that all the kilos that have been lost during these 10 days are back shortly. Besides many fitness specialists recommend not to use this diet often as it can have negative impact on one’s health. Nevertheless detox diet is extremely popular among top celebrities. Beyonce, Naomi Campbell are among those A-listers who have tried it at least once.


Grapefruit Diet: Brooke Shields




Diet based on eating a half of grapefruit before each meal is not brand new. It was popular in the last century. The main idea is that grapefruit contributes to burning fat. And if one looks at Brooke Shields’s picture taken about 20 years ago, one will want to try this as well. Brooke used to practice it while being one of the most prominent Calvin Klein models.


Spicy Diet: Anne Hathaway and Liv Tyler




All fans of spicy food will be glad to learn that chilly pepper helps to burn more calories and makes you eat less food. And this is what scientists confirm. Spicy dishes make hunger less strong and one will feel satiation faster than usual. Hollywood divas Anne Hathaway and Liv Tyler follow the rules of adding more spices into their food. However nutrition specialists advise not to be addicted to spices too much as it may be harmful for one’s digestion.


