
國外一對夫婦收養了3個月大的孤兒熊崽斯捷潘。 This couple adopted Stepan when he was a 3-month-old orphaned cub.

獵人們在森林裡發現小熊時,它很虛弱,而且孤零零的。 He was found by hunters in a forest, very weak and lonely.

但是在斯維特拉娜和尤里的照料下,小熊恢復了健康。 But Svetlana and Yuriy nurtured him back to health.

現在熊斯捷潘已經23歲了,長得憨態可掬。 Now he's a 23-year-old loving goofbal!

他非常愛人類,而且非常友好。 He absolutely loves people and is a really sociable bear.

不管人們怎麼想,他一點沒有攻擊性。 Despite what people might think, he is not aggressive at all.

斯捷潘從來不咬人。 We have never been bitten by Stepan.

熊斯捷潘每天吃25公斤魚,蔬菜和雞蛋。 The bear eats 25kg of fish, vegetables and eggs every day!

他也很喜歡喝茶。 He does enjoy his cup of tea, too.

這個溫順的大傢伙能夠保持健康,還得歸功於他對戶外運動的熱愛。 The gentle giant manages to stay in shape ,thanks to his love for games outdoors.

沒有什麼能比得上和主人一起依偎在沙發上了。 But there's nothing like snuggling with his humans on a couch.

園藝是它最大的愛好。 And gardening is his ultimate passion.

