

unit 7


1.smoke. v.冒煙;吸菸 n.煙

2.pierce v.扎;刺破;穿透

3.license (=licence)證;證件

4.safety n.安全;安全性

5.earring n.耳環;耳飾

6.cry v.& n.哭;叫喊

7.field n.田野;場地

8.hug n.& v.擁抱;摟抱

9.lift v.舉起;抬高

10.support v.& n.支持

11.awful adj.很壞的;討厭的

12.teen n.十幾歲(十三至十九歲之間)

13.regret v.感到遺憾;懊悔

14.poem n.詩;韻文

15.bedroom n.臥室

16.community n.社區;社團

17.enter v.進來;進去

18.chance n.機會;可能性

19.professional adj.職業的;專業的

20.manage v.完成(困難的事);應付(困難局面)

21.society n.社會

22.unit n.單位;單元

23.educate v.教育;教導


1. be allowed to do sth 被允許做某事

2. sixteen-year-olds 16 歲的青少年

3. get one's ears pierced 穿耳洞

4. cut one's hair 理髮

5. be excited about 對……感到興奮

6. use a flash 使用閃光燈

7. talk back 頂嘴

8. regret doing sth. 後悔做某事

9. make one's own decision 自己做決定

10. keep ... away from 避免接近;遠離

11. manage one's own life 管理自己的生活

12. fail a test 測驗不及格

13. be strict with 對……要求嚴格

14. get in the way of 擋……的路;妨礙

15. worry about 擔心

16. achieve one's dream 實現某人的理想

17. think about 考慮

18. have nothing against sb./sth. 對某人 / 某物不反感

19.end up as.最終成為

20.be serious about.對……是認真的


1.I don't think twelw-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced.

我認為不應該允許 12 歲的孩子穿耳孔。

2.They talk instead of doing homework.


3.He is allowed to stay up until 11:00 pm.

他被允許熬到晚上 11 點。

4.We should be allowed to take time to do things like that more often.


5.What school rules do you think should be changed?


6.The two pairs of jeans both look good on me.


7.The classroom is a real mess.


8.Should I be allowed to make my own decisions?


9.Only then will I have a chance of achieving my dream.


10.They should be allowed to practice their hobbies as much as they want.


11.We have nothing against running.


unit 8


1.truck n.卡車;貨車

2.rabbit n.兔;野兔

3.whose adj.& pron.誰的;(特指)那個人的

4.attend v.出席;參加

5.valuable adj.很有用的;寶貴的

6.pink adj.粉紅色的;n.粉紅色

7.picnic n.野餐

8.somebody pron.某人;重要人物

9.anybody pron.任何人

10.noise n.聲音;噪音

11.policeman n.男警察

12.wolf n.狼

13.laboratory n.實驗室

14.coat n.外套;外衣

15.sleepy adj.睏倦的;瞌睡的

16.pocket n.衣袋;口袋

17.alien n.外星人

18.suit n.西服;套裝

19.express v.表示;表達

20.mystery n.奧秘;神秘事物

21.circle n.圓圈;v.圈出

22.Britain n.(=Great Britain)大不列顛

23.receive v.接受;收到

24.leader n.領導;領袖

25.midsummer n.仲夏;中夏

26.medical adj.醫療的;醫學的

27.prevent v.阻止;阻撓

28.energy n.精力;力量

29.position n.位置;地方

30.burial n.埋葬;安葬

31.honor v.(=honour)尊重;表示敬意 n.榮幸

32.ancestor n.祖宗;祖先

33.victory n.勝利;成功

34.enemy n.敵人;仇人

35.period n.一段時間;時期


1.belong to. 屬於

2.toy truck. 玩具卡車

3.at the picnic. 在野餐的時候

4.hair band. 髮帶

5.attend a concert. 出席音樂會

6.anything valuable. 任何貴重的東西

7.used to. 過去常常

8.strange noises. 奇怪的噪聲

9.too...to 太……而不能

10.feel uneasy. 感到不安的

11.in the laboratory. 在實驗室裡

12.feel sleepy. 感到瞌睡的

13.run after. 追逐;追趕

14.at the same time. 同時

15.historical places. 歷史遺蹟

16.not only...but also... 不僅……而且……

17.communicate with ... 和……交流

18.point out. 指出

19.medical purpose. 醫學目的

20.prevent illness. 防止疾病

21.be used for ... 被用來……

22.honor ancestors. 紀念祖先

23.celebrate a victory. 慶祝勝利

24.a long period of time. 很長一段時間


1.If you have any idea where it might please call me.


2.It's crucial that I study for it because it counts 30% the final exam.

關鍵是我必須學,因為它佔期末考試的 30%?

3.What do you think"anxious" means?


4.He could be running for exercise.


5.He might be running to catch a bus.


6.Why do you think the man is running?


unit 9


1.prefer v.更喜歡

2.lyrics n.(pl) 歌詞

3.Australian adj.澳大利亞的;澳大利亞人的 n.澳大利亞人

4.electronic adj.電子的;電子設備的

5.suppose v.推斷;料想

6.smooth adj.平滑的;悅耳的

7.spare adj.空閒的;不用的

8.case n.情況;實情

9.World War II. 第二次世界大戰

10.war n.戰爭;戰爭狀態

11.director n.導演;部門負責人

12.dialogue n.(=dialog) 對話;對白

13.documentary n.紀錄片

14.drama n.戲;劇

15.plenty pron.大量;眾多

16.wound n.傷;傷口;創傷

17.shut v.(shut,shut) 關閉;關上

18.superhero n.超級英雄

19.horror n.震驚;恐懼

20.thriller n.驚險電影(小說、戲劇)

21.intelligent adj.有才智的;聰明的

22.sense v.感覺到;意識到;n.感覺;意識

23.pain n.痛苦;苦惱

24.reflect v.反映;映出

25.perform v.表演;執行

26.amazing adj.令人驚奇的;令人驚喜的

27.pity n.遺憾;憐憫

28.total n.總數;合計;adj.總的;全體的

29.recall v.回憶起;回想起

30.master n.能手;主人 v.掌握

31.praise v.& n.表揚;讚揚

32.national adj.國家的;民族的


1. sing along with 伴隨……唱歌

2. dance to 伴隨……跳舞

3. electronic music 電子音樂

4. smooth music 悅耳的音樂

5. in that case 既然那樣

6. stick to 堅持

7. depend on 由……決定

8. cheer up 振奮起來

9. try one's best 盡某人最大的努力

10. plenty of 大量;充足

11. shut off 關閉;停止運轉

12. once in a while 偶爾

13. folk music 民間音樂;民謠

14. so...that… 太……以至於

15. look up 查閱

16. musical instruments 樂器

17. be known for 以……而著名

18. get married 結婚

19. during one's lifetime 在某人的一生中

20. by the end of 在(某時間點)以前

21. in total 總共

22. national treasures 國寶


1.I love singers who write their own music.


2.We prefer music that has great lyrics.


3.What do you dislike about this CD.

你不喜歡這張 CD 的什麼?

4.What does it remind you?


5.The music reminds me of Brazilian dance music.


6.Though it does have a few good features.


7.She really has something for everyone.


8.Whatever you don't miss this exhibition.


9.As the name suggests,the band has a lot of energy.


10.Some people say they are boring,but others say they are great.


unit 10


1.custom n.風俗;習俗

2.bow v.鞠躬

3.kiss v.& n.親吻;接吻

4.greet v.和……打招呼;迎接

5.value v.重視;珍視;n.價值

6.everyday adj.每天的;日常的

7.suggestion n.建議

8.capital n.首都;國都

9.noon n.正午;中午

10.mad adj.很生氣;瘋的

11.gradually adv.逐步地;漸進地

12.elbow n.肘;胳膊

13.traffic n.交通;路上行駛的車輛

14.somewhere adv.在某處;到某處

15.passport n.護照

16.chalk n.粉筆

17.blackboard n.黑板

18.northern n/adj.北方的;北部的

19.coast n.海岸;海濱

20.season n.季;季節

21.knock v.敲;擊

22.eastern adj.東方的;東部的

23.worth adj.值得;有……價值(的)

24.manner n.方式;方法(pl) 禮貌;禮儀

25.empty adj.空的;空洞的

26.basic adj.基本的;基礎的

27.exchange n.& v.交換

28.except prep.除……之外;conj.除了;只是

29.granddaughter n.(外)孫女

30.behave v.表現;舉止


1. shake hands 握手

2. welcome party 歡迎會

3. as soon as 一……就……

4. to one's surprise 令某人驚訝的是

5. find out 查明;弄清

6. value the time 珍惜那段時光

7. drop by 順便進入;順便拜訪

8. after all 畢竟

9. get mad 大動肝火;氣憤

10. make an effort 作出努力

11. clean...off… 把……擦掉

12. take off 脫下;起飛

13. social situations 社交場合

14. worth the trouble 值得麻煩

15. empty bowls 空碗

16. point at 指向

17. make mistakes 犯錯

18. go out of one's way 特地;格外努力

19. make...feel at home 使(某人)感到賓至如歸

20. be comfortable doing 做某事輕鬆自如

21. cut up 切碎

22. get used to 習慣於

23. be excited about 對……感到興奮

24. not...anymore 不再


1.He should have told me about it.


2.Where I'm from,we're pretty relaxed about time.


3.We often just drop by our friends'homes.


4.Often we just walk around the town center,seeing as many of our friends as we can.


5.We usually make plans to see friends.


6.We're the land of watches,after all.


7.It's even better than I thought it would be.


8.They go out of their way to make me feel at home.


9.Although I still make lots of mistakes,it doesn't bother me like it used to.


10.I thought that was pretty strange at first,but now I'm used to it.


unit 11


1.disappoint v.使失望

2.fault n.過失;缺點

3.friendship n.友誼;友情

4.king n.君主;國王

5.prime adj.首要的;基本的

6.minister n.大臣;部長

7.agreement n.(意見或看法)一致;同意

8.fame n.名聲;聲譽

9.pale adj.蒼白的;灰白的

10.queen n.王后;女王

11.examine v. (仔細地)檢查;檢驗

12.nor conj.& adv.也不

13.nod v.點頭

14.palace n.王宮;宮殿

15.power n.權利;力量

16.wealth n.財富;富裕

17.grey adj.(天空)陰沉的;昏暗的;灰色的

18.lemon n.檸檬

19.cancel v.取消;終止

20.weight n.重量;分量

21.shoulder n.肩;肩膀

22.goal n.球門;射門;目標

23.coach n.教練;私人教師

24.kick v.踢;踹

25.teammate n.同隊隊員;隊友

26.courage n.勇敢;勇氣

27.rather adv.寧願;相當

28.relief n.輕鬆;解脫

29.pull v.拉;拖


1. would rather 寧願

2. drive sb. mad 使人發瘋 / 發狂

3. the more...the more... 越……越……

4. be friends with sb. 成為某人的朋友

5. leave out 忽略;不提及

6. call in 召來;叫來

7. neither...nor... 既不……也不……

8. feel like doing sth. 想要做某事

9. for no reason 無緣無故地

10. take one's position 代替某人的位置

11. to start with 起初;開始時

12. learn from one's mistakes 吸取教訓

13. let...down 使失望

14. kick sb. off sth. 把某人從……中開除

15. be hard on sb. kick sb. off sth. 對某人苛刻;對某人要求嚴厲

16. rather than 而不是

17. pull together 齊心協力;通力合作

18. in agreement 同意;一致


1.-I'd rather go to Blue Ocean because I like to listen to quiet music while I'm eating.

-But that music make me sleepy.



2.Waiting for Amy drove Tina crazy.


3.The movie was so sad that it made Tina and Amy cry.


4.Sad movies don't make John cry.They just make him want to leave quickly.


5.Loud music makes me nervous.


6.Soft and quiet music makes me relax.


7.Money and fame don't always make people happy.


8.She said that the sad movie made her cry.


9.Loud music makes me nervous.


unit 12


1.backpack n.揹包;旅行包

2.oversleep v.(overslept,overslept) 睡過頭;睡得太久

3.embarrassing adj.使人害羞的(難堪的或慚愧的)

4.miss v.錯過;未得到

5.unexpected adj.出乎意料的;始料不及的

6.block n.街區

7.worker n.工作者;工人

8.stare v.盯著看;凝視

9.disbelief n.不信;懷疑

10.above adv.在上面;向上面;prep.在…上面

11.burn 著火;燃燒

12.alive adj.活著;有生氣的

13.believable adj.可相信的;可信任的

14.till conj.& prep.到;直到

15.west adv.向西;朝西 adj.向西的;西部的;n.西;西方

16.cream n.奶油;乳脂

17.boss n.老闆;領導

18.pie n.果餡餅;果餡派

19.course n.課程

20.bean n.豆;豆美

21.market n.市場;集市

22.costume n.服裝;裝束

23.embarrassed adj.窘迫的;害羞的

24.announce v.宣佈;宣告

25.hoax n.騙局;惡作劇

26.discovery n.發現;發覺

27.lady n.女士;女子

28.officer n.軍官;官員


1. by the time... 到……的時候

2. give...a lift 捎某人一程

3. in line with 與……成一排

4. stare at 凝視;盯住

5. in disbelief 不相信地;懷疑地

6. turn into 變成

7. full of 充滿

8. go off 發出響聲

9. show up 趕到;露面

10. by the end of 到……末為止

11. sell out 賣光

12. end up 最終成為;最後處於

13. play a trick on sb. 捉弄某人

14. run out of 用完;用盡


1.By the time I got up,my brother had already gotten in the shower.


2.By the time I got outside,the bus had already gone.


3.When I got to school,I realized I had left my backpack at home.


4.By the time I walked into class,the teacher had started teaching already.


5.By the time I arrived at the party,everyone else had already showed up.


6.When he put the noodles into the bowl,he realized he had forgotten to add the green beans.


7.Before she got a chance to say goodbye,he had gone into the building.


Unit 13


1.litter v.亂扔;n.垃圾;廢棄物

2.bottom n.底部;最下部

3.fisherman n.漁民;釣魚的人

4.coal n.煤;煤塊

5.public adj.公眾的;公共的;n.民眾;百姓

6.ugly adj.醜陋的;難看的

7.advantage n.優點;有利條件

8.cost v.花費;n.花費;價錢

9.wooden adj.木製的;木頭的

10.plastic adj.塑料的;n.塑料;塑膠

11.WWF (World Wide Fund For Nature) 世界自然基金會

12.shark n.鯊魚

13.fin n.(魚)鰭

14.WildAid 野生救援協會(美國)

15.method n.方法;措施

16.cruel adj.殘酷的;殘忍的

17.harmful adj.有害的

18.chain n.鏈子;鏈條

19.ecosystem n.生態系統

20.low adj.(數量等)減少的;低的;矮的

21.industry n.工業;行業

22.law n.法律;法規

23.reusable adj.可重複使用的;可再次使用的

24.afford v.承擔得起(後果);買得起

25.transportation n.運輸業;交通運輸

26.recycle v.回收利用;再利用

27.napkin n.餐巾;餐巾紙

28.creativity n.創造力;獨創性

29.gate n.大門

30.bottle n.瓶;瓶子

31.president n.負責人;主席;總統

32.inspiration n.靈感;鼓舞人心的人(或事物)

33.metal n.金屬


1.be harmful to. 對……有害

2.at the top of. 在……頂部或頂端

3.the food chain. 食物鏈

4.take part in. 參加

5.turn off. 關掉

6.pay for. 付費;付出代價

7.throw litter into the river. 往河裡扔垃圾

8.play a part in. 在……中起作用

9.turn...into... 把……變成……

10.take action. 採取措施;行動起來

11.make a difference to. 對……產生影響或作用

12.throw away. 扔掉;廢棄

13.put sth. to good use. 好好利用某物

14.pull...down. 拆下;摧毀

15.bring back. 恢復;使想起

16.have a creative mind. 有創意

17.turn upside down. 完全顛倒

18.not only...but also... 不但……而且……

19.set up. 建立

20.build...out of... 用……建造……


1.Even the bottom of the river was full of rubbish.


2.Everyone in town should play a part in cleaning it up.


3.The air is badly polluted because there are too many cars on the road these days.


4.To cut down air pollution,we should take the bus or subway instead of driving.


5.I used to be able to see stars in the sky.


6.The air has become really polluted around here.I'm getting very worried.


7.No scientific studies have shown that shark fins are good for health.


Unit 14


1.survey n.調查

2.standard n.標準;水平

3.row n.一排;一列;一行

4.wing n.翅膀;翼

5.keyboard n.琴鍵;鍵盤

6.instruction n.指示;命令

7.double v.加倍;是……的兩倍;adj.兩倍的;加倍的

8.shall v.將要;將會

9.overcome v.克服;戰勝

10.separate adj.單獨的;分離的;v.分開;分離

11.graduate v.畢業;獲得學位

12.responsible adj.承擔責任;有責任

13.ours pron.我們的

14.senior adj.級別(或地位)高的

13.ahead adv.向前面;在前面

16.text n.課文;文本

17.level n.標準;水平

18.degree n.(大學)學位;度數;程度

19.manager n.經理;經營者

20.task n.任務;工作

21.gentleman n.先生

22.graduation n.畢業

23.ceremony n.典禮;儀式

24.congratulate v.祝賀

25.thirsty adj.口渴的;渴望的

26.none pron.沒有一個;毫無


1. do a school survey 做學校調查

2. score two goals 進兩個球

3. in a row 連續幾次地

4. study medicine 學醫

5. be patient with 對……有耐心

6. guide sb. to do sth. 指導某人做某事

7. put in more effort 投入更多的努力

8. look back at 回顧;回憶

9. prepare for 為……做準備

10. make a mess 弄得一團糟

11. keep one's cool 沉住氣;保持冷靜

12. senior high (school) 高中

13. go by (時間) 逝去;過去

14. look forward to 期待

15. believe in 信任;信賴

16. first of all 首先

17. be thirsty for 渴望;渴求

18. be thankful to sb. 對某人心存感激

19. ahead of 在……前面

20. along with 連同;除……以外

21. be responsible for 對……有責任;負責任

22. set out 出發;啟程

23. separate from 分離;隔開

24. graduation ceremony 畢業典禮


1.What happened in Grade 7 that was special?


—-Our team won the school basketball competition.


2.How have you changed since you started junior high school?


—-I've become much better at speaking English.


3.How do you think things will be different in senior high school?


——I think that I'll have to study much harder for exams.


4.—What are your plans for next year?


—-I'm going to join the school volleyball team.


5.—What do you remember about Grade 8.


——I remember being a volunteer.


6.—What do you use to do that you don't do now?


—-I used to take dance lessons,but I don't anymore.


7.—What are you looking forward to?


—-I'm looking forward to going to senior high school.



