Edoardo Tresoldi

作為曼哈頓最具歷史意義和不斷髮展的社區之一,紐約東村被稱為60年代藝術和音樂運動的沃土。本次項目所在的酒店由Rockwell Group設計,是對東村精神的一種致敬。項目的靈感源自Fillmore East的標誌性建築,這座傳奇的下東城音樂廳一直持續運營到1971年,影響了The Doors、Janis Joplin、Elton John等樂隊和音樂人。Tresoldi Studio在Cathédrale的主廳設計了穹頂雕塑,讓顧客彷彿置身於飄渺的時空之中。

Designed by Rockwell Group, the hotel is a tribute to the East Village, one of Manhattan’s most historic and constantly evolving neighborhoods, known as the fertile ground for the 1960’s artistic and musical movements. Inspired by the iconic structure of Fillmore East, the legendary Lower East Side concert hall active until 1971 that featured The Doors, Janis Joplin, Elton John, and more, Tresoldi Studio designed the ceiling-suspended sculpture over the main room of Cathédrale with an ethereal presence that recalibrates the spatial and temporal perceptions of its visitors.

▼項目概覽,overview © Roberto Conte

Fillmore穹頂雕塑,紐約 / Edoardo Tresoldi

該裝置將自己描繪成一個珍貴的建築殘骸,是對影響了紐約市、乃至世界各地數代人的文化背景的一種致敬。六米高的裝置有著深深的“裂痕”、巨型碎片式中央穹頂以及對充盈與空虛的完美掌控。這些巧思和設計都將Fillmore East投射到了當代的維度。雕塑產生了體積和視覺上的扭曲,同時也形成了古老元素與工業材料之間的對比。Fillmore通過放大的、不斷變化的觀點,與Cathédrale的設計相重疊以形成一個有著強烈戲劇感的環境。

▼六米高的裝置有著巨型碎片式中央穹頂,the six-metre-high installation has a huge shrapnel central dome © Roberto Conte

Fillmore穹頂雕塑,紐約 / Edoardo Tresoldi

▼雕塑產生了體積和視覺上的扭曲,the sculpture produces volume and visual distortion © Roberto Conte

Fillmore穹頂雕塑,紐約 / Edoardo Tresoldi

The installation outlines itself as an architectural precious wreck, a tribute to the cultural background that influenced not only New York City, but several generations worldwide. The deep chasms and the huge fragmented central dome of the six-meter deep installation, as well as the play on fullness and emptiness, project Fillmore East in a contemporary dimension. The sculpture generates volumetric and visual distortions, while contrasting between the elements of the past with industrial materials. Fillmore lives through an amplified and ever-changing point of view, overlapping with Cathédrale’s design to shape a strongly scenic environment.

▼中央穹頂,the dome © Roberto Conte

Fillmore穹頂雕塑,紐約 / Edoardo Tresoldi

▼穹頂細部,details of the dome © Roberto Conte

Fillmore穹頂雕塑,紐約 / Edoardo Tresoldi

▼通過材料和設計創造出的時空飄渺感,the ethereal sense of time and space created through materials and design © Roberto Conte

Fillmore穹頂雕塑,紐約 / Edoardo Tresoldi

▼裝置細部,details of the installation © Roberto Conte

Fillmore穹頂雕塑,紐約 / Edoardo Tresoldi

▼雕塑般的立體感,sculptural vision © Roberto Conte

Fillmore穹頂雕塑,紐約 / Edoardo Tresoldi

