03.03 洪灝:週期之末,詭異的風險對衝策略



過去兩週美國市場經歷了史詩級別的崩盤:自1896年以來,發生這樣級別的暴跌的可能性僅為~0.1%;市場下跌和VIX波動率指數飆升的速度是有數據記錄以來最快的;而10年期美國國債則處於歷史最低水平。儘管如此,中國股市一開始卻挺過來了。在春節後的首個交易日出現歷史性暴跌後,中國市場的主要股指收復了大部分失地,創業板甚至還創下新高 --- —直到上週五,在全球股市遭遇歷史性拋售之際,所有中國股指再次大幅下跌。


仔細想想,他的論點也不無道理。否則,如何解釋在新型冠狀病毒危機之際,創業板和中小板的強勁勢頭?與此同時,作為傳統風險避風港的美元和黃金同時走軟。自武漢封城以來,病毒傳染肆孽,但美國市場基本上保持了穩定 --- 直到兩週前病毒全球蔓延的幾率大幅上升。自那以來,美國10年期國債收益率已跌至創紀錄低點。



短期而言,我們要回答的問題是,在經歷瞭如此巨大的下跌之後,市場下一步會怎樣走?在我們之前的研究報告《中國市場預測權威指南》(20190919)中,我們討論了850天移動平均線在預測市場週期中的作用。簡而言之,850天的市場週期反映了經濟週期的運行。一個3.5年的經濟週期約等於3.5年X 12個月X 20.2天 ~= 一個850天的市場週期。

這一長期移動平均線是美國股市指數的長期上升趨勢線。歷史上,美國市場的回調往往在觸及850日移動均線時反彈。只有在經濟衰退時,股指才會跌破850日移動平均線。在其最深處,當前的市場調整的幅度僅略高於這一長期移動平均線 —— 類似於2018年末由於美聯儲貨幣政策基調過緊時的市場的大幅回調(圖1)。






交銀國際 洪灝,CFA




The market crash in the past two weeks has been truly historic: its probability occurrence is ~0.1% since 1896; the velocity of the plunge and of the VIX surge is the fastest on record; and the 10-year is at all-time low. The Chinese market, however, weathered the storm quite well at first. After an epic crash on the first day of trading after the lunar new year, major indices have recovered most lost grounds, and the ChiNext has even made a new high – till last Friday when all indices suffered significant losses again amid the epic global sell-off.

During this episode of epic risk aversion, my fund manager friend asked me to recommend some stocks to hedge the risks. Being a cautious value investor who has been warning of the current crash two weeks ago, I carefully suggested some names with good earnings visibility and strong management execution records. He glanced over the list with an incredulous look on his face and said: “but these are quality companies with earnings. When there is earning, there will be risk. I really want those without any earning at all.” His logic was so impeccable that I was left dumbfounded and speechless.

On second thought, his arguments are not without merits. Otherwise, how would one explain the strong momentum in the ChiNext and the SME board amid the coronavirus crisis? Meanwhile, the US dollar and gold, the traditional risk haven, have both weakened at the same time. And the US market has largely held up after the virus spread worsened since the Wuhan lockdown – till two weeks ago when the odds of a global contagion surged. Since then, the yield on the US 10-year has plunged to record low.

Logically, the prices of safe assets should rise during risk aversion, as these assets assume the role to hedge risks. Following the sequence of asset price increase aforementioned, we can see an unconventional hedging strategy rotating across various assets: the ChiNext/SME board as a hedge to China’s mainboard, the US market as a hedge to China, gold and USD to the US market, and finally, the 10-year treasury to the US/global equities.

As you can discern, the scope of the hedging strategy continues to increase as the coronavirus spread. However, at a record low of ~1% yield, and the core PCE inflation at ~1.7%, what is going to hedge the 10-year treasury in the end? The past decade has seen the twin bulls in equities and bonds, and those 60/40 balanced portfolios have done exceedingly well. With the Fed fund rate at 1.5%, the US real interest rate is now effectively negative. Even the US treasury can soon lose its ultimate safe haven status. That is a real concern.

In the near term, the question is what next for the market after such an epic plunge? In our previous research report titled “A Definitive Guide to Forecasting China Market” (20190919), we discussed the role of the 850-day moving average in forecasting market cycle. Simply put, the 850-day market cycle is a reflection of the underlying 3.5-year economic cycle, with a duration of 3.5years X 12months X 20.2days ~= 850 days.

This long-term average is a secular rising trend line for the US stock market indices. In history, the US market corrections tended to bounce once they arrived at the 850-day moving average. Only when there was recession did the equity indices puncture beneath the 850-day moving average. At its deepest point, the current correction is only a touch above this moving average - similar to the steep correction in late 2018 when the Fed was too tight (Figure 1).


The US market sentiment and technical indicators are extremely depressed after this plunge, as suggested by the put-call ratio, junk bond spread, the percentage of equity index components oversold, and the historic speed of the plunge. A technical reprieve is in store in the coming week, if history is a guide. That said, if the coronavirus contagion proves to be worse than feared, and the global economy slips into recession due to excessive quarantine to save lives while impeding growth, an economic crisis will ensue. We note that the yield curve has just inverted again, and such inversion tends to lead recession by up to 18 months (Figure 2). If so, the US indices will be halved or more, and the emerging technical rebound will be fleeting and technical in nature. There are MMT talks about the Fed going into negative interest rate. But that will be a true disaster – as the Fed is the world’s central bank, and the US treasury is the world’s safe haven.


In China, the strong relative performance of growth over value is at its extreme – the highest in history indeed – suggesting speculative fervor (Figure 3). In the past when growth outperformed value at such level or higher, the Chinese market tended to be under pressure. This time should not be any different. Yet the ChiNext remains very strong, although its strength will consolidate in the near term (Figure 4). With thematic ideas such as the rollout of the registration-based IPOs, and the speculative logic mentioned at the beginning of this report, brash traders may disregard the expensive valuation of the ChiNext Board, and continue to use it as an unconventional risk hedge. Value investors, will of course find distaste in such reckless “strategy”, and portent another potential bubble candidate on the horizon.


