10.21 「龍騰網」為什麼日本人過於講禮貌(下)


原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻譯:騎著毛驢到處走 轉載請註明出處

Why is Japan so polite?




原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻譯:騎著毛驢到處走 轉載請註明出處

(回答二)Hazel Sarah Federico, living in Japan for 5 years, teaching the Japanese for 14

There are several reasons why the Japanese are considered polite:

Politeness is deeply ingrained in their culture. One of the first things I noticed during my first time in the country is the exchange of polite words between the restaurant staff and its customers. Aside from the usual dialogue to welcome customers, once they finish eating, the customers will say “Gochisousamadeshita!” It can be roughly translated to “the food was delicious.” The staff would then respond with thank you.

Even when I go to supermarkets, I noticed that the staff say a lot more to customers in Japan than they would in other countries. For an outsider who barely speaks Japanese, this can be daunting, which brings me to the next point..







I understand that originally there was no Japanese word for thank you until the Portugese visited. The word for thank you is obrigado in Portugese. As the Japanese attempts to say it turned into arigato gosaimashta as they use phonetic symbols rather than an alphabet. Politeness was always infered in Japanese culture and reliant on body language.

They will also stack words to be ultra polite such as: Domo sumimasen origatogosaimasu.

There is a very old book regardingb the travel to Japan by Mortimer Menipes at the turn of the 20th century. It describes the Japanese culture and why they are like they are.

I was in a taxi in Tokyo (The cab driver wore white gloves and a cap) and he accidentally stoped on a pedestrian crossing and the people were forced to carefully move around the bonnet to cross the road. He sat with his head bowed as low as he could get it. Seeing his discomfort and disgrace, each person stopped briefly to bow in acknowledgement of his suffering. It reminded me of that very old book called Japan where Menipes describes a similar display of polite body language.

據我所知,在葡萄牙人到訪日本之前,日語裡沒有“謝謝”這個詞。“謝謝你”在葡萄牙語中是“obrigado”。由於日本人使用的是平假名而不是字母,所以他們的發音變成了arigato gosaimashta。



There was a time in our culture where it was polite to bow. This was replaced by the handshake in order to show that you were unarmed. Politness among Knights in armour where the lifting of the helmet visor to allow others to see your face eventually turned into the salute or tipping of a cap. Later came the removal of a hat with a flourish and bow in our polite society during Tudor and Elizabethan times. Of course all these things have all but disappeared in our society. Germany still bowed after a sharp click of the heals up to the end of WWI.





We had difficulty in understanding the Japanese culture during WWII. It was considered a disgrace to surrender. Hiro Hito was a living God and Bushido kept all soldiers true to its precepts. It was better to commit Sepuka than live with disgrace and the shame a family would inherit. It was agreat honour to be beheaded by a sword (Katana) and showed a return of respect for enemy officers. Europeans however are repulsed by the very though. We didn’t see it in quite the same way and thought it barbaric and cruel. However, many a nobleman and noble woman were beheaded in Europe for similar reasons in the 14th century.

So, it can be said that the West has undergone a lot of change. With that, we have lost a lot of our chivalry and manners. Japan on the other hand has maintained this. They also have great regard for age and revere the wisdom it carries. It is by no means a perfect society. Although there is little to no crime there is a seedy side to it that thankfully very few westerners will experience.








For example, in the workplace and educational settings, Japanese people are expected to conform to Joge kankei (superior-inferior relationships), where juniors and lower ranked persons use polite or formal language and manners, while superiors get away with more informal language. The classic example of this is a first year university student using desu/masu form (polite verb endings) when talking to a second year university student. The second year student outranks the first year student by one year, and so will use plain form (informal verb endings). The fact that this culture has survived to the present day is mind-boggling.

However, as this workplace survey shows, the majority of Japanese people experience significant stress in their personal relationships at work as a result of this superior-inferior system of rigid socio-linguistic culture.

Second question: if they don’t like it, why don’t they change? Why not just be more relaxed and behave more informally?

It is simply fear. The pressure to conform makes Japanese people intensely self-conscious and anxious about what others are thinking of them. This partly explains the prominent hermit (hikikomori) trend in modern Japan, where people who do not fit in simply hide themselves away. There are around 5 million of these hermits.






Conformity has traditionally been emphasized in Japan. Bullying at primary school and high school reinforces the importance of conformity from a young age. Bullying at school is the reason why suicide is now the leading cause of death among children aged 10–14 in Japan. It’s higher than cancer.

But bullying doesn’t stop at school. It extends even into the upper echelons of politics. A party member who takes a critical stance against the prime minister could be bullied by fellow lawmakers in an indirect, passive-aggressive manner for months or even years afterwards. Such behavior drives home the undeniable fact that politeness in Japan is often a superficial presentation that helps avoid externally visible friction, but is not necessarily an expression of genuine kindness.

Conformity across society creates harmony in the respect that it reduces conflict. But conformity stifles individual expression. Conformity is not fun. And the pressure to conform creates fear.







K Ken Nakamura, studied at University of California System

Japanese may be very polite but it has many downside compare to the US. For example:

In the US, if you arrive the hotel early (for example after the red eye from West coast to the East Coast) many hotel will let you check in at 8AM for example. That is not possible in Japan. They will take your luggage but you must wait until 2PM or 3PM, what ever the check-in time and use your room facilities.

In the US, if the item you bought in the store happen to be defective, you can return to the store and they are happy to exchange it. In Japan, in most cases, that is not possible. The store usually tells you to contact manufacture to fix the problem.




