05.31 退休後的歪果仁是怎麼賺外快?外媒爆料:我們就算退休也會賺錢!

相信大家都見過不少退休後的外國老頭、老太太經常旅遊、購買各種奢飾品。比如《穿普拉達的女王》(The Devil Wears Prada)的女魔頭米蘭達,雖然已經步入中年,但是依舊手持各種令人豔羨的奢侈品!大牌衣服、包包、高跟鞋換了一次又一次,而且,從來不穿同一款式!!



While it’s often tough to give up a full-time career in order to retire, it is also a way to truly enjoy the fruits of your labor. Once you are retired it is still possible to generate a limited income, allowing you to dabble in new hobbies and activities while earning a side income. Here are some of our top 20 no-cost ways to make side money as a retiree:

1、 出租家裡共用空間


With the advent of online communities and services such as AirBnB.com, renting or sharing your home has become easier than ever. If you own more than one home or if you are interested in renting out a room in your primary property, doing so is possible by choosing your preferred service and sharing your listing to get started.


2、 自制小食品、烘焙食品


If you love to cook homemade meals and create baked goods for loved ones year-round, consider the opportunity to sell your creations. There are multiple online services available for serving homecooked meals depending on your location and community. Visit local shops and farmer’s markets to inquire about selling your baked goods. Many local communities host events that allow citizens of the area to sell their goods when abiding by set rules.


Abiding [ə'baɪdɪŋ] adj. v. 持久的、永久的、遵守、容忍。


3、 兼職臨時代理


Visit your local temp agency to inquire about positions that are only temporary and within your wheelhouse. Temp agencies are ideal if you have a set schedule you are willing to work or if you are satisfied with any position to help occupy your time while making money. It is also possible to search for seasonal positions locally or when visiting your temp agency, as many stores hire during the holidays when stores are the busiest and require more staff.


Wheelhouse ['wiːlhaʊs] n. 駕駛室、舵手室。


4、 兼職園藝師


Gardening is often a hobby for most people, though it is possible to earn money if you have a green thumb. Check your local town hall for more information regarding gardening clubs, or learn more about gardening clubs in your state online. Gardening clubs along with gardening jobs involving planting and maintenance are available with friends, family members, and even others in your neighborhood.


Maintenance [ˈmeɪntənəns] n. 維護、維修、保持、生活費用。


5、 自由作家


Freelancing writing and working as a copy editor is possible if you have a love for writing and an obsession with grammar.


Obsession [əb'seʃ(ə)n] n. 痴迷、困擾、強迫觀念。


6、 創建YouTube視頻


Consider the option of launching your very own YouTube channel. Create a YouTube channel that revolves around your favorite hobbies, movie reviews, or even enjoyable discussions you want to have with your viewers. Taking the time to research each opportunity that may be right for you is a way to truly feel fulfilled with how you spend your time as a retiree.







