03.07 看美剧学英语《了不起的麦瑟尔夫人》S01E06 191-195

191.Get in here. 快过来!

✨get+adv./prep.:to arrive at or reach a place or point 抵达,达到(某地或某点)

You got in very late last night.



192.I played it so cool. 我装得很冷静。

✨play [v.] pretend to be sth that you are not. 假装

She enjoys playing the wronged wife.



看美剧学英语《了不起的麦瑟尔夫人》S01E06 191-195

I thought we were playing nice.

193.He was eating out of the palm of my hand. 他恨不得我马上答应。

✨eat out of your/sb's hand: to trust sb and be willing to do what they say 甘于听命于某人;顺从某人

She'll have them eating out of her hand in no time.


194.This is the hotbed of the invention 这是发明的温床。
✨hotbed: a place where a lot of particular activity, espcially sth bad or violent, is happening (坏事、暴力等)温床

195.I'm in their ranks. 我将加入到他们的行业中去。

✨ranks:the members of a particular group or organization (组织或团体的)成员

At 50, he was forced to join the ranks of the unemployed.


