
ability n. ①能力 ②才能(常用複數)



- He is a man of ability. 他是個能幹的人。

- He has the ability to read. 他有閱讀的能力。

- He has great abilities as a writer. 他是個有本領的作家。


ability後面可以接動詞不定式、介詞in或for,但不能接of doing形式。

-(×)You shouldimprove the ability of drawing.

-(√)You shouldimprove the ability to draw.

-(√)You shouldimprove the ability in/for drawing.你應該提高你的繪畫能力。

[備考必備] 重要詞組

have the ability to do sth. 有能力做某事 to the best of one's ability 盡力

- I will help you to the best of my ability.我會盡我所能幫助你的。



abroad n. ①在國外,到國外 ②到處


- One of my brothers lived abroad. 我有個哥哥住在國外。

- The manager went abroad for business. 經理出差去國外了。

- The poor granny has never been abroad. 這個貧窮的老奶奶從未出過國。

- The news spread abroad. 消息傳得很廣。



absence n. ①不在,缺席 ②缺乏


- Nobody noticed his absence from school. 沒人注意到他沒來上學。

[備考必備] 重要詞組

in/during one's absence 在某人不在時

- Please take care of my house during myabsence. 我不在時,請照看我的房子。

absence of mind 心不在焉

- His absence of mind led to a lot ofmistakes. 他由於心不在焉造成了很多錯誤。


- The evvironmentalists and wildgoats' on the vast grasslands was agood indication of the better environment. [2004 上海]

A. escape B. absence C. attendance D. appearance

答案:D (環境保護者和野山羊在大草原上的出現時環境改善的一個很好的跡象。escape是“逃跑”;absence是“缺席”;attendance是“參加”;appearance是“出現”。)

absent adj. ①缺席的,不在場的 ②缺乏的

[備考必備] 重要詞組

be absent from 缺席

- The manager was absent from the meeting. 經理缺席會議。


absent考的頻率很高,對這個詞的考查基本都集中在詞組be absent from上。

①口音,音調 ②重音


- His strong southern accent reveals heisn't a local man.


- He speaks English with an Americanaccent. 他講英語帶有美國口音。



accept vt. 接受


- I can not accept my defeat. 我無法接受我失敗了。

- Tom accepted the invitation to a concert.湯姆接受了去音樂會的邀請。

[考點] 辨析accept和receive


- I've received a gift from him, but I'mnot going to accept it.


[備考必背] 重要詞組

accept ... as... 把……當作……

- I can't accept you as my assistant. 我不能答應你當我的幫手。



accident n. 事故;意外的事



- There have been many railway accidentsthis year. 今年發生了多起火車事故。

- It was quite an accident. 那完全是一次意外事故。

[考點] 辨析accident,incident和event



1、“糟透的或可怕的、嚴重的事故”可以用a bad/dreadful/serious accident表示,不能用big修飾accident。

(×)Jack was killed in a big accident.

(√)Jack was killed in a seriousaccident. 傑克在一次嚴重的事故中喪生。


without accident 平安地;無恙地 accident insurance 事故保險

by accident=by chance 意外地

- I met Tom by accident in the cinema. 我在電影院偶然遇到了湯姆。


accidental adj. 意外的 accidentally adv. 偶然地,意外地


- Most people on this island arerecreational fishers, and ,fishing forms an actual part of their leisure time. [2004 上海]

A. accidentally B. purposefully C. obviously D. formally

答案:C (島上的大部分人把捕魚作為娛樂,很明顯,捕魚成了他們休閒時間中實實在在的一部分。accidentally是“偶然地”;pruposefully是“故意地”;obviously是“明顯地”;formally是“正式地”。)

account n. ①賬目,賬戶 ②描述,記述;報告,報道 ③理由,緣故


- You should open a bank account. 你應該開個銀行賬戶。

- All the accounts of the company are in amess. 這公司的賬目一團糟。

- Please give me an account of your trip. 請告訴我你旅行的情況。

- The newspaper's account misled theconsumers. 這條報紙的報道誤導了消費者。

[備考必背] 重要詞組

on account of 因為,由於

- Don't stay away on account of John. 為了約翰,請不要離開。



