真的感覺祖國太好了 The mothercountry is our guardian


Hello guys ,today this artle i write today is parrticularly used for praising our common great mothercountryChina,for this matter happened on my body,it said indicated that through this touched case ,no matter where you are ,no matter who you are ,no matter when you are ,our great country never forget you ,whenever our country put you in her heart and mind ,as long you need help assistance even though you do not contact /keen in tuch with our country,my mother country would posstively contact you .i think now ,it is my best wish that it is good if my country is powerful and strong,now i will speak my story below


It is around 10 o clock this morning at domestic time ,the town police station arrived at my home in villiage.forinqure consult/ check /my individual condition about my work.but unfortunately i am absent at my home,so the policeman dialed the number of my wife,asked where i work at ,at the same time ,my wife has been informed/notified that the situation of Middle east was very severe and serious/terrible contributing the novel coronovirus /novel pneumonia and unstable political adversity. warned /averted me requried me to contact the local Embassy /Ambassador of china in time ,should retreat withdraw from chaotic /scruffy/insteady middle east countries for your personel safety.i was very touchend /was very impressive /feel considerate by the genial bahaviors came from own country.i thought in my deep our mothercountry still remmbers us ,she can not forget us,she cares our safety all the time but you do not know.thereafter,my wife replied to policeman ,i am working at south pacific ocean /continent,not at middle east.finally,they went back to report their superior.


Learning from this touchable event, i WANT to say that no matter where you are,your own country will remmber your at any time,she always cares you ,mother do not forget you please trust your mother.and eventually,wish our country powerful and potent/influential as soon as possible,as well realize her great revival of Chinese ,standing at the top/peak of world in time.

