

Jack Welch, legendary GE CEO, dead


Jack Welch, who led General Electric through two decades of extraordinary corporate prosperity and became the most influential business manager of his generation, died on March 1. He was 84. Combative① and blunt②, Mr. Welch became the chief executive of General Electric in 1981. It was a time of outsize③gains for many of America’s big, multinational corporations and their leaders, who were helped by lower taxes and pro-business policies. G.E. led the pack④. The company’s revenue jumped nearly fivefold, to $130 billion, during Mr. Welch’s tenure⑤, while the value of its shares on the stock market soared from $14 billion to more than $410 billion. Fortune magazine named him the “Manager of the Century,” and in 2000 The Financial Times named G.E. “the World’s Most Respected Company” for the third straight year. (The New York Times)



① combative: [ˈkɒmbətɪv] adj. ready or willing to fight or argue 好鬥/事

② blunt: [blʌnt] adj. saying exactly what you think without trying to be polite 率直的,不拐彎抹角的

③ outsize: [ˈaʊtˌsaɪz] adj. exceptionally large 超/極大

④ pack: [pæk] n. a group of similar people or things

⑤ tenure: [ˈtɛnjʊə] n. the period of time when somebody holds an important job, especially a political one(尤指從政者的)任期


Jack Welch in 2004

(Credit: The New York Times)


US Federal Reserve announcing an emergency rate cut


The Federal Reserve slashed① interest rates by half a percentage point last Tuesday, a bold attempt to give the US economy a jolt② in the face of concerns about the coronavirus outbreak. It was the first unscheduled emergency rate cut since 2008, and it also marks the biggest one-time cut since then. The new benchmark interest rate is a range of between 1% and 1.25%. The emergency rate cut came as somewhat of③ a surprise: Although the stock market soared last Monday in expectation of a rate cut, the Fed and other central banks had seemingly pooh-poohed④ the notion as recently as last Tuesday morning. US President Trump, who has long advocated for lower rates, cheered the rate cut but said the Fed needed to cut further. (CNN)



① slash: [slæʃ] vt. to reduce sth. by a large amount【口】大幅削減

② jolt: [dʒəʊlt] n. a sudden, rough movement 震動

③ somewhat of: used to make a statement or description 有點

④ pooh-pooh: [ˌpuːˈpuː] vt. to say that a suggestion, an idea, etc. is not true or not worth thinking about 輕視,藐視,貶低


A trader passes a hand sanitizing station on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, Tuesday, March 3, 2020.

(Credit: AP)


Two Irish women winning the Pritzker Prize, architecture’s highest honour


Yvonne Farrell and Shelley McNamara won the 2020 Pritzker Prize, becoming only the fourth and fifth women to claim architecture’s equivalent to the Nobel Prize in its 41-year history. The Irish pair, co-founders of Dublin-based firm Grafton Architects, were named this year’s laureates in recognition of their “unceasing commitment to excellence,” it was announced last Tuesday. Known for robust creations in concrete and stone, Farrell and McNamara have been prolific in their native Ireland. The duo① has produced dozens of residential, commercial, civic and educational buildings since opening their practice in 1978. (CNN)



① duo: [ˈdjuːəʊ] n. two people who perform together or are often seen or thought of together 二人組合,一對藝人


In this May 23, 2018 file photo, Biennale International Architecture exhibition curators Yvonne Farrell, left, and Shelley McNamara appear in Venice, Italy.

(Credit: AP)


Bloomberg out, Biden resurgent① after Super Tuesday victories


New York billionaire Mike Bloomberg suspended his presidential campaign and Massachusetts Sen.② Elizabeth Warren was reassessing her candidacy last Wednesday as the winnowing③ process in the Democrats’ 2020 nomination fight lurched④ forward after a consequential Super Tuesday. The Democratic presidential contest is now a two-man race. The developments came just hours after a resurgent Biden scored victories from Texas to Massachusetts, revitalizing a presidential bid that was teetering⑤ on the edge of disaster just days earlier. Biden’s rival Bernie Sanders seized the biggest prize with a win in California that ensured he—and his embrace of democratic socialism—would drive the Democrats’ nomination fight for the foreseeable future. (NPR, AP)



① resurgent: [rɪˈsɜːdʒənt] adj. becoming stronger or more popular again 死而復生的,復活的

② Sen.: =【美】Senator 參議員(頭銜)

③ winnow: [ˈwɪnəʊ] vt. to make (a list of possible choices) smaller by removing the less desirable choices 篩選,剔除

④ lurch: [lɜːtʃ] vi. to make a sudden sideways or forward motion 突然傾斜/急動

⑤ teeter: [ˈtiːtə] vi. to move in an unsteady way back and forth or from side to side 搖晃,搖搖欲墜


Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden speaks during a primary election night rally Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in Los Angeles.

(Credit: AP)


Russia and Turkey agreeing on a ceasefire① deal for Syria’s Idlib


Turkey and Russia agreed a ceasefire deal last Thursday in Syria’s Idlib region, their two leaders said after talks in Moscow to contain a conflict which had displaced nearly a million people in three months. Russia and Turkey back opposing sides in Syria’s nine-year conflict, with Moscow supporting President Bashar al-Assad and Turkey backing some rebel groups. Several previous deals to end the fighting in Idlib have collapsed. Assad himself has vowed to recapture “every inch” of Syrian territory, but his depleted② military depends heavily on Moscow’s power and Iranian-backed militias③ on the ground. (Reuters)



① ceasefire: [ˈsiːsˌfaɪə] n. an agreement to stop fighting a war for a period of time so that a permanent agreement can be made to end the war 停火,停戰

② deplete: [dɪˈpliːt] vt. to use most or all of (something important) 大大減少,耗盡

③ militia: [mɪˈlɪʃə] n. a group of people who are not part of the armed forces of a country but are trained like soldiers 民兵組織


(Credit: untvweb.com)


dozens trapped as China’s quarantine① hotel collapsed


Last Saturday, a hotel in China that was utilized to quarantine② coronavirus patients collapsed, leaving around 70 people trapped beneath the rubble③. The five-story④, 80-room Xinjia Hotel is located in Quanzhou, in the southeastern Fujian Province. It remains unclear as of writing what caused the collapse and how many people—who either tested positive for COVID-19 or had come in contact with someone with coronavirus—were quarantined at the hotel, which opened in 2018, the People’s Daily, China reported. (Business Insider)



① quarantine: [ˈkwɒrənˌtiːn] n. the situation of being kept away from others to prevent a disease from spreading 隔離(期),檢疫

② quarantine: [ˈkwɒrənˌtiːn] vt. 參見①

③ rubble: [ˈrʌbəl] n. broken pieces of stone, brick, etc., from walls or buildings that have fallen 碎石,碎磚

④ stor(e)y: [ˈstɔːrɪ] n. a group of rooms or an area that forms one floor level of a building(樓)層


Around 70 people were trapped when the Xinjia Hotel collapsed last Saturday evening. Emergency personnel have rescued at least 34 of them.

(Credit: CNS)


