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What was the single most critical mistake that led to Germany''s defeat during World War II?

原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻譯:wolface 轉載請註明出處
Kelly La Rue, Veteran
Germany lost for the same reason Germany started the war, because Hitler was in charge. Speer described Hitler as an incompetent, unprofessional, self-taught layman: "Without any sense of the complexities of any great task, he boldly assumed one function after another." Inside the Third Reich
Invading Russia might be Hitler''s biggest mistake but there are other important miscalculations. Some are possibly more egregious than Operation Barbarossa.
He declared war on the United States, the single greatest industrial power in the world. The decision borders on the stupid. One historian says Hitler made this decision in a moment of absent mindedness. It is ironic that Churchill''s greatest Christmas present came from Hitler. Churchill said once the US was on board he knew Hitler was finished. Germany declares war on the United States — History.com This Day in History — 12/11/1941 The entire population of the United States, under threat from the Japanese as well, became single minded in their pursuit of victory over both aggressors. For the first time ever women entered the workforce in huge numbers and proved once and for all they could do a man''s work and do it well.

Isolationism was a thing of the past as men enisted en masse.
While the men fought the women built the war machines.
Failing to finish the British and French in 1940 at Dunkirk. Hitler''s decision to halt the advance of armor at Goring''s urging who wanted to prove the Luftwatte''s mettle. The decision was mysterious to German high command. Then Britain surprised the Germans with the most successful sea evacuation in history. A disaster was averted by Hitler''s decision. 215,000 British and 140,000 French, Polish, and Belgians were rescued over a nine day period under heavy aerial assault. As a result of the inspired rescue British morale soared and the nation was united in a belief they could prevail against the Nazis. If this wasn''t enough the American public was galvanized by the example of British pluck and courage as public opinion swung towards support of Britain. A solid majority now backed a peacetime draft and rearmament and Roosevelt finally had the public support necessary for the Lend-Lease act. This was to be the first of many of Hitler''s blunders and a far more important one than anyone could have foreseen as two nations, not one, together prepared for war. Hitler was proving himself to be his own worst enemy and it happened here, at Dunkirk. Battle of Dunkirk
Brits rallied using any boat available to bring home their boys.

Night became the preferred time to cross the channel.


Hitler ignored staff advice that the invasion of Russia would be an economic disaster for Germany.
Hitler along with his staff grossly underestimated the Soviet unx''s industrial might, its ability to mobilize troops, and its weaponry. The Germans were stunned when the Soviets rolled out a capable tank that could outgun their tanks. The PPD­40 submachine gun followed by the inexpensive PPSh with its high rate of fire and large magazine turned the Soviet soldier into an aggressive and deadly fighting machine. Because the weapon was only suitable for close quarter fighting it brought the Soviet soldier out from behind their barriers to engage the enemy while snipers took out German soldiers from a distance.
At a thousand rounds per minute the PPSh41 was deadly leading Germans to pick it up for their own use. It was so popular with German troops the German high command developed a program to modify abandoned PPSh41 guns to use German ammunition and reissued it to their troops as the MP41


The stick magazine differentiated the German MP41 from the Russian version and helped prevent panicked Germans from firing on their own troops.


The innovative T-34 completely surprised the Germans who assumed subhumans couldn''t design anything better than what they had. The design influenced all future tanks. Even the Nazis incorporated T-34 improvements such as the sloped armor.


Invaded Russia with an order to exercise "maximum cruelty". Corpses swung from lampposts, mass graves were filled, houses burned, towns leveled. Given who he was it''s unlikely Hitler could have done anything else but the result is the Russians, who greeted the Germans as liberators and might have joined or at least offered no resistance to the German invasion, decided Stalin wasn''t the worst thing around but instead fought him with all the ferocity and commitment they had. Some people disagree with this assessment saying the population didn''t understand Stalin was bad news but whatever the case Hitler turned his invasion into something so horrifying the country was easily mobilized against him.


Burn everything, murder everyone.
The Russians responded with a scorched earth policy in order to deprive the advancing Germans food and shelter. This is the same policy used against Napoleon.


Albert Speer said Hitler had a heat-seeking missile that could have turned back the Allied air invasion. Multiple sources confirm this. Instead of okaying development of this potential game changer Hitler squandered valuable resources (estimates range from half to twice the cost of the Manhattan project. One estimate is, inflation adjusted, $50 billion vs $25 billion for the Manhattan project) developing the V-2 rocket, a nearly useless tactical weapon that delivered a warhead only 15% larger than the V-1''s for far greater cost.
The first cruise missile, the V1, was slow enough to be shot down but it was inexpensive with a large warhead.
The V2 was the first ballistic missile and an incredible technological feat. It carried a large warhead and because of its supersonic speed it fell without warning making it a true terror weapon. Over 500 fell on London killing 9000.
According to Speer, Hitler delayed the launching his jet plane for a year because he insisted it be developed as a bomber. It took an additional year to convert it into what it was best suited for, a fighter. It was introduced too late to be an important factor in the air war. One reader says the plane was delayed because of developmental problems with the engine but I have found limited support sources for that. Since Hitler already had successful jet bombers including the capable Ar 234 the rationale behind his thinking escapes me. It is little known that the British had also developed a successful Jet fighter. It deployed too late to help.

In the hands of experienced pilots the German Me-262 might have severely impacted the Allied air campaign but it was deployed too late.
Ar 234 was very fast and the Luftwatte wanted as many as it could get. It got 200 and was the last bomber to fly over Britain. Although used primarily as a reconnaissance plane it was also used as a bomber.
Ar234 轟炸機飛行速度非常高,當時德國空軍想要儘可能多的這種飛機,最終,有200架轟炸機被交付,同時,它也是最後飛越英國上空的轟炸機。


Hitler did not develop a long range bomber that he could have used to bomb Stalin''s factories deep behind the front lines.

Hitler''s obsession with "super weapons" led to him pouring resources into developing weapons that were basically useless and ignoring production of needed materials such as trucks. His much vaunted Tiger Tank, a formidable weapon indeed, was expensive and unreliable. He could have manufactured many less expensive tanks for the same money, five or ten times as many. Instead of learning the lesson inherent in what happened he went on to produce the King Tiger—a nearly invulnerable tank with unimaginable firepower but underpowered, unreliable, and ultimately almost useless. Speer was alarmed by this wasteful research and concerned the tanks would get so heavy they would break through the Earth''s crust. Another tank in development was ironically name the Mouse. Large and powerful only two were built. One of Hitler''s proposed tanks was 40'' tall.
The King Tiger, while virtually unstoppable, failed to live up to its promise. Note the T-34 inspired sloped armor and the 20'' long cannon.


Hitler''s dream Landkreuzer P. 1000 Ratte
Hitler was fooled by "Operation Fortitude", one of the most sophisticated and successful military deceptions in history. A phony army was created complete with fake military equipment and radio chatter under the command of General Patton to fool the Germans into believing the D-Day invasion would take place in Northern France and that the Normandy landing was a diversion. Hitler was completely taken in and delayed moving reinforcements to Normandy until two months after D-Day. The diversion was a success in large part because of a brilliant Spanish spy who worked for the Allies as a double agent feeding false information to the Nazis that D-Day was a diversion. It is likely the invasion would have failed without Operation Fortitude. The D-Day operation was delayed because of the unexpected difficulty in penetrating centuries old hedgerows so the Allies, having not broken out, would have had difficulty resisting a German counterattack.


Hitler''s racism drove some great minds out of Germany, most notably Einstein. Ultimately Hitler''s driving out Germany''s particle physics community might have been his greatest error. Before the war Germany led the world in quantum physicists and many, including Einstein, were Jews hence the Nazi''s dismissive attitude toward "Jewish science". But it was not only Jewish physicists that left in droves. Many highly competent Gentile physicists, for instance Erwin Schroedinger Erwin Schrödinger - Biographical, left because of their distaste for Hitler''s racism. This left Germany with arguably only one giant in the field, Werner Heisenberg, who went on to unsuccessfully run Hitler''s atomic bomb program. Page on wikipedia.org. Einstein, on the other hand, blew the whistle on Germany''s atomic bomb aspirations leading directly to the Manhattan project.

The list could go on but the upshot is Hitler, a talented politician, was an incompetent administrator and military leader. He was so bad that the Allies, who had an assassination plan in place, were unable to resolve the dilemma whether it was better to leave Hitler in office where his incompetence was an asset or to take the chance he might be replaced with someone who, instead of surrendering, was better able to prosecute the war. As a result the decision was never made to give the plan the go ahead. In addition the Allies wanted to totally discredit Nazism and if Hitler wasn''t at the helm when Germany went under there might be German postwar speculation that had Hitler been in charge the Nazis would have prevailed.
Musah Ismael, SHS University of Birmingham & University of Northern Iowa (2017)
In his prison cell at Nuremberg, Hitler''s foreign minister, Joachim von Ribbentrop, wrote a brief memoir in the course of which he explored the reasons for Germany''s defeat. He picked out three factors that he thought were critical: the unexpected ''power of resistance'' of the Red Army; the vast supply of American armaments; and the success of Allied air power.
This last was Hitler''s explanation too. When Ribbentrop spoke with him a week before the suicide in the bunker, Hitler told him that, ''the real military cause of defeat'' was the failure of the German Air Force.
For all his many failings Ribbentrop was closer to the truth than he might have realised. For the Allies in World War Two, the defeat of Germany was their priority. Italy and Japan never posed the same kind of threat as the European superpower they fought alongside. Their defeat, costly though it was, became irresistible. The key to ending the world crisis was the defeat of Hitler''s Germany.


This situation seemed beyond remedy. Yet within a year Soviet factories were out-producing their richly-endowed German counterparts - the Red Army had embarked on a thorough transformation of the technical and organisational base of Soviet forces, and a stiffening of morale, from Stalin downwards, produced the first serious reverse for the German armed forces when Operation Uranus in November 1942 led to the encirclement of Stalingrad and the loss of the German Sixth Army.

