
1. There is little _fruit

_ in the fridge. Let’s go to the market to buy some.

A. eggs B. vegetables C. fruit D. snacks


2. I wonder if she will call me when she arrives .(  )

A. calls,she arrives B. will callshe arrives C. calls,will she arrive

【解析】答案:B。第一個設空處考查if引導的賓語從句的時態,主句I wonder是一般現在時,根據句意"我想知道當她到了的時候她是否會給我打電話。""


3. ​I saw Tom _put_ his key in the lock, turn it and open the door.

A. put B. putting C. puts D. to put

【解析】句意:我看見湯姆把鑰匙插進鎖裡,打開鎖並打開了門。根據這裡see sb do sth表示看到某人做了某事,看到全過程。故選A。

4. Wearing red makes it easier for you to take_ action. This can help you when you have difficulty _

making_ a decision.

A. to take; making B. to take; to makeC. taking; makingD. taking; to make

【解析】句意:穿紅色衣服能使你更容易採取行動。當你很難做出決定時它能起一定作用。it做形式賓語指代下文不定式內容;have difficulty (in) doing sth.做某事有困難,很費勁地做某事。故選 A。

5._What_great fun we had _making_ snowmen!

A. What a, making B. What a, to makeC. What, to makeD. What, making


正常語序是: We had great fun making snowmen.這是have fun doing sth(做某事很開心)句型, fun是不可數名詞,不能加冠詞“a”。

6.He came late to school and was afraid _of being seen_ by the teacher.

A. to see B. to be seen C. of seeing D. of being seen

【解析】句意:他上學遲到了,害怕被老師看見。由He came late to school(他來學校遲到了)可知,後半句表示他害怕被老師看見,應用be afraid of doing sth.害怕做某事,擔心出現doing的狀況、結果,doing 是客觀上造成的,意思是生怕,恐怕,主語he與see之間為被動關係,故用be afraid of being seen;而be afraid to do sth.不敢做某事,膽怯去做某事,是主觀上的原因不去做,意為“怕”不符合題意,故選D。

7.Do you know_what the weather will be like_ tomorrow?

A. what the weather will be like B. what will the weather be likeC. what will be the weather

【解析】句意:你知道明天的天氣怎麼樣? 賓語從句的結構:主語+謂語+連接詞+從句。從句在句中作賓語。從句要用陳述句的語序。因為BC語序錯誤, 故選A。

8.If everyone follows the traffic rules, there will be fewer accidents on the road.

A. follows B. follow C. breaks D. break【解析】句意:如果每個人都遵守交通規則,那麼交通事故將會減少很多。follow遵守,break破壞;everyone是第三人稱單數,故動詞用三單形式。根據分析,故選A。

9.—_How soon

__will you finish reading the book?(  )

—In two days.

A. How long B. How soon C. How much D. How far

【解析】答案:B。how long多長時間,提問時間段;how soon多久以後,經常用於一般將來時,答語為in+一段時間;how much多少,提問數量;how far多遠,提問距離;根據In two days,這裡表示兩天後,問句用how soon提問。故選B。

10.—I believe that you can __ work out this problem by yourself.

​—Thank you for your encouragement.

A. work out B. take out C. turn out D. run out

【解析】考查動詞短語。句意:——我相信你自己能夠解決這個問題。——謝謝你的鼓勵。A.work out意為“解決”;B.take out意為“拿出”;C.turn out意為“證明是”;D.run out意為“用完”。只有work out可以和problem搭配。故選A。


11.We _were told (tell) to write a composition called "life in space" by our teacher yesterday.

【解析】句意:昨天我們被老師告知要寫一篇“太空的生活”的作文。根據句意可知是一般過去時的被動語態,使用was/were+過去分詞結構,we與were連用,故填were told。

12.Our teacher has given us some advice that is well worth _considering_ (consider).

【解析】考查固定短語和動名詞。句意:我們的老師給我們提了一些很值得思考的建議。be well worth doing很值得做某事,固定短語,故填considering。


The man wants to find a house __which/that_ is in the center of the city.


定語從句的關係代詞。a house是先行詞,指物,在定語從句中作主語,關係代詞用which/that,故填which/that。

13.​Nothing is _impossible (possible). It means everything can happen if you make efforts.​

【解析】句意:沒有什麼是不可能的,這意味著只要你努力,一切都會發生。從It means everything can happen if you make efforts判斷前面句子說的是沒有什麼是不可能的。故填impossible。

14.She felt sorry for _being_ (be) late again.



The girl __who/that_ I talked to a moment ago is my cousin.

【解析】考查定語從句的關係代詞。the girl是先行詞,指人,在定語從句中作賓語,


16.Samsung[ˈsæmsʌŋ] becomes successful mainly because of its creativity[ˌkriːeɪˈtɪvəti] (create).

【解析】考查名詞的用法。句意:三星的成功主要是因為它的創造力。根據介詞of之後的its它的,可知,此空需要名詞,create 創造,創作,動詞,其名詞形式為creativity,不可數名詞,its creativity它的創造力,做介詞of的賓語。故填creativity。

17.I can still remember the pride of __overcoming__ (overcome) fear by myself.


18.—Will you feel surprised if you _

are offered_ (offer)the job?

​—Well, I haven't thought about the matter.

【解析】考查狀語從句時態,語態和主謂一致。如果你得到這份工作,你會感到驚訝嗎?我還沒想過這件事。offer主動提供,動詞。此處為if引導的條件狀語從句,主句用一般將來時,從句用一般現在時。此處為從句,所以用一般現在時。offer其後常接雙賓語,而設空處之後只有一個賓語,所以此處是被動語態be+過去分詞。此處為一般現在時,且主語是you,故填are offered。

19.Scientists around the world are working to_discover_a medicine for AIDS(艾滋病).( cover)


20.Sanya is a nice city at the__southern_end of Hainan Island. (south)

【解析】三亞是海南島南端的一座美麗的城市。根據該空處在句中作定語修飾名詞end,故填入形容詞,所給詞south為名詞其對應的形容詞為southern"南的" 故為:southern。


The best body language may be the smile .A smile can open doors and pull down walls among (strangers) (strange). My experience really puts it well.

I (have organized) (organize)組織 and reorganized[riˈɔːɡənaɪzd]重新安排 a meeting with the doctor for months. I also called the day before to make true all the paperwork (would be)(be) ready for the x-rays.

Then I arrived. It wasn’t ready at all. The lady there even didn't know what I (

was talking

(talk) about, I felt my blood hot at once. I was getting so mad. Though I (didn't shout) ( not shout) at her, the way I was talking to her was not nice. The whole time she smiled and was (friendly) (friend) to me

When everything (was done) (do) at last, I felt much better. I thought about the whole thing. How can I make it (better) (good) ? I could give her a chocolate bar I had on me, but this needed more than that. I needed (to say (say) sorry. And that is (

exactly (exact) what I did. ……


2.organize組織,動詞。結合for months可知是現在完成時,其結構為have/has+過去分詞,又主語是I,所以用have。​故填have organized。

3.分析句子結構可知此處為賓語從句,結合called,可知主句是一般過去時。賓語從句中主句是一般過去時,從句則要為相對應的過去時態。從句描述的還未發生所以是一般將來時,此處為賓語從句中,要變成過去將來時would+動詞原形。be的原形即為be。故填would be。過去將來時就是把一般將來時的動詞結構變成過去式:would + 動原 或者 was/were going to + 動原。

4.結合語境,此處表示正在發生,且是在過去,所以用過去進行時was/were+現在分詞。又主語是I,所以be用was。故填was talking。

5.shout大聲說,實意動詞,其否定形式需藉助助動詞do/does/did。結合後半句was可知,本句為一般過去時,所以用did not=didn't,後接動詞原形shout。故填didn't shout。

6. 根據空前系動詞was可知,空後需填一個形容詞作表語。friend朋友,名詞,其形容詞為friendly,友好的。故填friendly。

7.do做,及物動詞,其後要接賓語結合句子,設空處後無賓語,且主語是everything,可知此處為被動語態be+過去分詞。結合felt可知是一般過去時,且主語是everything,為單數形式,所以be用was。故填​was done。

8.make it後加形容詞作補足語。​結合I felt much better,可知此處也要用比較級。good好的,形容詞,其比較級為better,更好的。故填better。

9.分析句子結構可知,need to do sth.​需要做某事,固定短語。say說,動詞,此處需用其動詞不定式​to say。故填to say。



Anny is only 13 years old.She is a girl (full)of love.

At the age of four,she began to learn (how to)play the violin.And she was really good at it.

She wanted to (help)the pool children in her town,so she decided to raise some money by playing the violin in

(the)street.At first,only a few people gave her money.Three days later,she put a sign beside her,saying why she was doing so.When people saw the sign,they were all (moved )and started to help her with the work.Anny also (sold)her favorite toys to collect money.When her teachers and classmates got to know this,they all began to sell their old toys,clothes and books to collect money, (too)

Anny (has raised)money for two years,and now she's got (more)than£2,000.She says she will continue doing like this and help more poor


5. A. Filled B. full C. fill D. fulled

6. A. what to B. when to C. how to D. which to

7. A. help B. helped C. helps D. helping

8. A. A B. An C. the D. /

9. A. moving B. moved C. moves D. move

10. A. sold B. bought C. Borrowed D. lost

11. A. too B. to C. also D. either

12. A. raised B. has been raised C. has raised D. had been raised

13. A. must B. many C. more D. much

14. A. friends B. children C. classmates D. teachers


1.句意:她是一名充滿愛心的女孩。A.filled充滿(過去式) B.full充滿的 C.fill充滿(原形) D.fulled錯誤表達,根據of love,可知是短語full of充滿……的,這是固定搭配。故選B。

2.句意:她開始學習如何拉小提琴。A.what to…什麼 B.when to什麼時候去…C.how to如何…D.which to哪一個……,根據she began to learn她開始學習,可知開始學習如何拉小提琴。故選C。

3.句意:她想幫助城市裡貧窮的孩子。A.help動詞原形 B.helped動詞過去式 C.helps動詞三單式 D.helping動名詞,根據題幹中的wanted,可知

want to do想做某事,這是固定結構。故選A。

4.句意:她決定通過在街上小提琴來籌到一些錢。A.a一……用於輔音前 B.an一……用於元音前 C.the特指 D./,根據題幹,可知表達地點的介詞短語是:介詞+the+名詞單數,表示地點。故選C。

5.句意:他們所有人被感動了,開始幫助她籌錢。A.moving動名詞 B.moved動詞過去分詞C.moves三單式 D.move原形,根據they were,結合語境,可知我們被感動了,是被動語態,其結構是be+過去分詞。故選B。

6.句意:Ann也賣掉了她最喜歡的玩具來籌錢。A.sold賣 B.bought買 C.borrowed借進 D.lost 丟失,根據 to collect money為了收集錢,結合選項,可知是賣了玩具換來錢。故選A。

7.句意:他們所有人開始賣他們的舊玩具、衣服和書來籌錢。A 考查副詞,A.too也(用於肯定句句尾) B.to到……C.also也(用於肯定句) D.either也(用於否定句),根據題幹,可知此處是肯定句句尾,用too。故選A。

8.句意:Ann籌錢已經有兩年了。A.raised一般過去時 B.has been raised現在完成時的被動結構 C.has raised現在完成時 D.had been raised過去完成時的被動結構,

根據for two years,可知for引導的短語通常和現在完成時連用,其結構是have/has+過去分詞,主語是三單式。故選C。

9.句意:現在她有2000多英鎊了。A.must必須 B.many很多,修飾可數名詞 C.more更多 D.much很多,修飾不可數名詞,根據題幹中的than,可知是more than超過,這是固定短語。故選C。

10.句意:她說她將繼續做這,幫助更多的孩子。A.friends朋友 B.children孩子 C.classmates同班同學 D.teachers老師,根據前文She wanted to(33)A the pool children她想幫助貧窮的孩子,可知此處是指她想幫助更多貧窮的孩子。故選B。

