
當生活拿錘子掄向你的時候,只要捶不死你 ,你就有機會掄回去。

When life swings at you with a hammer, as long as you can't beat yourself to death, you have a chance to swing back.



Snakes don't know they're poisonous, people don't know they're wrong.



我充闊 ,人人以為我是闊佬;


然而, 當我真的痛苦萬分,不由得呻吟時,人人卻認為我在無病呻吟。

When I pretend to be a liar, people call me a liar;

I pretend to be rich. Everyone thinks I'm rich;

I pretend to be cold, everyone says I'm a ruthless guy.

However, when I was really in great pain and could not help moaning, everyone thought I was moaning without illness.



If he has the ability to let go easily, I will turn around and leave.



When I was 21 years old, I liked a brother. I couldn't like him. It was true that I liked him. It was also true that I couldn't.



How to deal with a fool in life? Support all his views and train him to be a big fool.



"The call you dialed is in the process of calling, please don't hang up" is really in the process of calling, while "the call you dialed is in the process of calling, please dial later" is already hung up. You see, even China Mobile lies.


現在人和人之間的矛盾,主要是來源於有那麼一撥人,慣於用聖人的標準衡量別人, 用賤人的標準要求自己。

Now the contradiction between people mainly comes from a group of people who are used to measuring others by the standards of saints and demanding themselves by the standards of bitches.



It's better to say no than to say yes. Commitment is limited, energy is tense, you can learn two other skills: casually refuse to hate people, seriously agree to the sweetheart.



