

邁入20世紀,澳大利亞女游泳運動員Annette Kellerman在波士頓海灘穿了一件吊在肩膀和手臂上的單片式泳衣,因胸、背及腿的裸露,在1907年被美國法庭指控犯有公共場合猥褻暴露罪。到20世紀30年代,非比賽泳裝的款式發生了革命性變化。揹帶代替了袖子,褲腿變得越來越短,領口也變得越來越低。1946年之前,比基尼只是一個地名——杜魯門總統批准進行核彈試爆小島的名稱,1946年7月18日,在比基尼島原子彈爆炸後的第18天,法國人Louis Reard在巴黎推出一款由三塊布和四條帶子組成的泳裝,這種世界上遮掩身體面積最小的泳衣,最大程度地顯露出了腰、背、臀、腿、胯,從此,這種用料不足30英寸,可揉成小巧玲瓏一團的全新泳裝——比基尼,以排山倒海之勢顛覆了整個世界的大眾文化和道德觀念。


Shocking appearance of bikini

In 1907 Annette Kellerman was accused by the US court of public indecency as the Austrian athlete wore a single strip of swimsuit on the Boston beach, exposing her bosom, back and legs. The 1930s saw revolutionary changes of non-athlete swimsuits, with sleeves replaced by suspenders, trouser-leg becoming shorter and shorter, the neckline lower and lower. On July 18, 1946, in Paris, Frenchman Louis Reard released bikini, a type of swimsuit composed of three pieces of cloth and four ribbons --- exposing to the greatest degree the waist, back, hips, legs, thighs. This tiny piece of clothing then shook the very foundation of the popular culture and moral concept across the whole world.


From the 1950s to 1960s American beaches became dream resorts, not only for the sunshine, sand beaches and fascinating sea, but unprecedented sexiness shown in bikini there. It shows with no reserve the beautiful curves of human body, effusing unreined and passionate life of youth. It tells us that the most beautiful thing in life is freedom. The then fashionable language encouraged the birth of the sexiness-centered beach culture in the West.

配圖1:Annette Kellerman石破天驚的單片式泳裝,挑戰了當時的社會觀念,攝影時仍裹上了黑色長襪以遮掩暴露的腿部線條

Photo 1 The sensational one-pice swimsuit worn by Annette Kellerman challenged the ideology back then. When posing for the photo, she still had black stockings to cover her otherwise exposed leg curves.


Photo 2 groups of swimmers in conservative swimsuits in early days

配圖3:Louis Reard的大膽設計為時尚界製造了一次高潮

Photo 3 Louis Reard’s bold design created a climax for the fashion world.


Lingering taste


In the 1970s the exposure of swimsuit reached its peak. In style conservativeness and sexiness ran side by side. The invention of the manmade elastic fiber in 1958 by the Dupont Company made a revolutionary change to the swimsuit, making it snug close to the female body to an unprecedented degree. And this year, with the predominance of 3D, designers are using visual differences created by multiple colors to highlight the S-shape of female body ...


Whatever the technology and material, bikini allows women to show their perfect curves. Then you find a strange phenomenon: though exposing, bikini shows nothing indecent but a sexiness stronger than nakedness. It demonstrates from a different angle life’s thriving vitality and natural beauty.


A symbol of the freedom of human nature and liberation, bikini, a mark of the modernistic culture of the 20th century, has become a fashion mark of the post-modern cultural ideology.

