Choosing a vacation destination 選擇度假地點

Vocabulary Vacation activities

詞彙 度假活動

Choosing a vacation destination  選擇度假地點

go to the beach


/ɡoʊ tə ðə biːtʃ/

to go to an area of sand beside the sea, ocean or lake

  1. Russell goes to the beach often in the summer.
  2. go to the beach on holiday
Choosing a vacation destination  選擇度假地點

watch TV


/wɑːtʃ ˌtiː ˈviː/

to look at shows on the television

  1. The kids watch TV every day after school.
  2. watch TV at home
Choosing a vacation destination  選擇度假地點

go skiing


/ɡoʊ ˈskiːɪŋ/

to go to a place and ski for sport or entertainment. When you ski, you move over snow, usually down a hill, on two narrow pieces of wood attached to boots.

  1. My family is going to go skiing in Switzerland this winter.
  2. go skiing on the weekend
Choosing a vacation destination  選擇度假地點

go shopping


/ɡoʊ ˈʃɑːpɪŋ/

to go out to stores to buy things

  1. The girls in my class all like to go shopping.
  2. go shopping after work
Choosing a vacation destination  選擇度假地點

eat out


/iːt aʊt/

to have a meal in a restaurant, etc. rather than at home

  1. Do you feel like eating out tonight?
Choosing a vacation destination  選擇度假地點

read a book


/riːd ə bʊk/

to read something written and fastened together with a cover

  1. Tom likes to read a book while he rides the train to work.
  2. read a book at night
Choosing a vacation destination  選擇度假地點

play golf


/pleɪ ɡɔːlf/

to play a game where a small hard ball is hit with a long metal stick, called a club, into small holes over a large piece of land

  1. I would like to learn to play golf.
  2. play golf on vacation
Choosing a vacation destination  選擇度假地點

play cards


/pleɪ kɑːrdz/

to play a game using playing cards

  1. My friends and I are going to play cards tonight.
  2. play cards on the weekend
Choosing a vacation destination  選擇度假地點

surf the internet


/sɜːrf ðə ˈɪntərnet/

to look at different websites on the computer

  1. She surfs the internet too often!
  2. He surfed the internet last night looking for things to do this weekend.
Choosing a vacation destination  選擇度假地點

Grammar 語法

提建議:'should' 和 'shouldn't'

Giving advice: 'should' and 'shouldn't'

Should 和 shouldn't
Use the modal should to give advice or make recommendations.

使用情態動詞 should 提出建議或忠告。

Use the negative modal shouldn't to advise someone of what not to do.

使用情態動詞否定式 shouldn't 建議某人不做某事。

Shouldn't is the contraction of should and not.

shouldn'tshouldnot 的縮寫形式。

Choosing a vacation destination  選擇度假地點

Form sentences with should and shouldn't by putting them between the subject and the main verb.

shouldshouldn't 放在主語和主要動詞之間組句。主語 + should + 主要動詞

You should go.


We shouldn't go.


To form a yes-no question, make should the first word of the sentence.

要組成一般疑問句,請將 should 置於句首。

Should we go?


To form an open question, use a question word first.


What should we do this weekend?


Where should we go?


Choosing a vacation destination  選擇度假地點

Reading 閱讀


Reading about vacations

  • You should go on vacation.您應該去度假。
  • go away for two weeks離開兩週
  • You should go to Hawaii.您應該去夏威夷。
  • get some sun曬太陽
  • go shopping購物
  • see the museums參觀博物館

  • [JOAN] Ugh! This weather!

    [TODD] Yeah. Two weeks of rain!

    [JOAN] I hate it!

    [TODD] You know what? You should go on vacation.

    [JOAN] Vacation?

    [TODD] Yeah! Vacation. You know - you go away for two weeks. You don’t read your emails. You don’t answer your phone.

    [JOAN] Yeah, I know what a vacation is.

    [TODD] You should go to Hawaii. Get some sun.

    [TODD] Or, you should go to Paris. Go shopping! See the museums!

    [JOAN] You know what? Maybe I should.

    Choosing a vacation destination  選擇度假地點

    In American English, a vacation is time away from normal work or education.

    美式英語中,vacation 是指離開平日工作或教育學習的時間。

    This is called a holiday in British English. We say that someone is on vacation or on holiday.
    英式英語中稱為 holiday。我們說某人 on vacationon holiday

    James is on vacation in Hawaii for two weeks.James、


    In American English, a holiday is a special day when most people do not have to work or go to school and many businesses are closed. For example, New Year's is a holiday.

    美式英語中,holiday 是一個多數人不用上班或上學,而且許多店鋪關門的特殊日子。比如,元旦就是一個節日。

    No work or school today. It's a holiday!


    Choosing a vacation destination  選擇度假地點

    Come to Hawaii for your vacation! The weather is great. Ride a bike. It's always sunny and warm. You can go swimming in the winter! The beaches are beautiful. The people are friendly. Eat delicious fish and fruit.

    How is the weather in Hawaii?

    • It's windy.
    • It's great.
    • It's cold.

    The weather is always _____.

    • windy and hot
    • foggy and cool
    • sunny and warm

    You can go _____ in the winter!

    • skiing
    • swimming
    • shopping

    The people are _____.

    • happy
    • friendly
    • busy

    The fruit is _____.

    • delicious
    • sweet
    • expensive
    Choosing a vacation destination  選擇度假地點

