


[–]【曼聯】Sveq 7560 points 21 hours ago

"He didn't stop there, but warned us that if he heard of any of us going out before we'd won the league we'd be out of the team. "He was merciless, saying: 'I don't care who you are or how many trophies you've won - if you go out before the end of the season I'll sell you'.





[–]【皇馬】zamov 3088 points 20 hours ago

Only 3 managers got the upper hand control over cristiano Ronaldo. Fergie, ancelotti and zidane. All 3 won the CL with him. Not even mourinho got the respect from ronaldo like those 3


[–]RedFirenIce 1054 points 19 hours ago

I think Ronaldo and Fergie were, and perhaps still are, very close.... Particularly in the aftermath of the passing of Ronaldo's father. I saw Ronaldo talking about that time in a in interview a while back - it was clear they are/were tight. I can't speak to Zizu or Ancelotti's relationships with Ronaldo though. Important to note of course that he signed for us as a young kid - perhaps a mature one given Lisbon was already far from Madeira - but it's still a big jump to go from Lisbon to Manchester.... I expect Fergie looked after him well during that time, on and off the pitch. He was always good at integrating and looking after younger players. Rarely did a player not love Fergie.


[–]【艾爾德里】olivark 827 points 19 hours ago

I remember Ronaldo winning something, walking down the steps with his medal and seeing Ferguson. He pushed someone out the way to go back and speak to him. Looked like there was genuine love between them too, Ferguson looked very proud of him even though he'd retired by that point and he wasn't involved.


[–]【西漢姆聯】TommyCoopersFez 453 points 19 hours ago



[–]【英格蘭】Reflex2011 493 points 18 hours ago

So interesting to see who Sir Alex made a conscience decision to congratulate obviously Nani and Ronaldo, but Pepe too I assume because he was the only player that played against him?


[–]【多特蒙德】masetheace97 412 points 18 hours ago

He loves him some shithousery


[–]【艾爾德里】olivark 128 points 19 hours ago

That's it, cheers. I actually enjoyed seeing it again.


[–]gobears1235 166 points 18 hours ago

Almost makes me cry man. They look at each other like father-son, like Sir Alex raised Ronaldo to the level he is today (which he practically did!). Just amazing stuff.



[–]Winkerman1919 1284 points 19 hours ago

Not that I disagree with what you’re trying to say about those three managers having upper hand control over Ronaldo. But it’s a little far fetched to correlate that with winning the CL with him. On the same token, before joining Juventus, only three managers managed to win a league title with him - Fergie, Mourinho, and Zidane


[–]【阿森納】cliff_smiff 80 points 19 hours ago

Isn't Ronaldo famously one of the very, very few players Ferguson made exceptions for because of his ridiculous talent?


[–]【曼聯】ZachMich 200 points 19 hours ago

Ronaldo wasn't really badly behaved though. I can't remember him being involved in controversies that the likes of Beckham, Giggs, Cantona and Rooney were in


[–]【沙姆洛克流浪者】danirijeka 150 points 18 hours ago


Setting the bar a bit high, are we now



[–]【阿森納】SBB_Head 2137 points 21 hours ago*

That's the kind of mentality where you've got to have a core group of players you know will stick by you. Fergie had that in the form of Scholes, Giggs, Vidic, Rio etc, which is why this stuff acted as a motivator, instead of something that alienated and lost the locker room.

IMO, very few managers command that these days, as most don't stay at a club long enough to make it "theirs" in the eyes of the players. One reason, of many, why Moyes failed so spectacularly when he took over at United.

Fergie shaming and blaming two players on a potential title loss, when they were 12 points clear in April went down fine, but Moyes placing a ban on chips at the training ground to promote healthier diets was unacceptable.




[–]【曼聯】demonictoaster 685 points 20 hours ago

Moyes failed so spectacularly because he took away the well oiled machine that worked in order to "make the club his" from day one and was clearly completely overwhelmed and not up to the job as such a big club. He was instantly out of his depth. Mourinho and Van Gaal originally commanded a lot more respect a lot quicker than Moyes I don't think length of time was the issue in that case.


[–]【曼聯】SBB_Head 279 points 20 hours ago

Oh don't get me wrong, it was clear from the beginning he was sinking in the deep end.

However, something I've always wondered is, do you think Moyes "gutted" the club on his own ego? Or was he advised, whether by higher ups at United or even Fergie when passing the job over, to try and stamp his authority early on, only for it to backfire immensely?

I don't see Fergie being the type to say "now don't touch anything, these aren't your toys" so to speak when Moyes took over.




[–]【曼聯】wallofillusion 377 points 20 hours ago

Fergie has said since that the biggest mistake Moyes made was getting rid of the entire backroom staff.


[–]jds192 873 points 21 hours ago

Nae chance a Scot like Fergie says 'Assholes'.


[–]【利物浦】ThereWillBeGoals 687 points 21 hours ago

It's a French magazine talking to a Dutch player. I'm sure there's been some word replacement going on that carries the same general sentiment.


[–]【霍芬海姆】Spiveym1 175 points 18 hours ago

Yeah, he used the word "Arseholes" instead


[–]【熱刺】Zhurg 152 points 20 hours ago



[–]dave1992 48 points 21 hours ago

two Jobbies?


[–]【利物浦】dave1992 350 points 21 hours ago

Who are the two players?


[–]【曼聯】Akustics 759 points 21 hours ago

Looking at our squad back then, I wanna say Anderson was probably one of them


[–]【西漢姆聯】Runningman0301 412 points 21 hours ago

And Rafael


[–]【利物浦】dave1992 191 points 21 hours ago

Would he really party with only Anderson and not his brother?


[–]TheWeirdDude-247 624 points 20 hours ago

I have a brother I never go out with him


[–]SnowbearX 49 points 18 hours ago

His brother was married young. I remember Fergie used the wedding ring to tell them apart, seems likely he was the level headed one


[–]【曼聯】toasterb 33 points 17 hours ago

Fabio wasn't on the team that season, so wouldn't have been in Manchester. He was on loan to QPR.


[–]TheBrownBenteke 31 points 18 hours ago

Definitely not Rafael. Brilliant kid he was.


[–]orgasmo87 26 points 20 hours ago

Rooney and gibson?


[–]【曼聯】Akustics 158 points 20 hours ago

Gibson is a good shout but he had already left the club before 12/13. It can’t be Rooney, he’s a tabloid favorite, those pictures would have been splashed absolutely everywhere if it were him.


[–]【里昂】babyvince 636 points 20 hours ago

SAF is ruthless as hell. I still can't believe he completely omitted Berbatov, the top PL scorer in the CL final vs. Barca.



[–]【麥克爾斯菲爾德鎮】ingwe13 733 points 20 hours ago

Yeah this came up in a recent thread. I think it is helpful context to remember that Berbatov scored 20 goals in the league, but 11 of them came in three games. Also in 7 appearances he hadn't scored any goals in the UCL that season. So aside from three games he had 9 goals in 36 appearances. SAF was certainly ruthless, but there were decent reasons to omit Berbatov from that game.


[–]cathalmce95 298 points 19 hours ago

As a United fan I never know how to feel about Berbatov. On the one hand it’s easy to remember the swish and flick vs West Ham, hat trick vs Liverpool and five goals against Blackburn. But I think a lot of people forget how polarizing he in his first season. A lot of the time his style of play slowed down what was at the time one of the quickest counter attacks in Europe. It was one of the reasons why we only scored 68 league goals that year, with an attack of Ronaldo, Rooney, Berbatov and Tevez. Speaking of which, his arrival subsequently led to Tevez being on the bench and leaving in the same window as Ronaldo, more or less ending United’s time as a European powerhouse.


[–]AnonCow12 90 points 19 hours ago

Van Persie saved those two assholes


[–]【馬競】RoadsterIsHere 104 points 18 hours ago

Love Alex Ferguson. The best coaches seem to be the ones that know how to control the players mentally, as much as they can tactically. Guardiola is probably the only highly successful coach without having a very high reputation for man management.


[–]【霍芬海姆】harryv1402 73 points 17 hours ago

I think that’s a bit harsh on Guardiola, his own style of man management is amazing in my opinion. He’s brought talented players to Man City and turned them into monsters like Bernardo Silva and Sterling by giving them confidence and creating a clearly great atmosphere at the team. I think it’s a different style of man management but he is great at it.


[–]【巴塞羅那】Zidlicky3 38 points 16 hours ago

Agreed and I think, bit different reasons, both of them are ok to kick almost anyone out of the club if needed.

For example Guardiola with Ronaldinho and Deco or Joe Hart in City.

Not trying to lift Guardiola on SAF’s level but imo they both are ruthless when needed but SAF of course seems to be more liked and probably one of the best in man managment.





[–]bestredditposter2020 104 points 20 hours ago

Van Persie is my favourite Man Utd player ever, he fitted in so perfectly in that 2012/13 championship winning team. Was so mad when LVG sold him.


[–]【曼聯】ChrisV88 129 points 18 hours ago

Serious question - Were you not around for Ruud, Yorke, Cantona, Young Rooney. I love RvP's contribution to that season, but we have had just as effective strikers at different times that put us over the edge.


[–]【阿根廷】insane__knight 47 points 18 hours ago

Don't like United but that Cole and Yorke partnership was amazing to watch. I stopped watching football when Ruud started playing for United so I missed that.


[–]MisterGoog 42 points 18 hours ago

He said favourite. Not best. Van persie had a certain flair to him that was sexy


