「晚安」時間從來不語, 卻回答了所有問題

我希望明天是晴天 ,希望堅持的事情總能換來結果,希望在我準備好的時候一切如期而至。

I hope it will be sunny tomorrow. I hope that what I insist on will always bring results. I hope that when I am ready, everything will arrive as scheduled.

「晚安」時間從來不語, 卻回答了所有問題


When you love not a face, but a person, you have grown up.

「晚安」時間從來不語, 卻回答了所有問題


You always see your own little flaws, then lose and feel inferior. But you are also shining, gentle and lovely, and you are striving to be a better person. Please take heart, we will all step by step close to our favorite self.

「晚安」時間從來不語, 卻回答了所有問題


I am neither pessimistic nor optimistic. I just want to live in this world. To be worthy of every meal, let alone this is such an interesting world.

「晚安」時間從來不語, 卻回答了所有問題





"Why don't you forget me?"

"Because I see you so often."

"But we haven't been in touch for a long time."

"Flowers and trees are everywhere like you."

「晚安」時間從來不語, 卻回答了所有問題


You know, we will never feel and understand each other, just pretend that I know you very well.

「晚安」時間從來不語, 卻回答了所有問題

時間從來不語, 卻回答了所有問題.​​​​。

Time never speaks, but answers all the questions.

「晚安」時間從來不語, 卻回答了所有問題



Girl like boy and shy of expressing her feelings directly. After thinking about it, she left a message in his space saying "mountains have trees, trees have branches". The next sentence of this poem is "I like you, but you don't know".

The next day she opened the notice and saw that the boy replied "I know".

「晚安」時間從來不語, 卻回答了所有問題


Some things are not that you don't understand, but that you are not that old.

「晚安」時間從來不語, 卻回答了所有問題

