English from Food-Food Idioms---食物中的英語-食物習語

English from Food-Food Idioms---食物中的英語-食物習語

Knowing all the vocabularies about food but don’t know how to use them to describe feelings? Don’t worry, this article will benefit you for sure.---瞭解所有關於食物的詞彙,但不知道如何使用這些詞彙來描述感覺?別擔心,這篇文章一定會幫到你。

1/ Spill the beans---洩露秘密

English from Food-Food Idioms---食物中的英語-食物習語


To tell a secret---洩露一個秘密

For example:---舉例說明

Don't spill the beans. It's supposed to be a secret.---別洩露秘密,這應當保密。

2/ Bread & butter---經濟來源,謀生的方式

English from Food-Food Idioms---食物中的英語-食物習語


Something is the major source---....是主要的來源

For example:---舉例說明:

The mobile phone business was actually his bread and butter.---手機業務實際上是他的經濟來源。

3/ The big cheese---老闆,頭目

English from Food-Food Idioms---食物中的英語-食物習語


The boss or leader---老闆或領導

For example:---舉例說明:

Who's the big cheese in the small town? ---小鎮裡的頭兒是誰?

4/ The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree---有其父必有其子(貶義)

English from Food-Food Idioms---食物中的英語-食物習語


Son is very similar with father in a negative way.---兒子在消極方面和父親很相似。

For example:---舉例說明:

A: I can’t believe Jack has been called into the principal’s office again. It’s the second time this week.---真不敢相信傑克又被叫到校長辦公室了。這是這周的第二次了。

B: Well, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. I remember his father was quite naughty when he was at school.---有其父必有其子。我記得他父親上學時很淘氣。

5/ Bring home the bacon---掙錢

English from Food-Food Idioms---食物中的英語-食物習語


Bring home money or salary---帶錢或工資回家

For example:---舉例說明:

I will be most upset if this book does not bring home the bacon.---如果這本書不能讓我掙錢的話,我會很不高興的。

6/ To butter someone up---奉承某人,拍某人馬屁

English from Food-Food Idioms---食物中的英語-食物習語


To flatter someone or praise---奉承某人或者讚美某人

For example:---舉例說明:

He is a two - faced person, He knows how to butter up those celebrities!---他是個兩面派的人,他知道如何奉承那些名流!

7/ Have your cake and eat it too---魚和熊掌兩者兼得

English from Food-Food Idioms---食物中的英語-食物習語


To enjoy both of two desirable but incompatible alternatives---同時享受兩種既想要卻又不可兼得的選擇

For example:---舉例說明:

Roger can't make up his mind whether to go to college or get a job. You can't have your cake and eat it too. ---羅傑無法決定是上大學還是找工作。你不能魚和熊掌兩者兼得。

8/ Don’t cry over spilled milk---不要為不可挽回的失誤難過

English from Food-Food Idioms---食物中的英語-食物習語


Let it go---放手

For example:---舉例說明:

I know you didn’t mean to break my phone, so there’s no use in crying over spilled milk now.---我知道你不是故意弄壞我的手機的,所以就不要徒勞悲傷了。

9/ Not someone’s cup of tea---不是某人的菜

English from Food-Food Idioms---食物中的英語-食物習語


Not to someone’s taste---不符合某人的品味

For example:---舉例說明:

10/ Take something with a pinch of salt---將信將疑

English from Food-Food Idioms---食物中的英語-食物習語


To consider or evaluate something, such as a statement, while keeping in mind that it may not be completely true or accurate.---考慮或評估某事,比如一段聲明,但始終保持警惕,因為它可能不是完全真實或準確的

For example:---舉例說明:

I heard that you can get a free movie ticket if you wear red,but Kevin told me that, so I'm going to take it with a pinch of salt.---我聽說如果你穿紅色的話,你可以得到一張免費的電影票,但因為是凱文告訴我的,所以我將信將疑。

English from Food-Food Idioms---食物中的英語-食物習語

Now you could use those words to describe daily things and feelings, eat tasty food and enjoy speaking English. This is exactly have your cake and eat it too.---現在你可以用這些詞來描述日常的事情和感覺,吃美味的食物,享受說英語的樂趣。這才真正是魚和熊掌兩者兼得。

