和胖噠一起讀英文原著——Rich Dad Poor Dad(一)


和胖噠一起讀英文原著——Rich Dad Poor Dad(一)

Rich Dad Poor Dad is a book by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter. It advocates financial independence through investing, real estate, owning businesses, and the use of finance protection tactics.

《窮爸爸富爸爸》作者羅伯特·清崎、莎倫・ 萊希特。該書提倡通過投資、擁有房地產、經營公司、以及運用進入保護政策實現最終的財務自由。




該書的作者是Robert Kiyosaki和Sharon Lechter。羅伯特·清崎(英文名:Robert Toru Kiyosaki),1947年4月8日生於美國夏威夷,日語名清崎徹(Kiyosaki Toru),第4代日裔美國人,《富爸爸,窮爸爸》系列書籍的主要作者。投資家、企業家、教育家。“富爸爸”系列叢書合著者,富爸爸公司合夥創始人,財商教育的領路人。

和胖噠一起讀英文原著——Rich Dad Poor Dad(一)

在《窮爸爸富爸爸》大獲成功之後,羅伯特·清崎又寫了關於財經的系列書籍,《Rich Dad's CASHFLOW Quadrant》《富爸爸 財務自由之路 神奇的現金流象限》;《Rich Dad's Guide to Investing》《富爸爸 投資指南》;《Rich Dad's Rich Kid Smart Kid》《富爸爸 富孩子 聰明孩子》;《Rich Dad's Prophecy》《富爸爸 大預言》等等,但在2012年10月13日,《富爸爸窮爸爸》的作者羅伯特·清崎擁有的一家公司申請破產。


Robert Kiyosaki reveals how he developed his unique economic perspective from his two fathers: his real father, who was highly educated but fiscally poor; and the father of his best friend - an eighth-grade drop-out who became a self-made multi-millionaire. The lifelong monetary problems experienced by his "poor dad" pounded home the counterpoint communicated by his "rich dad". Taking that message to heart, Kiyosaki was able to retire at the age of 47. This book lays out his philosophy and aims to open readers eyes by: exploding the myth that you need to earn a high income to be rich; challenging the belief that your house is an asset; showing parents why they can't rely on schools to teach their children about money; defining once and for all an asset versus a liability; and explaining what to teach your children about money for their future financial success.



1、The poor and the middle class work for money. The rich have money work for them.


2、The rich focus on their asset colums while everyone else focuses on their income statements.


3、The rich buy assets. The poor only have expenses.


4、The problem was that the rich man was not rich yet, and the poor man was not yet poor.


5、Money comes and goes.

固定表達come and go來來往往。

6、Take it or leave it.


下週,就和胖噠一起進入Rich Dad Poor Dad 一二章的深度學習吧。


