

Money of the republic of China is an important category, not only recorded the story of each historical period, reflect the monetary system at that time, the main variety of copper yuan of the republic of China. China was the last country to end its silver-standard currency system, which is well documented in history and military terms and has a deeper meaning, and will eventually be called a collection of rare cultural relics over time.


In order to let the world remember the great achievements of Dr. Sun yat-sen, in the period of the republic of China, minted silver COINS engraved with the image of Dr. Sun yat-sen various formats. The front is like sun yat-sen, the back engraved with a shining golden sun, the middle is sailing ship in the wind and waves; In 1933 and 1934, the government of the republic of China cast a statue of sun yat-sen engraved on the front, engraved on the back of a sailing ship sailing through the wind and waves, commonly known as "ship".



此枚珍品孫小頭雙帆幣“伍元面值”, 孫中山伍圓雙帆幣,系民國十八年上海中央造幣廠所鑄。整幣通體為雪花銀鑄造,正面上端鑄有“中華民國十八年”字樣,下端為孫中山側面像,背面中央兩端鑄有“伍元”,中間有一雙桅帆船正乘風破浪。此幣文字清晰,圖案精美,頭像生動傳神,鑄造技術非常精湛,而且這枚藏品保存較好,其色澤自然,雖稍有鏽跡卻無礙其品相,反而更顯自然細膩,圖文深淺合適。幣中孫中山頭像栩栩如生。設計新穎,鑄工精湛。具有極高的投資價值和收藏價值。它有著歷史薰陶,是價值很高的革命文物,具有深遠的歷史紀念意義;同時還是考古和研究中國歷史文化難得的實物。

This piece of rare treasure sun xiaotou double sail coin "five yuan denomination", sun yatsen wu yuan double sail coin, is the Shanghai central mint in the 18th year. The whole coin is made of snow and silver, with the words "the 18th year of the republic of China" on the upper end of the front and the profile image of sun yat-sen on the lower end. This coin text is clear, the design is exquisite, the head vivid vivid, the casting technology is very exquisite, and this piece is well preserved, its color and luster is natural, although a little rusty but not hinder its appearance, but more natural exquisite, the text and text depth is appropriate. The portrait of sun yat-sen in the coin is lifelike. Novel design, superb casting. Has the extremely high investment value and the collection value. It has the historical edification, is the value very high revolution cultural relic, has the profound historical commemoration significance; At the same time, it is a rare material object for archaeology and research of Chinese history and culture.




This sichuan copper coin, the front for sichuan copper coin four characters, decorated with a begonia pattern in the middle, the upper edge of the book "made by the military junta" four characters, the lower edge for when the money 100, marked the value. Around each adorn a flower star grain. Back on the edge of the first year of the republic of China six words. There is a circle in the center, circle in the book with a seal "han" character. There are 18 small circles around the circle, representing the 18 provinces at that time, and 18 circles around the "han" character, which means the people of the 18 provinces unite to fight together.


The currency issued by the military government of sichuan is of great historical significance because it is intended to raise money for the army and to maintain government expenditure. Since ancient COINS were not issued, the stock of them was scarce, and people's lives were inseparable at that time, they were extremely important historical materials for the study of the economic history and diplomatic history of various countries, so they are of high collection and archaeological value.

