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英國,全稱大不列顛及北愛爾蘭聯合王國(The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland),本土位於歐洲大陸西北面的不列顛群島,被北海、英吉利海峽、凱爾特海、愛爾蘭海和大西洋包圍。其是由大不列顛島上的英格蘭、威爾士和蘇格蘭,愛爾蘭島東北部的北愛爾蘭以及一系列附屬島嶼共同組成的一個西歐島國。除本土之外,其還擁有十四個海外領地 ,總人口超過6400萬,以英格蘭人為主體民族。Britain, the full name of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, is located in the British Isles in flour, northwest of the European continent. It is surrounded by the North Sea, the English Channel, Celtic Sea, the Irish Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. It is a western European island composed of England, Wales and Scotland on the island of great Britain, northern Ireland in the northeast of Ireland and a series of affiliated islands. Apart from the mainland, it also has 14 overseas territories with a total population of over 64 million, with English as majority nation.

放眼全球、展望未來,中國的藝術品市場將在國際佔有重要席位。深圳中天藝術品拍賣有限公司攜手攜手英國查爾斯拍賣。我們將秉承透明、公正、誠信的理念,和弘揚中國傳統文化,與時俱進接軌國際,為海內外藏家提供更為優質的藝術品服務Looking at the world and the future, China's art market will play an important role in international possess. Shenzhen Zhongtian Art Auction Co., Ltd. Joins Hands with Charles Auction in England. We will uphold the concepts of transparency, fairness and integrity, carry forward the traditional Chinese culture, keep pace with the times and integrate with the international community, and provide better art services for collectors at home and abroad.



【類別】 雜項

【簡介】長:5.5cm 寬:5.2cm 高:10Cm 總重:595g


Auction time: May 12, 2019 London local time AM09: 00

[Name] Tong Danian Tianhuang Seal
[Introduction] Length: 5.5cm Width: 5.2cm Height: 10Cm Total Weight: 595g
田黃印章昂貴而稀有。為了解其特性,避免錯失,必須對田黃印章的用材,本照片之田黃印章為田黃王. 糸昂貴之田黃凍。 整體為淡柔黃色,石質具田坑石特徵。蘿蔔性,紅筋明顯,表面薄意紋飾佳,為壽山石礦的部分礦石受風雨剝蝕,自礦床分離而散落於溪旁基礎岩石上,逐步被沙土覆蓋,形成沖積性砂礦沉于田地中及河 灘下。The seal of Tianhuang is expensive and rare. In order to understand its characteristics and avoid mistakes, it is necessary to use materials for the seal of Tianhuang. The seal of Tianhuang in this photo is King Tianhuang. It is expensive Tian Huangrong. The whole is light soft yellow, and the stone has the characteristics of field-pit stone. Radish-like, with obvious red ribs and fine decorative patterns on the surface, part of the ore of Shoushan Stone Mine was eroded by wind and rain, separated from the ore deposit and scattered on the foundation rocks beside the stream, gradually covered with sand, forming alluvial placers that sank in the field and under the river bank.

田石埋於砂土中,日久天長,其表皮鐵質酸化,致使石色外濃內淡,產生了色皮與“蘿蔔紋”等特徵。中華民族歷來崇尚黃,以黃為貴,為尊,為權,田黃是石中瑰寶,素有“萬石之王”尊號統領天下石:稱為國石,視為石帝。這都源於其貴氣十足的黃。田黃色澤溫潤可愛,肌理細密,自明清以來也被印人視為“印石之王”,可以說田黃是中國歷史上唯一能得到權貴與文人雙重認可的玩賞性藝術品。而老撾北部老黃料,黃氣足,與田黃極為相似,因而在市場上受到了廣大藝術收藏家乃至普通大眾的青睞。Tian Shi is buried in sandy soil for a long time, and its surface is acidified with iron, which makes the stone color strong outside and weak inside, resulting in color skin and "radish grain" and other characteristics. The Chinese nation has always believed in yellow. Yellow is the most precious, the most respected and the most powerful. Tianhuang is a treasure among the stones. Regnal name, known as the "King of Stones", commands all the stones in the world. This is all due to its noble and full-blooded yellow. Tianhuang is warm and lovely in color and fine in texture. It has also been regarded as the "King of Yin Shi" by Indians since the Ming and Qing Dynasties. It can be said that Tianhuang is the only ornamental artwork in Chinese history that can be recognized by both dignitaries and scholars. However, the old yellow material in northern Laos is very similar to Tianhuang, so it is favored by art collectors and even the general public in the market.


Tong Danian Seal Carving Style Shoushan agalmatolite Seal
童大年(1874~1955),原名暠,字醒盦,又字心安,一作心龕,號性涵、松君五子,又號金鰲十二峰松下第五童子,所居曰安居、依古廬、雪峰片石草廬,上海崇明人。篆刻家。幼時學印,師從趙穆。精研六書,尤善篆隸。流寓杭州,後居上海。西泠印社元老。平生刻印極多,出版有《依古廬篆痕》、《童子雕篆》等。另有未出版的流傳本《瓦當印譜》、《無雙印譜》、《撫古印譜》、《古人名印存》、《肖形圖像印存》等。1904年西泠印社出版《現代篆刻》第八集《童心龕印存》為童大年一人之作,其時童氏剛過三十歲,足見其成名之早,影響之大。其書法四體皆能,篆書功力最深。作花卉,以書法行之。Tong Danian (1874 ~ 1955), formerly known as Xi, with the word Xing Xu and the word Xin Xin, was born in Chongming, Shanghai. It was a shrine for the heart, with the name Xing Han, the fifth son of Song Jun, and the fifth son of Panasonic, the 12th peak of Jin Ao. A seal carver. When I was young, I learned printing from Zhao Mu. He studied six books and was especially good at seal>

