





About a year ago, iRobot acquired Root Robotics to help them with a major push for developing STEM education. It wasn’t just Root’s educational robot itself, but also their platform, which included software and lessons for helping kids learn how to code. Recently, as part of the National Robotics Week in the United States that almost everyone seems to have forgotten about, iRobot is announcing iRobot Education—a combination of an online robot simulator along with lessons and activities that your kids (or you yourself) can use completely for free.


We’re already familiar with (and fans of) the Root coding robot, which is a great intro to coding and robotics but costs US $200. Root is likely a bit more practical for educational institutions (primary and secondary schools) that can afford to buy a handful of them to support several classrooms worth of kids, making it much more cost effective. But for individual students, or for kids who are, say, stuck at home during a pandemic and need to stay busy and/or educated, buying a robot like Root is a big investment. Fortunately, they can just do what every other roboticist does when they don’t have access to hardware: Start in simulation instead.


iRobot is launching a free (albeit proprietary) coding and simulation platform that’s compatible with most operating systems, including Android, Chrome OS (Chromebooks!), Windows, iOS, and macOS. Called iRobot Coding, it has a lot in common with coding frameworks like Blockly and Scratch, in that there are several levels of complexity to help make it super easy to start even if you’ve never coded before. The simplest level has blocks that you drag and drop into a framework that structures your code for you. Level 2 adds variables and logic functions into the mix. And Level 3 replaces the blocks with text, although text that’s still fairly user-friendly. You can switch between all three levels whenever you like, even if it’s the same piece of code, effectively translating something simple (with fewer options) into something complex (with more options), which is a great way to progress.

iRobot正在推出一個免費的(但是有所有權)編碼和模擬平臺,它與大多數操作系統兼容,包括Android、Chrome OS(Chromebooks!)、Windows、iOS和macOS。稱為iRobot編碼,它與Blockly和Scratch這樣的編碼框架有很多共同點,因為有幾個層次的複雜性有助於使它非常容易啟動,即使您以前從未編寫過代碼。最簡單的級別中您可以將其拖放到為您構建代碼的框架中。級別2將變量和邏輯函數添加到組合中。級別3用文本替換,而且文本仍然相當友好。您可以隨時在這三個級別之間切換,即使是同一段代碼,也可以有效地將簡單的(選項較少)轉換為複雜的(選項較多),這是一種很好的進步方式。


What’s really unique about iRobot Coding is that the coding environment includes an integrated Root simulator, meaning that the code you write can control a little simulated robot. It’s a simplified 2D representation of an actual Root robot, with many of the same (simulated) capabilities, including bumpers, pattern sensors, touch sensors, lights, and even a pen that can draw on the simulated whiteboard that the simulated robot is running on.


It’s incredibly fast and intuitive to get the little simulated Root zipping around doing stuff, and if you do end up having access to a physical Root robot, anything you develop in the simulated environment will transfer right over. While the simulator doesn’t include obstacles, iRobot is planning on adding some environments (like mazes) to challenge your programming abilities. What it does include is the ability for the simulated robot to recognize, and react to, the lines that it draws, which is an opportunity to do some clever programming.



“One of the wonderful things about robots is that you speak to them through code, and you speaking to them through code is a form of problem-solving,” says Zee Dubrovsky, senior director and general manager of Educational Robots at iRobot. “The robot will only do what you code it to do and so if it’s not doing what you expect, it’s not because you didn’t imagine something correctly, it’s that you have to translate your problem-solving into the code. And it’s those learning opportunities that are critical.”

iRobot教育機器人高級主管兼總經理澤杜布羅夫斯基(Zee Dubrovsky)說:“機器人的一個奇妙之處在於,你通過代碼與它們交流,而通過代碼與它們交流是一種解決問題的方式。“機器人只會做你編碼它要做的事情,所以如果它沒有做你期望的事情,那不是因為你沒有正確地想象一些事情,而是你必須把你的問題解決轉化為代碼。而其中的關鍵是那些學習機會。”

Perhaps just as important as iRobot’s coding and simulation tool is the support behind it, in the form of activities and lesson plans that provide guidance and structure. There are code samples as well as a pile of downloadable PDF lessons, some of which are modeled after educational standards (like Common Core). There will soon be hundreds of hours of content available, although since the site just launched this morning, things may be a bit sparse if you go look right at the moment.

也許和iRobot的編碼和模擬工具一樣重要的是它背後的支持,以提供指導和結構的活動和課程計劃的形式。有代碼示例以及一堆可下載的PDF課程,其中一些課程是根據教育標準(如Common Core)建模的。據說很快就會有數百小時的內容可供使用,儘管自從網站今天早上剛推出以來,如果你現在就去看,信息可能會有點少。

iRobot says that they’ve been working on this for a year, and it’s just a coincidence that they’re releasing it at a time when lots of parents are desperate to find ways of keeping their kids educated and entertained at the same time. With that in mind, they’ve made their premium lessons (the ones designed for teachers) free until June with the code “LEARN.” After June, access will be $5 per month.


Going forward, iRobot has some ambitious plans to build on this initial STEM educational framework. “iRobot coding will one day extend simulated Roombas, where instead of Root’s marker up and down, you’re coding Roomba’s vacuum on and off,” says Dubrovsky. “Eventually, we’ll have a connection to the physical robots as well—it’s certainly within our capability, and that’s something we’re excited about.”










