content, consent, resent, dissent 區分

content adj 滿意的,滿足的 v. 使滿意,使滿足,使安心

n. 滿意,滿足,安心; 內容,目錄,含量

She is content with the agreement. 她對協議是滿意的。 (adj.)

Nothing contents her, she is always complaining. 沒有什麼能滿足她,她總是抱怨。(v.)

The contents of the box fell onto the floor. 盒子裡的東西掉在了地上。(n.)

consent v. n. 同意,答應,允許。 後面常接to。

consent to sth. 同意某事

consent to doing sth. 同意所做的事

consent to do sth. 同意去做某事

I asked my mother if I could go out, and she consented. 我問我媽媽我可不可以出去,她答應了。(v.)

I had to get my mother's consent before I went. 我去之前要得到我媽媽的同意。(n.)

My father never gave his consent to our marriage. 我爸爸從來沒有同意我們的婚姻。 (n.)

She consented to marrying a foreigner. 她同意嫁給外國人。(v.)

He consented to answer the question. 他同意回答這個問題了。(v.)

resent v. 憤怒,憎惡

I resented his nasty remark. 我憤慨他說的髒話。

Everyone in the company resents him. 公司裡的每個人都憎惡他。

dissent v. 不同意,持異議,表示異議 , 後面常接from。n. 不同意,異議

You have a right to dissent from the opinion of others. 你有權對他人的看法表示異議。(v.)

They expressed their dissent from official policy. 他們表達了對官方政策的異議。(n.)

There was a voice of dissent. 有一種反對的聲音。(n.)

