




科夫堡在13世紀成為統治者約翰王的最愛, 然而在他的豪華裝修城堡下面隱藏著一個令人恐懼的地牢,在那裡,精於算計的君主餓死了許多囚犯。在16世紀中葉的英國內戰中,城堡新領主的妻子,貴婦人瑪麗·班克斯(Mary Bankes)被迫參戰,在為期三年的圍攻中頑強地捍衛了城堡,抵禦了反王室的力量。但瑪麗最終被她的隨從們放棄了,並被俘虜,城堡被推倒在您現在看到的峭壁上。又一次背叛結束了科夫城堡的故事。

如今,科夫城堡的遺蹟被英國作為法定古蹟保存下來, 但這一地位可能並不足以保護該遺址。有報道稱,那裡的空氣中迴盪著孩子們的啜泣聲,那裡有不明原因的燈光閃爍,最讓它汙名遠揚的是那個無頭白衣女子幽靈,這些都讓一些人相信千年前的幽靈仍在廢墟中徘徊。



Creepy Corfe Castle

Spying the crooked silhouette of Corfe Castle above the rolling, foggy hills of Dorset, you might not guess at the ruin's former palatial beauty—you'll more likely sense its long history of intrigue, and maybe feel a chill down your spine.

Corfe's tale begins with a betrayal. Rumor has it this mound is where the teenage King Edward the Martyr was assassinated, likely by his half-brother and successor Æthelred the Unready, in 978—a century before the original stone structure was built. The castle became a favorite of 13th-century ruler King John—whose luxurious renovations hid a feared dungeon where the calculating monarch starved numerous prisoners. In the mid-1600s English Civil War, noblewoman Mary Bankes—wife of the castle's new lord, who was off fighting the war—doggedly defended it against antiroyalist forces in a 3-year siege. But Mary was given up by members of her entourage and captured, and the castle was toppled into the craggy heap you see now—another betrayal to end its story.

Nowadays the remains of Corfe Castle are preserved as a Scheduled Ancient Monument by the UK—but that status might not be all that's protecting the site. Reports of children's sobs echoing through the air, unexplained flickering lights, and—most notoriously—the headless apparition of a white-clad woman have some believing specters of a millennium past still haunt the ruin.


