



以下是Global Times (Metro Shanghai)近期刊登的一篇評論,配有中文翻譯。

Which is more right in society: work to live or live to work?

Do we have to work to live or live to work? How many times has this sentence been heard and what is the right answer? Since humanity created the first societies, it was understood that we needed to work to receive services, but we often forget that work is needed to allow us to have the money to carry on our passions. Work creates stress that has been recognized as a real disease; if our brain is not relaxed it risks getting sick.


In Europe, we know that the people from East Asia are great workers, especially in the three most powerful nations: China, Japan and South Korea. When I first came to China, I was pleasantly surprised by the difference between Chinese and European workers in small shops and I carefully watched how Chinese people approached the work.


I remember it was a cold winter but all of the shop's doors were wide open, the workers were on the sidewalk and only those who did a job that was possible to sit down had a small heater to warm their legs. This surprised me a lot, but I soon realized that with this method they immediately created a direct relationship with the potential buyer who first observes how the worker prepares the product or performs the service and then eventually buys it.


In Europe, we are enclosed in our comfortable and heated shops and often we work in the back room, so we have perhaps a more detached relationship with the customers. In China I often stop to browse among bakers who prepare youtiao, fried dough strips served for breakfast, in the morning, cooks who make noodles or shoemakers who fix shoes.


In beautiful, crowded Shanghai, the work is different because this is an international and super-modern city. Here the work has evolved, so many jobs are related with computer technology, with fashion, with high-class restaurants or with architecture. My wife has worked in Shanghai for a long time and has become an important manager of her company. I'm very proud of her and her salary is really good, but there are some downsides.


Having to manage many people, when we are walking or on vacation, she has to leave for an hour or two to send messages, reply to e-mails and share data with her collaborators. Otherwise, I'm a simple employee, I have a normal salary that satisfies me and I don't aim to become a senior manager. This is because I have lots of hobbies and I can not bear that my work comes between me and what I like.


Who is right? Strangely, both of us, because we both love our jobs. An old saying says "Choose a job you love, and you'll never have to work a day in your life." One day, after I complained that my wife spent too much time with her eyes on her smartphone, she told me: "I want to be the best and to be the best you have to work hard."


I have the same opinion, but I think it is always necessary to set priorities. Work can not come before the needs of the children or a phone call to our parents or even just a sunset on the West Lake in Hangzhou of East China's Zhejiang Province. Lately, too many people look at their phones during dinner at a restaurant, and this is very sad.


People who work too much are called workaholics or "Stakhanovites." This word comes from Aleksei Grigoryevich Stakhanov, a miner in the 1930s, based on a method to increase the speed of coal mining. He was a hero in the former Soviet Union and an example to follow because work can make us proud and satisfied.

工作太多的人被稱作工作狂或者"Stakhanovites"。這是一個來自於20世紀30年代的一位礦工Aleksei Grigoryevich Stakhanov基於提高採煤速度的一種方法提出的詞。他是前蘇聯的英雄,是一個值得效仿的榜樣,因為工作可以讓我們感到驕傲和滿足。

But we must not forget the alarming fact of the 2000s, the progressive increase of guolaosi (those who died from too much work).


So, to answer the question at the beginning of the article, I have chosen and I am lucky to be able to work to live and I spend the rest of the time to enjoy my life.




原文:Davide D’Ambrosi

翻譯:Zhou Xinyu

圖:Chen Xia、網絡