Springer Nature評選的“改變世界”的論文:區塊鏈技術及其在教育中的潛在應用,作者近在身邊


Exploring blockchain technology and its potential applications for education

Guang Chen, Bing Xu, Manli Lu and Nian-Shing Chen


Blockchain is the core technology used to create the cryptocurrencies, like bitcoin. As part of the fourth industrial revolution since the invention of steam engine, electricity, and information technology, blockchain technology has been applied in many areas such as finance, judiciary, and commerce. The current paper focused on its potential educational applications and explored how blockchain technology can be used to solve some education problems. This article first introduced the features and advantages of blockchain technology following by exploring some of the current blockchain applications for education. Some innovative applications of using blockchain technology were proposed, and the benefits and challenges of using blockchain technology for education were also discussed.


Blockchain, Educational evaluation, Instructional design, Learning is earning

論文發表於:Smart Learn. Environments. (2018) 5: 1
