澳派荣获 2018 AILA 昆士兰景观建筑设计大奖

ASPECT Studios 澳派布里斯班工作室又传来获奖好消息, 斯卡伯勒滨海公园南区升级设计项目荣获 2018 年昆士兰景观建筑设计之公园与开放空间类别大奖。

Fantastic news for our Brisbane studio! Scarborough Beach Park Southern Upgrade has won a 2018 AILA QLD Landscape Architecture Award under the Parks and Open Space Category.


Our strategic design thinking, leadership and collaboration with client Moreton Bay Regional Council, has resulted in a sea side experience that is generating vitality, civic pride and social interaction; creating an inviting and active space, packed with play opportunities.


The design has injected new life into a much-loved foreshore park by bringing together the community’s needs and enhancing the connection to two majestic Moreton Bay fig trees. Public space is at its best when connection, identity, wellbeing and liveability all align together, creating a sense of place with expanded opportunities for all walks of life.

#AILAQLDAWARDS2018 #ASPECTStudiosBrisbane # ScarboroughBeachPark

Winners announced: 2018 Queensland Landscape Architecture Awards