

Oh my life is changing everyday,in every possible way 哦,我的生活時時變幻 光怪陸離 And though my dreams never quite as it seems 儘管我的夢 從不像它看起來的那樣 Because it came from you 因為它源自於你。——《Dreams》夢
Then I open up and see, The person fumbling here is me 當我張開雙眼,發現那追夢人正是自己 A different way to be 陌生又熟悉 I want more Impossible to ignore 這個夢縈繞心頭,揮之不去 And they'll come true 相信它們終會成真。——《Dreams》夢
So understanding and so kind You're everything to me 你善解人意又體貼溫柔 你就是我的一切 'cause you're a dream to me 只因你是我的夢中人。——《Dreams》夢
another head hangs lowly, child is slowly taken    又一顆頭顱低垂,孩子們正逐漸死去    And the violence caused such silence    狂暴怎會帶來靜謐 Who are we mistaken    我們之中誰是罪魁禍首?——反戰歌曲《Zombie》“劊子手”
With their tanks, and their bombs  And their bombs, and their guns    用他們的坦克大炮,用他們的鋼槍銅彈! In your head, in your head they are cryin`    在你的頭腦之中,人們在哭喊 Zombie, Zombie,Zombie    劊子手,劊子手,劊子手——《Zombie》“劊子手”
Another mother`s breaking heart is taken over    又一位母親的心已破碎,你把她的靈魂奪走    When the violence causes silence 當暴行引起死寂 We must be mistaken 我們全都是罪魁禍首。——《Zombie》“劊子手”
It is a lovely thing that we have 這是我們所擁有的美好事情 It is a lovely thing, the animal instinct 母性是最美好的事情,是動物的本能 So take my hands and come with me 牽著我的手,跟我來。——《Animal Instinct》“動物本能”
When I think of yesterday How could I let things Get to me so bad?  就像發生在昨天,那個回憶為何如此悲傷?  How did I let things get to me?  讓我如此難以忘卻?  Like dying in the sun  彷彿在陽光下消散。——《Dying In The Sun》
Will you hold on to me I'm feeling frail 你還會抱緊我嗎?當我感到無力  Will you hold on to me We will never fail  你還會抱緊我嗎?讓我們不離不棄。 I wanted to be so perfect Like dying in the sun  我曾期望變得完美,彷彿在陽光下消散.Dying In The Sun