

Quin Snyder once called a timeout to simply glare at his team in silence. They had just given up a 10-0 run to the T-Wolves. After the silent treatment the Jazz went on a 16-2 run to win the game.


[–]Shauerkraut 342 指標 8小時前

“It’s shit like this that makes me put on a mask at night and become the Scarecrow.”


[–]TimberwolvesJerome_Eugene_Morrow 554 指標 8小時前

To be fair, giving up a 10+ point lead in the fourth quarter is like 75% of Wolves games.


[–][LAL] Jose Calderonvictor396 115 指標 8小時前

The Thunder reached the WCF doing that in the reg season. Have some faith.

I know it ended in a 3-1 joke but it was quickly overshadowed.



[–]ThunderETERNAL_DALMATIAN 55 指標 5小時前

That Finals comeback relegated our embarrassment to a merciful obscurity, a forgotten piece of trivia overshadowed by an even bigger fuckup. For that, I will always remember the 2015-2016 Cavs as a blessing.


[–][BOS] E'Twaun Moorepokexchespin 1849 指標 8小時前

Honestly, this doesn’t even need an article linked, I just believe it without one


[–]Jazzbroseph-smith 854 指標 8小時前

In another game against OKC, Quin got a tech for screaming “WAKE UP” repeatedly at the team while looking absolutely terrifying. The Jazz immediately after went on a 12-2 run.


[–]Mavericksthrowaway25813 1012 指標 8小時前

In another game, the Jazz were down by 14, and so Quin called a time out and had everyone stand in pentagram formation with him in the center. After Quin single handedly slayed the demon that was summoned, the Jazz went on a 17-2 run immediately after.


[–]Jazzbroseph-smith 153 指標 7小時前



[–][UTA] Derrick Favors------dudpool------ 160 指標 7小時前

How do you not remember that game versus the Blazers bro(seph)? He even got a tech for all the vitreous green blood that got everywhere and caused a delay of game.


[–]PelicansLouLouis 207 指標 7小時前

In another game Synder called a time out just to draw up an out of time out play and reiterate what they needed to do in order to win the game. The Jazz then went on a 36-33 run to lose the game


[–]Knickskamicozzy 107 指標 4小時前

Ty Lue once called a timeout to simply ask his team where his lozenge went. They had just given up a 10-0 run to the Warriors. After finding his lozenge, the Cavs went on a 2-16 run to lose the game.


[–][ORL] Jonathan Isaacandrew2018022 115 指標 8小時前

I love this dude, he’s my favorite coach in the league


[–]Jazzhelix400 112 指標 7小時前

Here is another time where he chews out and stares down Gobert during a timeout.


[–]Bucksmastersergeant98 111 指標 7小時前

Jesus does Gobert flinch and not look him in the eyes? Snyder is a fucking terrifying man.


[–]Mexican_Anaconda 250 指標 8小時前

I mean, imagine sitting in a huddle and seeing this.


[–]Lakerstumtumpot 114 指標 7小時前

As if Jim Carrey and Willem Dafoe had kid together


[–]Battlemaster123 25 指標 8小時前

That's nightmare inducing


[–][UTA] Dell CurryDeathBySuplex 53 指標 8小時前

It’s better in context.

Utah was up by like 40.., in the preseason



[–]Knicksanditcounts 195 指標 8小時前

Gigantic grown-ass athletes are terrified of this man


[–][MIL] Corey MaggetteGreekYeet 84 指標 8小時前

I mean if he stared at me like that I’d play like my life depended on it


[–]CelticsMartin5hkreli 40 指標 7小時前

Quin is a bad motherfucker.


[–][NYK] Frank Ntilikinaaoifhasoifha 58 指標 7小時前

Pop's done the exact same before, except in his own way- I can't find the clip right now but he was mic'ed up during a timeout and he basically just said "you know exactly what you're doing wrong, you're goddamn professionals. Now go out and execute." Meanwhile Quin Snyder communicates that by radiating pure anger.


The common theme here though is that they're both well coached, well disciplined teams- they really do know exactly how they're fucking up because they're well coached but even smart, disciplined, and working players sometimes need a little change of pace (and/or slap in the face) to get them locked in and focused again.


That glare is basically Quin Snyder's way of saying 'FUNDAMENTALS YOU IDIOTS, WE'VE BEEN DRILLING THIS ALL FUCKING SEASON', and he's right- it's little things like not being lazy when settings screen or closing out, not settling for a low percentage mid range shot early in the clock in a subconscious attempt to save energy, making sure to box out or run the floor hard every time. They're professionals and they know that (and they also know that shit doesn't fly in Utah and San Antonio) so sometimes a glare is all that's required.

那種怒視基本上就是斯奈德來表達“基 本 功 啊!你 們 這 群 傻 逼,我 們 TM 一 整 個 賽 季 都 在 反 復 演 練 這 些!”,而且他是對的,都在細節方面:當需要做掩護或者撲防出手球員時別犯懶、在進攻回合還剩不少時間時不要為了節省體力而滿足於低命中率的中投、確保自己知道卡位、每次攻防轉換都要用力朝前跑……他們是職業運動員,他們也懂這些細節(而且他們也知道,如果犯了以上的錯誤,那爵士和馬刺這樣的隊根本不可能容忍),所以有時候球隊需要的就只是一個怒視。

[–][LAL] Josh HartNaciremaBlack 58 指標 8小時前

If only my parents did this


[–]JazzAshotep 73 指標 5小時前

I've done it once to my kids. They all knew why I was staring at them, they are started to act like it was a joke. 3 minutes later they were all looking at the ground and completely silent. Only then did I ask..."do I need to say anything?" they all mumbled no. I never had a problem with what they were doing at the time again.


A few years later one of them admitted to me that it creeped them all out and made them feel super guilty. They would have rather I yelled.


My second most effective punishment/please change your behavior move is to not yell or get mad. It's to simply and calmly state "I'm disappointed in you, you know better". Then I just walk away. It's been very effective.


These approaches only work if your relationship with your children is based on respect and trust however. If its a more dictator/subject type relationship I don't think it would work that well.
