
2018年2月1日 第三十八期

新签约WME | IMG 巍美与中国大陆首位葡萄酒大师赵凤仪和她的丈夫杜慕康正式签约。赵凤仪曾担任多个国际大赛裁判,如墨尔本皇家葡萄酒大赛、智利葡萄酒年度大奖赛以及南非 Old Mutual 大奖赛等。同时,她还是原创葡萄酒美食旅行节目《品·尝中国WOKnWINE》的主持人,探寻中国美食与葡萄酒的完美结合。此前,她还在 CNN 关于中国葡萄酒专题中担任评论员。赵凤仪和杜慕康是中国最成功的红酒教育公司之一--北京龙凤美酒顾问公司的创始人,该公司是大陆地区唯一面授 WSET 四级课程的机构。WME | IMG 巍美将在中国积极拓展他们在生活方式、娱乐等领域的合作,提升其商业价值。

New SigningsWME | IMG China has signed the first China-based master of wine Fongyee Walker and her husband Edward Ragg. Fongyee has been a guest international judge for such shows as the Royal Melbourne Wine Show, AWOCA (Wines of Chile), and the Old Mutual Trophy South Africa. She is also the presenter of WoknWine exploring wine and Chinese food matching and has appeared as a commentator on Chinese Wine on CNN. Fongyee and Edward are the founder of Dragon Phoenix Fine Wine Consulting, one of China's most successful wine education companies, providing the only taught WSET Level 4 in Mainland China. WME | IMG China will help expand their business value in lifestyle, entertainment and more fields in China.

高尔夫球员IMG 签约球员火热开启2018新赛季。世界第一冯珊珊在刚结束的 LPGA 揭幕战纯丝巴哈马精英赛上获得并列第三,保住世界第一的宝座;以新人身份出战的刘钰获得并列21的好成绩。林希妤在澳巡巴拉腊特偶像职业-业余配对赛中,用胜利开启2018新赛季。

Golf ClientsAt PureSilk-Bahamas LPGA Classic, IMG client Shanshan Feng finished with T3, keeping the World No. 1 place, and Yu Liu finished with T21 at her LPGA debut. Meanwhile, IMG client Xiyu Lin took the victory at the ALPG Ballarat Icons Pro Am.

携程&CBA联赛合作 1月30日,中篮联(北京)体育有限公司(简称“CBA 公司”)与携程旅行在上海源深体育馆正式签约,宣布携程旅行成为中国男子篮球职业联赛(简称“CBA 联赛”)2017-2018赛季的官方合作伙伴,双方将在未来积极携手、共同推动 CBA 联赛以及中国篮球事业的发展。中国篮协主席、CBA 公司董事长姚明、携程旅行高级副总裁孙波出席签约仪式。

Ctrip& CBA PartnershipOn January 30th, the Chinese Basketball Association (CBA) & Ctrip held a press conference to announce their partnership in Yuanshen Stadium. Yao Ming, President of the Chinese Basketball Association and CBA Company, and Sun Bo, Senior Vice President of Ctrip, attended the press conference.

网球球员 在刚刚落幕的澳大利亚网球公开赛上,IMG 签约球员、16岁的深圳姑娘王欣瑜与中国台北选手梁恩硕的组合,在青少年赛女子双打决赛中战胜对手夺冠。这是王欣瑜首座大满贯青少年赛冠军。

Tennis Client IMG client Xinyu Wang won the Australian Open Junior Girls' Doubles final with her partner Enshuo Liang. This is her first Junior Grand Slam Champion.

格莱美奖项 1月29日,第60届格莱美颁奖礼在美国纽约麦迪逊广场花园体育馆揭晓。在本届格莱美中,WME 旗下艺人共获格莱美47类奖项的提名,最终 WME 巨星共夺得26项大奖,包括“火星哥”布鲁诺·马尔斯、肯德里克·拉马尔、唐纳德·格洛沃以及 The Weeknd 等。

Grammy Awards The 60th Grammy Awards took place at Madison Square Garden in New York City, marking the first time the show has been held outside of Los Angeles since 2004. WME clients, who received nominations in 47 Grammy Awards categories, won 26 awards, including wins for Bruno Mars, Kendrick Lamar, Childish Gambino and The Weeknd.

奥斯卡金像奖 多位 WME 巨星提名奥斯卡金像奖,其中更是囊获了最佳影片奖项的每一个提名。我们的代理范围包括了从《敦刻尔克》、《水形物语》和 Endeavour Content 的《请以你的名字呼唤我》等电影的演员和创作人才,到代理电影《幽冥端绪》的编辑和服装设计师。

Academy Awards Dozens of WME clients are nominated for Academy Awards or are associated with nominated projects, including every nominee for Best Picture. Our involvement ranges from representing talent and creators of films like "Dunkirk," “The Shape of Water” and Endeavor Content's "Call Me By Your Name" to representing editors and costume designers for films like "Phantom Thread".

超模新闻 IMG 旗下超模艾什莉·格林汉姆与盖尔·加朵一同成为露华浓的全球品牌大使,是首位成为主流彩妆品牌大使的大码模特。此次代言官宣与露华浓的 Live Boldly 活动一同发布。Art + Commerce 负责本次艾什莉代言活动的拍摄。

Model N

ewsAshley Graham was named a global brand ambassador for Revlon alongside Gal Gadot, becoming the first curve model to serve in that role for a major beauty brand. The announcement came alongside the launch of Revlon's Live Boldly campaign. Art + Commerce shot Ashley's campaign images.

阿布扎比汇丰锦标赛2018阿布扎比汇丰锦标赛的到场观众数量相比2017年增长了11%。IMG 负责举办和推广年度赛事,同时 IMG LIVE 团队首次为冠军村进行设计和制作,通过多个营销活动,粉丝互动量增长了49%。

ABU DHABI HSBC ChampionshipThe 2018 Abu Dhabi HSBC Championship generated record crowd attendance—up 11% from 2017. IMG is responsible for staging and promoting the annual event while IMG LIVE for the first time designed and produced the Championship Village, reporting a 49% increase in fan engagement year over year across all activations.


关于 Endeavor

Endeavor 集团(原 WME | IMG)在全球30多个国家和地区经营娱乐、体育及时尚业务,为全球业界领导者,是《财富》杂志世界最重要25家私人企业之一。Endeavor 旗下拥有众多在各自领域领先的子公司,包括 WME、IMG 和 UFC 等。Endeavor 的专长包括运动员代理和管理;品牌营销、赞助招商和品牌授权;版权销售;赛事运营和管理,以及体育培训和体育联盟开发。

关于 WME | IMG 巍美

WME | IMG 巍美是 Endeavor 集团(原 WME | IMG)的子公司,Endeavor 在全球30余个国家经营娱乐、体育及时尚业务,为全球业界领导者。WME | IMG 巍美得到了红杉资本、腾讯、分众传媒以及方源资本的共同投资,以公司在中国过去数十年的耕耘为基础,致力于扩大 Endeavor 在中国的影响力及业务合作,推动公司在娱乐及体育领域的全方位发展。