
嗨,大家好!我是海沃德。我想告訴所有關心我的中國球迷們我的近況。休賽期馬上就要結束了,我回到了波士頓為新賽季做準備。我的腳踝比去年這個時候好太多了。我無比期待新的賽季上場打5V5的比賽。中國球迷們,我已經完全康復!準備好開啟屬於我們的新賽季了!我的家人也都很幸福,就像我帽子上寫的,爸爸很開心,很高興又快迎來另一個寶貝女兒的誕生了,我的生活真的太幸福了。我的一切都很好,我會很快再和你們見面的,拜拜!Hey guys, what’s up! It’s Gordon Hayward here from the Boston Celtics. Just want to update you guys over in China. The off-season is just about over here. I’m back in Boston and gearing up for this year. My ankle feels so much better than it did this time last year. So I’m really getting excited for the season, playing 5 on 5.So… Trying to work my way back, trying to work my way back!My family is good, as you can see, Daddy’s always happy, fond of having another girl, so life is good. Everything is good. And I will catch up with you guys later. See you!