
ESPN主持人Max Kellerman表示:“如果庫裡保持健康,他就是這支球隊(勇士)唯一不可替代的一環。如果庫裡保持健康,球隊就有奪冠機會。因為,球隊的其他部分都可以被各種組合匹配或者找到差不多水平的替代品,但是庫裡不行。”

[Max Kellerman] "If Steph stays healthy, he's the only non-replaceable part on that team. If Steph stays healthy, they got a shot because every other part you can mix and match and bring in an approximation for, can't do that with Steph."

[–]Big_guy26 1126 指標 11小時前

I’m not a GSW fan, but I think in a weird way, Curry has actually become underrated. Lol that sounds crazy, but the things he brings to a team is just so unique and incredible.


[–]Raptorsfabrar 450 指標 10小時前

This is absolutely true. Since KD arrived, Curry has taken a backseat to try and integrate him into the team and make sure the chemistry develops (another superlative aspect about him as a player that gets overlooked, he's not selfish at all for being a top-tier, prime-cut superstar).


Couple that with a lot of new and exciting players as well as juicy off-season drama, people seem to have forgotten how otherworldly this dude was in his unanimous MVP season. Even now he's the engine that makes GSW run.


[–]SpursATXBeermaker 210 指標 9小時前

Since KD arrived, Curry has taken a backseat to try and integrate him into the team and make sure the chemistry develops

Because unlike KD, Curry doesn't have a massive chip on his shoulder and an inferiority complex.



[–]CavaliersKayFeldersAlt 180 指標 8小時前

I honestly think Curry does have a huge chip. I just don't think he is an off-putting person.


[–]ParadoxLover 74 指標 7小時前

Curry had a chip his whole career. Even after his MVP seasons, old/new players, analysts, and fans still underrate him. Difference is KD feels entitled to being considered the best and gets bothered more by what others think.


I really hope he explodes this season after not getting the finals MVP. Honestly if you look at his defense and offensive contributions in most of the games in the WCF and finals, he played better than KD.


[–][PHI] Allen Iversonphilla12345678 994 指標 12小時前

Agreed. He is the leader of the greatest assembled team and arguably the greatest shooter of all time.


[–][TOR] Pops Mensah-Bonsushakattack917 1402 指標 12小時前

Lmao it's not arguable anymore mate


[–]Celticsjgr79 595 指標 12小時前

Saying “it’s not arguable” doesn’t even really do it justice. He’s so far above anyone else who has ever played.


[–][TOR] Pops Mensah-Bonsushakattack917 472 指標 12小時前

Basically like saying Gretzky is arguably the greatest hockey player lol


[–]Celticsjgr79 217 指標 12小時前

That’s really the best comparison. The only debate is who’s in second place.


[–][PHI] Tony WrotenDramDemon 109 指標 12小時前

Not even really a debate. It’s Ray


[–]Celticsjgr79 204 指標 11小時前

Adjusting for era I think Reggie should get some discussion. And adjusting down for era, Klay should also get discussion.


[–][PHI] Tony WrotenDramDemon 119 指標 11小時前

Adjusting for era hurts Klay. He shoots as much as he does because of the era he’s in, and has the spacing he does because of the team he’s on.

You’re right about Reggie, but I still think Ray having done what he did through multiple teams and so many years is the greater shooter.



[–]WarriorsScheminScout 222 指標 11小時前

Look, the proof is there, and people still argue this.

We all know before KD the team worked. 73 wins, etc. Success without KD has happened.

Now some of you guys may have missed it, but when curry was out for stretches last year this ball club has issues. It turns into a lot of iso. That beautiful brand of ball you're accustomed to watching stops.




As a fan, it was frustrating to watch their offense stall so consistently without Curry. KD is a safety net - but he is not the core of this team, nor is he the most valuable.


[–]CelticsBrassTaxWax 90 指標 11小時前

No shit, the entire team’s been molded around Steph for the last 4 or 5 years.

If you replace him with another All-Star point guard, the Warriors with Durant, Draymond, and Klay are still gigantic title favorites.



[–]RaptorsMrkGrn 308 指標 12小時前

I mean, we saw last year what that team looks like without him, that's Steph's team.


[–]SupersonicsScizzurp 92 指標 12小時前*

True but a part of that is how the team is constructed and how they play. They don't really have someone to be an approximation of Steph. Iggy and bell can do a better job filling in for KD/Draymond (injuries) than Livingston/Cook for Curry. Curry helps them play faster on offense and provides unrivaled spacing.


[–]Warriorsby_yes_i_mean_no 329 指標 12小時前

Draymond is irreplaceable too imo.


[–][BOS] Marcus SmartJackTheBaus 296 指標 12小時前

There's not many 6'6" wings who are a natural 4, can defend and rebound against 7 foot centers while also being able to be the primary defender on some point guards who also happens to be an above average ball handler and passer, especially in transition


[–]rajistheman69420 123 指標 12小時前

Absolutely, and that is an understatement. I wish more people outside of the warriors fan base understood how valuable draymond is to that franchise, he is also extremely underrated on offense being that; he sets screens on and off ball, he is a gifted and willing passer, his strength allows him to shield defenders for drives in the lane, and he can stretch the floor.


[–][BOS] Marcus SmartJackTheBaus 87 指標 11小時前

I became a fan of his after seeing how smart of a player he was his rookie year. I've got a soft spot for guys who give 150% and have the brains to understand the game on so many different levels
