
The Athletic記者Kelly Iko(火箭跟隊寫手)曾於今年2月23日發表過這樣一個推文:唐斯在球員通道里非常沮喪,走回更衣室的途中砸了下牆。森林狼的某個球員大喊“阿唐差不多行了,別特麼娘們唧唧的!”

而在今天,Kelly Iko轉推並評論了自己的原推特,揭露這個球員正是吉米-巴特勒。

[Kelly Iko] KAT extremely upset in the tunnel, slams the wall heading into the locker room. Someone with the Wolves yells “KAT come on, quit being a f***ing p***y!” [It] was Jimmy Butler

[–]LakersJoeKool23 180 指標 6小時前

God dammit here’s another meme that’s gonna be used to death by tomorrow


[–]CelticsBrad-Stevens 2630 指標 7小時前

This is gonna be a new meme, isn't it?


[–][LAL] Kobe BryantDread- 287 指標 7小時前

fire up the presses, boys. We got fresh pasta back on the menu!


[–][SAS] Francisco Elson8coffeesandcounting 2128 指標 7小時前*

LeBron extremely upset in the tunnel, slams whiteboard heading in the locker room. Someone with the Cavs yells, "LeBron come on, quit being a f****** p***y!" [It] was JR Smith.


[–]Pacerscactopus101 1231 指標 7小時前

LeBron extremely upset in the tunnel, slams the wall heading into the locker room. Someone with the Cavs yells “Bron come on, we won the game!” [It] was J.R. Smith.


[–]LordPoopturd 877 指標 7小時前

LeBron extremely upset in the tunnel, booms whiteboard heading in the locker room. Someone with the Cavs yells, "We got an expletive squad now!" [It] was JR Smith.


[譯註1]:expletive squad梗出處:[美國JRs之聲]騎士大換血起死回生上下一心,美JRs興奮不已將全隊YY成同人小說

[–]NBACall_Down_For_What 628 指標 7小時前*

[Broussard] LeBron is beside himself. Walking around the locker room begging (thru texts) JR Smith for the location of a whiteboard. LeBron added JR Smith to the list of players he plans to fucking boom next offseason.


[譯註2]:Chris Broussard,ESPN記者,以爆料頻率高且錯誤量大著稱。在報道獨行俠追求小喬丹的新聞上出現了嚴重造謠現象,稱“庫班現在很癲狂,滿城開著車找小喬丹,並通過短信像他的家人詢問小喬丹的住址”。後來被庫班本人打臉。

[–]Thunderryanadamj 262 指標 6小時前

Ay, P! They said I gotta quit being a f****** p***y!



[–]Cavalierseldusto84 142 指標 6小時前


謝 謝 你![譯註4]

[譯註4]:倫納德寫給馬刺的感謝信中的THANK YOU梗,由於過於敷衍而被網友們調侃。

[–]NBAButtCrackFTW 215 指標 7小時前

“He got me,” Butler said of KAT. "That f***ing p***y boomed me." Butler added, “He’s such a f***ing p***y,” repeating it four times. He then said he wanted to add KAT to the list of players he works out with this summer.



[–]CelticsDNPOld 285 指標 7小時前

Trevor Ariza extremely upset in the tunnel, slams the door heading into the Clippers locker room. Someone with the Rockets yells, "Austin Rivers come on, quit being a f****** p***y!" [It] was Chris Paul.


[–][GSW] Klay Thompsonfrogman636 180 指標 7小時前

Hello, police??? This is Blake Griffin, I need you to send someone down here, Chris Paul is tryna beat me up!



[–]PistonsShiftz 299 指標 7小時前

Iko knew what he was cooking up when he posted this, no doubt


[–]Heatmohammadali916 1804 指標 7小時前

Mmmm you smell that boys?

Fresh pasta



[–]Heatred_right_hand_ 371 指標 7小時前

Jimmy fucking boomed him


[–]Raptorschicogarciamarquez 533 指標 7小時前

quit being a fucking pussy x4


[–]RaptorsBobaximus 673 指標 7小時前

“The tunnel got him,” Butler said of KAT's tantrum. “That f---king tunnel boomed him.” Butler added, “KAT come on, quit being a f---king p---y,” repeating it four times. He then said he wanted to add KAT to the list of players he doesn't want to play with after the summer.


[–]posiitively 669 指標 7小時前

Kawhi extremely upset in the tunnel, slams the wall heading into the locker room. Someone with the Spurs yells “Kawhi come on, my injury was 100x worse than yours!” [It] was Tony Parker.


[–]Wizardsireddit270 95 指標 7小時前

Kevin Durant extremely upset in the tunnel, slams the wall heading into the locker room. Someone with the Warriors yells “KD come on, quit being a f*** ing p***y!”

[It] was Joe Lacob


[–]BullsJoonWick 81 指標 7小時前

Kevin Durant extremely upset in the tunnel, slams the wall heading into the locker room. Kevin Durant yells “KD come on, quit being a f*** ing p***y!”

[It] was Kevin Durant


[–]dropdatdurkadurk 889 指標 7小時前

If I remember correctly wasn't this the night Jimmy Butler got hurt. Not that it matters just kinda weird in hindsight to think about how this happened and Butler got hurt literally only minutes later


[–]illuminanthi77 733 指標 7小時前

ESPN: KAT injures jimmy butler for calling him a pussy


[–]dropdatdurkadurk 161 指標 7小時前

Sources: Jimmy Butler reportedly used very hostile aggressive language towards KAT and caused a massive rift saying words never ever spoken in an NBA locker room before.


[–][OKC] Kyle SinglerA_Lax_Nerd 88 指標 7小時前

What's the context here?


[–][BOS] Larry BirdNYGiantsBCeltics 109 指標 7小時前

February 23rd was Wolves at Houston. Judging by their statlines, Capela was dominating KAT on both sides of the ball.


[–]Raptorspoopsmith666 194 指標 7小時前

No one cares to discuss it apparently. Only repeating how this is gonna become a meme 5000 times.


[–][GSW] JaVale McGeeashwinr136 120 指標 6小時前

Ay P they said I gotta provide meaningful discussion on r/nba


[Sang] Hoo boy. Scoop just confirmed what I think we all suspected after the Shams report: KAT’s terms are specifically for Jimmy to be off the roster. So yeah, this ain’t about money. This is something crazy personal between them.


[Wojnarowski] I know the main crux of the issue is between Karl-Anthony Towns and Butler... and it was not addressed this summer.”


[–]TimberwolvesDjInsanityX 447 指標 3小時前

Is this real life?


[–]Raptorsneobowman 113 指標 3小時前

I love the NBA


[–]ColdWorldGotHotter 199 指標 3小時前

Well this makes it even easier lol trade jimmy asap


[–]TimberwolvesDrWolves 195 指標 3小時前

Hahahahaha I'm dying


[–][LAC] Reggie Evansdeepwebteddy 170 指標 3小時前

kat has ruined thibs’ timberbulls dream, he is now going to punish kat by making him play 55 minutes every game


[–]76erszaydb 569 指標 13小時前

Completing the TimberBulls by adding Noah is the obvious solution imo.


[–]KnicksMayorAvila 124 指標 12小時前

I agree.


[–]Celticsward0630 1122 指標 13小時前

Trade them both. This is Wiggins' team now.


[–]Raptorsmommathecat 491 指標 12小時前*


Edit: lol how the fuck this stupid comment gave 468 upvotes, y'all are wild.



[–]Nuggetsdmendo54 154 指標 11小時前

RIP the hype of the great Maple Jordan


[–]Timberwolvestimberwolvesguy 105 指標 10小時前

Honestly, that’s what pisses me off most about Wiggins. Dude had insane hype and has the athleticism and skill set to be a true baller. Instead, he’s being lazy and only focuses on offense.


[–][MIN] Tyus Jonespollinium 89 指標 11小時前

I of course want to be competitive. I'd love to see a title in my lifetime - preferably in my youth

but I would still have a lot of fun watching Wiggins on a garbage team again chucking up tons of shots and getting free dunk lanes since other teams are so far ahead they don't play defense



[–]TimberwolvescvKDean 130 指標 11小時前

Those were the glory days man. Wiggins as the go to man in 14-15. Also the season where Timberwolves Legend Mo Williams scored 52 on all jumpers against the Pacers, improving our record to 6-31.


[–]LakersLonzoBBBall[S] 270 指標 12小時前

I just don't understand how you have all summer to resolve this beef but you wait til September 18th?


[–]SupersonicsHaejang-guk 1418 指標 13小時前

Jimmy: "Play defense you lazy manbaby!"

KAT: "Lol no I'm a star I don't have to try on D"

Wiggins: "Damn straight”




[–][HOU] Hakeem Olajuwonkyotofly 891 指標 13小時前

Derrick Rose: “Man how am I the best player on this team?”


[–]Wizardsireddit270 397 指標 13小時前

Am I the only one who doesn't buy the idea that Karl Anthony Towns is supposedly "lazy" or doesn't care about the game , and that's the whole reason why Jimmy doesn't like him?

IMO there is more to the cause of this rift that isn't being talked about publicly. It feels like something personal outside of basketball..



[–]TimberwolvesDjInsanityX 145 指標 13小時前

I understand Jimmy being frustrated with KATs defense, but there’s gotta be more to this story. There’s a vast majority of bad defenders in the league and you don’t see them being attacked a star player on their team.

Why wouldn’t Thibs try to get this resolved sooner? This fails it’s on him. This fucking franchise.



[–]datway_ 134 指標 12小時前

Thibs is a bad coach and Jimmy seems like a toxic leader. Who creates drama like this with a 22 year old when you're the leader of this team and can directly talk and address it with him.


[–]CavaliersLassemomme 110 指標 12小時前

I think part of it is just Jimmy being Jimmy. He's a grinder and has a huge chip on his shoulder when it comes to believing himself to be a top player in the league. Sharp and Golliver talked about this on the open floor podcast that it's very hard to have Jimmy Butler on a team and not have him be "the guy", so to speak. He's simply a very dominant personality and seing a guy in KAT who has a similar impact without the exact same mindset could be bothering him.

我覺得一部分是巴特勒在做自己。他是個拼命奮鬥的人,肩膀上總是揹負著壓力,相信自己就是聯盟中的頂級球員。Sharp和Golliver在Open Floor播客節目中談到了這點,他們說當一支球隊擁有巴特勒的時候,很難不把他確立為“核心”。他這個人就是支配意識很強,看到唐斯這樣的能力和他相近但是意志力差距很大的人,他就不爽。

Thibs also plays a big part in this. Jimmy's mindset is a product of the culture Thibs cultivated in Chicago and he is partial to that kind of player, so I can definitely see why KAT could feel that the deck is sort of stacked against


[–][MIN] Karl-Anthony Townsogkilla24 235 指標 12小時前

Everything I’ve heard about KAT’s work ethic so far in his career has been amazing. KG was saying that KAT would be the first one in the gym and the last one out as a rookie and I remember various wolves beat writers saying that KAT and Lavine had incredible work ethics.


I also heard Jon Krawcynski say on a podcast yesterday that KAT works his ass off. Either Jimmys problem is with KAT’s approach on the court or there’s something personal between them.

我昨天還聽到Jon Krawcynski在播客節目中說唐斯練起球來很拼命。要麼巴特勒的不滿是針對唐斯在場上的打球方式,要麼兩人之間有什麼個人嫌隙。

[–][BOS] Robert Parishthehospitalbombers 71 指標 3小時前

Take this with a huge grain of salt, but here's a rumor that Jimmy stole KAT's girlfriend.



[Nick Wiggins] Wiggins' brother: "Hallelujah" about Butler's trade request.


[–]Celtics BandwagonPmmeauniqueusername[S] 486 指標 7小時前

Tried my best to not make it clickbait lol


[–]Raptorsneobowman 166 指標 7小時前

I don't think you had a choice lol.


[–][BOS] Paul Piercejoebos617 135 指標 7小時前

it ain't clickbait if you're literally quoting the only word he said in the tweet lmao


[–]Celtics BandwagonPmmeauniqueusername[S] 150 指標 7小時前

I mean I could say just wiggins and people would think actual wiggins


[–]WarriorsCyberSikh 80 指標 7小時前

Holy Shit! This is a full scale meltdown


[–][GSW] Draymond Greenselbbircs 32 指標 7小時前

He deleted it, anyone screenshot it?


[–]WarriorsRCizzle65 33 指標 6小時前

[–]CelticsJ-Brown 223 指標 7小時前

Jimmy Butler extremely upset in the tunnel, slams the wall heading into the locker room. Someone with the Wolves yells “Jimmy come on, quit being a fing p**y!” It was Nick Wiggins.


[–]Lakersedwardfortehands 1708 指標 7小時前*

lmao wtf is going on in Minnesota


[–]Timberwolvesmnslice 1283 指標 7小時前

Jimmy hates our young guys and our young guys hate Jimmy. It's so fucking weird.


[–][BOS] Kevin Garnettceltics090 742 指標 7小時前

Eh. Don't think it's that weird. Similar thing happened with Butler in Chicago.


[–]TimberwolvesDrWolves 1011 指標 7小時前

Cause Butler is the problem lol


[–][BOS] Kevin Garnettceltics090 622 指標 7小時前

He's created issues with his teammates in two cities now. Yes, he works hard, but it also seems like he is a poor leader that doesn't bring out the best in the guys he plays with.


[–]TimberwolvesDrWolves 528 指標 7小時前

He’s a terrible leader. Jimmy seems like one of those guys who is cool if he likes you but is an absolute dick if he doesn’t like you. Honestly, I’m ecstatic he’s not going to be on my fave team anymore. Peace


[–]MagicByrie_Swirving 873 指標 7小時前

The first stage of the grieving process ^


[–][BOS] Kevin Garnettceltics090 295 指標 7小時前

If I'm a Wolves fan I'm grieving for not having Lauri, Dunn, and Lavine, not for losing butler.


[–][MIN] Andrew WigginsTalkinLightPost 213 指標 6小時前

I can tell you something, I’m not grieving over not having to pay LaVine $80 million. Dunn is whatever. But Lauri is definitely the one we miss though.


[–]SunsBows_N_Hoes 100 指標 7小時前

Jimmy Butler was a double agent sent by Garpax.

He indoctrinated the wolves, turned them into the timberbulls, then throws a grenade and walks out without looking at the explosion.

Now he returns to Chicago to reap all the rewards.




Jimmy Butler responds to Andrew Wiggins’ brother


[–][DAL] Dirk NowitzkiRamRiz1302 74 指標 41 分鐘前

I love NBA pettiness


[–][LAC] Reggie Evansdeepwebteddy 46 指標 41 分鐘前

during the video, he says “keep that same energy”


[–][CHI] Lauri MarkkanenTheAnonymousUsername 41 指標 40 分鐘前

There's no way JB plays another game for MIN


[–]Wes*河蟹*llthegathering 16 指標 31 分鐘前

This guy hasn't left, and he's already burning bridges. Hopefully he doesn't burn the one that leads him out.


[–][SAS] Manu GinobiliTotal_Impasta 17 指標 42 分鐘前

Lmao I love this soap opera


[–]Timberwolveswolveskid 20 指標 40 分鐘前

Can't wait til we see Wiggins vs Jimmy.


[–]TimberwolvesDjInsanityX 26 指標 42 分鐘前

Petty as fuck. Goodluck new team.
