

[00:50.16]The One With The Blackout 六人行 第1季 第07集 纽约大停电

[01:40.58]This is so cool,you guys. The entire city's blacked out. 这简直是酷毙了 纽约大停电

[01:44.62]It's all of Manhattan. They have no idea... 我妈说是整个布鲁克林 外加部份曼哈顿和皇后区

[01:47.65]...when it's back on. 不知何时恢复电力

[01:49.72]-You guys,this is big. -Pants and a sweater. Why,Mom? -这可真是大停电 -裤子和毛衣,为什么,妈?

[01:54.49]Who will I meet in a blackout? 停电我能去见谁?

[01:57.80]Power-company guys? Eligible looters? 电力公司的人? 单身的趁火打劫之徒?

[02:01.60]-Can we talk about this later? Okay. -Can I borrow the phone? -以后再聊,好吗? -电话能借我吗?

[02:05.60]I wanna call my apartment and check on my grandma. 我想打回住处 确定我祖母是否安好

[02:09.31]What's my number? 等等,我的电话几号?

[02:12.38]I never call me. 我从未打电话给自己过

[02:15.91]Oh,my God! It's her. It's that Victoria 's Secret model. 天啊,是她 维多利亚的秘密(内衣品牌)的模特儿

[02:20.02]Something Goodacre. 叫…古亚克的

[02:21.52]Hi,Mom,it's Jill. 妈,我是洁儿

[02:23.09]She 's right. It's Jill. Jill Goodacre. Oh,my God! 没错,洁儿 洁儿.古亚克.天哪!

[02:27.89]I am trapped in an A TM vestibule with Jill Goodacre. 没想到我和洁儿.古亚克同时被困在提款机室

[02:32.90]Is it a vestibule? Maybe it's an atrium. 是小室还是正厅?

[02:36.30]Yeah,that is the part to focus on,you idiot. 那才是值得注意的对象,笨蛋

[02:41.07]I' m fine. I' m just stuck at the bank in an ATM vestibule. 对,我没事只是被困在银行提款机室

[02:45.31]Jill says vestibule, I'm going with vestibule. 洁儿说小室? 那我也说小室

[02:50.55]I' m fine. No,l' m not alone. 我没事,不,旁边有人

[02:54.39]I don't know,some guy. 我不认识,某人

[02:56.19]Oh,some guy. I am some guy. 某人?行,某人

[03:00.66]Jill,I saw you with some guy last night. 洁儿,我昨晚看见你和某人在一起

[03:03.60]Yes,he was some guy. 没错,他是某人.

[03:15.51]Hey,everyone. 各位

[03:23.68]Officiating at tonight's blackout is Rabbi T ribbiani. 今晚主持停电晚会的 是崔比安尼拉此

[03:30.76]Chandler's old roommate was Jewish. These are our only candles. 钱德的老室友是个犹太人 我们只剩这些蜡烛

[03:35.53]So happy Hanukkah! 祝各位光明节快乐

[03:38.86]Look! Ugly Naked Guy lit a bunch of candles. 瞧,丑陋裸男点燃点几根蜡烛

[03:49.64]That had to hurt! 一定很痛

[03:53.11]All right,all right! It's been 14 1/2 minutes... 已过了14分30秒

[03:56.18]...and you still haven 't said one word. God! ……你却连一字也没说

[03:59.22]Do something! Just make contact. Smile! 争气点,打破沈闷,微笑

[04:06.62]There you go. 效果不错

[04:11.93]You 're definitely scaring her. 算了吧,你正在吓她

[04:17.84]Hello? Oh,hi,Mom. 喂? 妈妈.

[04:21.54]Mom. 妈.

[04:23.34]Mom,you' re tripping! 妈妈,你内急!

[04:26.64]Dexter's a dog. The blackout's scaring him. 德特是一条狗 大停电把他吓坏了

[04:30.55]You'd pee in Dad's shoes too if you didn't know. 如果你不知道 你也可以尿在爸爸的鞋子里.

[04:35.65]All right,call me back. 好吧,给我回电话

[04:39.39]-Mothers. -Yeah. -妈妈. -是的.

[04:40.59]Attaboy! A word. 好小伙!一个词.

[04:43.76]That wasn 't so hard. Mothers. Yeah! 这样不坏.妈妈,是的!

[04:46.60]Mothers. Yeah! Perfect. 妈妈,是的!完美

[04:50.30]Don 't smile. 不要笑.

[04:53.54]Would you like to call somebody? 你需要给别人打电话吗?

[04:56.41]Yeah,about 300 guys I went to high school with. 是的,和我一起上大学的300个小伙

[05:05.42]Yeah,thanks. 是的,谢了.

[05:10.72]-Hello? -It's me. -你好? -是我

[05:12.39]-It's Chandler. Are you okay? -Yeah,l' m fine. -是钱德,你好吗? -我还好

[05:16.63]I' m stuck in an ATM vestibule... 我被困在提款机室...

[05:21.90]...with Jill Goodacre. 和洁儿吉亚克一起

[05:25.77]-What? -l' m stuck... -什么? -我被困在...

[05:29.64]...in an ATM vestibule... ...提款机室了...

[05:32.41]...with Jill Goodacre. ...和洁儿吉亚克一起

[05:35.85]I have no idea what you said. 我听不懂你在说什么

[05:37.92]Put Joey on the phone. 叫乔伊听电话

[05:43.19]-What's up,man? -l' m stuck... -怎么了? -我被困在...

[05:46.39]...in an ATM vestibule... ...提款机室了...

[05:49.53]...with Jill Goodacre! ...和洁儿吉亚克一起

[05:53.46]Oh,my God! 噢,我的天那

[05:54.87]He's trapped in an ATM vestibule with Jill Goodacre! 他和洁儿吉亚克被困在提款机室

[06:00.20]Chandler,listen. 钱德,听著…

[06:05.31]Like that thought never entered my mind. 别以为我没这个念头

[06:11.82]-Okay. -Somebody. 换人,快

[06:13.32]-I'll go. I'll go. -Okay. 好吧,换我

[06:15.29]Senior year of college, on a pool table. 大四在撞球台上

[06:19.69]-Pool table? -That's my sister. -撞球台上? -这就是我妹啦

[06:24.-3]Okay,my weirdest place would have to be... 我最奇怪的地方是在...

[06:27.77]...the women's room of the New York City Public Library. ...纽约市立图书馆二楼女厕

[06:32.77]Oh,my God! What were you doing in a library? 拜托,你去图书馆干什么

[06:37.84]-Pheebs,what about you? -Oh,Milwaukee. -菲此,你呢? -密尔瓦基

[06:47.02]It's a really weird place. 真是一个奇怪的地方.

[06:50.12]Ross? 罗斯?

[06:53.86]Disneyland,1 989. " It's a small world after all. " 迪士尼,1989年小小世界

[06:59.66]No way. 不可能…

[07:01.00]The ride broke down... 机器故障

[07:02.73]...so Carol and I went behind those mechanical Dutch children. 所以我和卡萝就到荷兰机器儿童后面

[07:08.21]We were asked never to return to the Magic Kingdom. 他们好死不死正巧修好机器… 从此他们禁止我们再到奇幻王国去

[07:15.68]Let's see,that leaves.... 好吧,只有……

[07:17.72]-Rachel? -Come on,I already went. -瑞秋? -拜托,我说过了

[07:20.62]-You did not go. -I did. -你才没那 -我说过了

[07:22.35]T ell us. Come on. 快点告诉我们

[07:24.49]All right,the weirdest place would have to be... 好吧,最奇怪的地方是...

[07:31.90]...the foot of the bed. ...床脚

[07:35.47]-Step back! -We have a winner! -一句 -我们今晚有优胜了

[07:46.84]This must be what the fridge looks like with the door closed. 这就是冰箱关上时候的样子

[07:51.78]Spooky. 恐怕.

[07:54.15]Anybody hungry? We got a Klondike...soup. 有人饿了吗?我们有科隆迪克……汤

[07:59.36]I've never had a relationship with that kind of passion. 我从来没有那种关系也没那种感受

[08:03.46]Where you have to have somebody even in a theme park. 在主题乐园中你忽然欲火中烧

[08:10.10]It was the only thing to do that didn't have a line. 当时只有这件事可做

[08:15.41]Barry wouldn't even kiss me on a miniature golf course. 巴瑞连在打迷你高尔夫时 也不肯亲我

[08:19.54]-Come on. -No. -不是吧 -是的

[08:20.81]He said we held up the people behind us. 他说这样会耽误后面的人

[08:24.22]You didn't marry him because...? 你逃婚的原因是…

[08:28.35]Do you think there are people that go through life... 你认为有人这辈子没有过那种…

[08:32.-3]... never having that kind of...? ……从来没有过……

[08:34.76]-Probably. -Really? -也许吧. -真的?

[08:36.56]I'll tell you something. Passion is way overrated. 但是我得告诉你 激情被过度重视.

[08:40.13]-Yeah,right. -lt is. -没错 -是的

[08:41.83]Eventually,it kind of burns out. 最后激情很快就退去

[08:44.77]But hopefully what you're left with is trust and security and.... 但双方仍保有信赖,安全感和...

[08:49.81]In my ex-wife's case, lesbianism. 以我前妻为例…女同志主义

[08:57.68]For those people who miss out on that passion thing... 因此,缺乏激情之人还是有……

[09:01.85]...there's other stuff. ……其他可取之处的

[09:05.46]-Okay. -But I don't think that'll be you. 但我想你不是那种人

[09:09.66]-You don't? -See,I see... -你认为我不是? -我...

[09:13.33]-... big passion in your future. -Really? -对你的未来将充满激情 -真的?

[09:17.44]-You do? -I do. -你真的这样认为 -没错

[09:19.44]Ross,you' re so great. 罗斯,你真是太了不起了

[09:32.15]It's never gonna happen. 不可能发生的

[09:41.19]-What? -You and Rachel. -什么? -你和瑞秋

[09:48.40]What? Me and Ra?

[09:52.57]Why not? 为什么?

[09:55.84]You waited too long to make your move... 因为你拖太久才行动

[09:58.54]...and now you' re in the "friend zone. " 现在只能待在“朋友区”

[10:02.71]-l' m not in the zone. -No,Ross. You' re mayor of the zone. -不,我没在朋友区 -罗斯,你是朋友区主席

[10:08.69]Look,l' m taking my time,all right? I' m laying the groundwork. 我在静观其变,行吗? 我正在为以后铺路

[10:13.29]Every day I get a little bit closer to 我每天往前推进一点

[10:16.36]Priesthood! 圣人

[10:19.33]I'm telling you,she has no idea what you're thinking. 告诉你,罗斯,她根本不知道你在想什么

[10:23.53]She just ran her fingers through my hair. 她刚刚用她的手指缕我的头发.

[10:27.14]-Were you missing that interaction? -No,no,no. -你怀念那种作用力吗? -不,不,不.

[10:30.94]This is running fingers through your hair,okay? 这才是缕你的头发.

[10:35.01]Now this is a tousle. 这不过是弄乱你的头发罢了.

[10:39.42]If you don't ask her out soon, you'll be in the zone forever. 如果再不快点约她出去 你将困在朋友区永远无法脱身

[10:44.56]I will,I will. I'm waiting for the right moment. 我会的 我只是在等恰当的时机


1.black out停电 black and white: 白纸黑字make black white颠倒黑白

2.Ross: I'm taking my time, alright? I'm laying the groundwork.

Yeah. I mean, every day I get just a little bit closer to...

Joey: Priesthood! Look Ross, I'm telling you, she has no idea

what you're thinking. If you don't ask her out soon you're going to end up

stuck in the zone forever.



(stuck是stick的过去式,停留在、卡在的意思,stuck in the zone forever:停留在朋友的区间了)

I'm just stuck at the bank, in an ATM vestibule(我被关在银行ATM机的房间里了)

3.vestibule 玄关,门厅,前厅

4.idiot白痴 ['idiet]

She always makes a mess of things; she's a prize idiot她总是把事情弄糟;她是个不折不扣的大笨蛋.

5.officiate 主持主祭And officiating at

tonight's blackout, is Rabbi Tribbiani


7.Because you waited too long to make your move, and now you're

in the friend zone.因为你在行动前等得太长了,你们现在仍在朋友区.

8.his is so typical. I'm always the last one to know everything.老是这样,我老是最后一个知道

9.you had a crush on me? 你对我有意思?it wasn`t a

crush, it was a dent.不是有意思,是有点印象.

10.trample 践踏,轻视

11.damage control 亡羊补牢

12.I loathe myself.我鄙视自己.


14.owe欠I owe you one.我欠你一个人情.

15.the cat turned out to be Paolo's cat!那猫原来是他的

turned out被证明是,原来是


17.spooky ['spu:ki]幽灵一般的,有鬼一样的,令人毛骨悚然的

18.This probably isn't the best time to bring it up看来现在提出这事不是最好时机